Then he led Saratoga and Lexington into the lounge.

The ample space of the ship also makes the lounge more comfortable than Yukikaze's, and it also has other places for activities.

Lexington kept yawning along the way, expressing her sleepiness.

So much so that Wei An could see Lexington's increasingly carefree pace.

To do this he glanced at Saratoga.

As a good admiral, isn't this the time for him to show off?

"Let me help you walk."

Wei'an stepped forward and put his hand on Lexington's shoulder, making her body stiff, but she did not reject Wei'an's kindness.


This was also Wei An's little test of Lexington, and he felt a little happy when he saw that she didn't refuse.

Only Saratoga looked at the two people close to her with eyes filled with confusion.

She also wanted to help her sister, but she didn't expect Wei An to do it first. But she also thought that Lexington didn't refuse Wei An. Wouldn't it be troublesome for her to go up to help?

So she could only slowly slow down and walk beside them.

Seeing Lexington Vian with his head hanging down, holding on to this soft and delicate body, Vian was also a little nervous, but he reached the bed without waiting for him to think more.

He gently put her down, covered her with a thin quilt, and wanted to leave, but he felt his hand that had just been covered, and his fingers were being grasped by a cold, delicate and soft hand.

The naughty fingertips were still drawing circles in his palm.

His pupils trembled.

Of course he knew who had caught him.

Under his gaze, her fair and pretty face was gradually breathing steadily, and she was falling into a deep sleep, but the little hand she was hiding was very unsteady.

And he gently tried to pull it out but found that he couldn't move at all.

But Saratoga, who was standing behind Wei An, did not notice all this.

"Commander, do we want to stay here with my sister? Or should we continue watching first?"

Saratoga saw his sister sleeping soundly and wanted to take advantage of this time to take a good look at her sister's hull.

Looking at the peaceful"sleeping face", Wei An also wanted to leave, but now he definitely can't..The naughty wife wouldn’t let him go.

"Just stay here with your sister, just in time to have lunch."

After saying this, Wei An felt his little hand and drew a pattern in his palm. If he thought correctly, it was a love heart.

"Oh well."

She didn't suspect anything about Wei An staying beside Lexington's bed and just started observing the surroundings.

"Commander, is there anything you want to eat? It just so happens that the kitchen here can be used. When my sister wakes up, let her try my cooking."

"Just do what you're best at."

Vian, who has been tortured by Shropshire, already feels that his steel and iron stomach is omnipotent, and he is not afraid of Saratoga as long as it is not too outrageous.

And the better he is, the lower his rollover rate will be.

"Then, Commander, just look forward to it."

Being a Vian ship girl for so long, Saratoga has yet to show off her cooking skills. After all, she has a more versatile sister. There is also Yixian, who usually doesn't talk much but is surprisingly good at cooking.

Even what... Luopjun was working as a cook for her every day.

As for why Yixian became their cook, she also wanted to do something for her admiral because she didn't want to just stay in her room quietly and read every day. The other two more heartless girls did not have this consciousness.

After all, her country was once a poor country, and her living environment was not very good, so she was also a girl who knew how to run a house. Although her ability is limited now, he wants to do something for everyone, and she is the best at cooking among the sisters, so she helps Lexington and Shropshire cook at the same time. After the specialty dishes, several girls cried when they saw Wei An eating.

The other two girls were cooking Western food. Looking at the tomato sauce and the pineapple after the meal, Yixian made a pineapple glutinous rice. Meat.

Originally, Wei An didn't think about this aspect when he built Yixian.

Even the food Xuefeng cooked for him since he was a child was more Western-style, and Xuefeng's better meals were mostly desserts and ordinary food. It's also more Japanese-style.

Once he got used to it, it was fine.

But now the taste from his hometown still made him feel emotional.

It also made other girls see Yixian's cooking skills and Wei An's love for dishes..

It was immediately decided that Yixian would take turns with Lexington and the others, but after tasting Yixian's cooking, they were really impressed by Yixian's cooking skills, especially the dishes from her hometown. They all know it.

For this reason, Wei An eats hometown dishes more often, and Wei An even orders dishes from time to time.

It is not a problem for Yixian to cook dishes that they have never heard of. They came out and convinced them again and again.

At the same time, they also understood that Wei An's taste was closer to that of Yixian. Basically, only Yixian could cook what he liked, which made Lexington and Shropshire worry for a long time before they finally decided. I went to Yixian to learn , but the results were different.

Lexington learned it quickly, but the dishes he made were a bit terrible. Now, Wei An is also curious about how she can't tell the difference between sugar and salt. Now it's Saratoga's turn to show Wei An that she used to live alone, and her sister did everything. Perfect, as her younger sister, although she may not be as good as her elder sister, she must not fall too far behind, otherwise she will lose her sister's face. Her elder sister is so good, so she has to be good at cooking.

���is good.

Saratoga's departure also made the lounge quiet, and the breathing of the two people could be clearly heard.

At the same time, Wei An felt his hand being squeezed tightly by Lexington.

"What's wrong?"

Weian turned around and saw Lexington staring straight at him.

The sleepiness on his face disappeared without a trace.


Lexington spoke very quietly, but the space was small, so Wei An could still hear him.

At the same time, he could see Lexington's little face slowly turning red.

Because she is secretly doing bad things.

Wei An could feel his fingers being opened and clasped tightly by slender fingers.

Lexington's little hand clasped his palm tightly. If he held it backwards, the two of them would become intertwined.

Although he was shocked by this, Lexington had already done this, could he still back down?

That must be impossible, so Wei An also followed the trend and closely linked to Lexington.

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