Boom, boom, boom!

A sudden knock on the door woke up the two people who were immersed in the charm.

"Sister, it’s time to rest!"

Saratoga, who hadn't seen Lexington back for a long time, couldn't sleep and came to see his sister.

Lexington, who was usually steady, suddenly got away from Wei An's shoulders in a panic, not daring to look at Wei An.

"Commander, I'm leaving first."

Lexington stroked his hot face with his little hand, checked that his clothes were not wrinkled, and fled.

Only Vian was left sitting by his bed, grinning foolishly.

He and Lexington were finally able to open their hearts. The lady was so cute.

Vian had never seen his lady so cute.

He could never forget it.

Lexington returned to his room and was finally able to calm down.

Thinking back to what happened tonight filled her heart with sweetness.

Vian, who called her, was also very handsome, and even when he comforted her, he was unusually gentle. The gentleness that once belonged to Xuefeng finally came to her.

Her commander was still different to her.

So when Saratoga talked to her at night, she was distracted.

She was looking forward to seeing her commander tomorrow, but she was also afraid of tomorrow. The two emotions filled her heart and made her unable to sleep until it was almost dawn before she took a short rest.

And she overslept.

In the end, it was her sister who woke her up with a look of horror.

Lexington always got up early in the past. After all, she had to help Vian make breakfast and so on. After everything was done, She woke up Saratoga after she woke up.

But what did she see today? Her diligent sister actually slept in today, and she woke her up after a long time.

And she clearly felt that something was wrong with her sister after she came back from Vian yesterday, but she knew what her sister was thinking and didn't ask much, fearing that her sister would be shy.

But now she was curious, what happened to make her sister change so much.

So she looked at Vian and Lexington with suspicion all morning, constantly switching targets between the two of them.

Until the destination.

Vian specially found a new dock for Lexington to manifest.

Because his current dock could not accommodate the hull of Lexington.

And Shropshire took Xuefeng and Clemenceau to practice artillery.

Although Xuefeng and Clemenceau's artillery hit rate was very high, it was more because Vian reserved more mental limits for them and the ship equipment was better than Shropshire, and they also needed to grow up.

The other two girls were handed over to Yixian.

Today he only brought Lexington and her little tail Saratoga

"Commander~you guys..."

Seeing that her sister no longer kept her distance from Wei An as usual, especially the heartfelt smile on Lexington's face, she suddenly seemed to understand something.

Her sister's relationship with the Commander breaks through.

Her words seemed to remind the two of them, and they took back the expression they unconsciously revealed.

"What's wrong? Jiajia."

Vian, in a good mood, turned around and said softly.

With her sister's gaze, Saratoga walked to Vian's left, climbed up to his ear and whispered

"Commander, should I call you brother-in-law?"

Although the voice was very low, Lexington, who was closer to Wei An and more sensitive, also heard it.

Her ears gradually turned red, but she did not refute and wanted to hear Wei An's answer.

"Ahem, you have to ask your sister about this, I don’t care."

After all, in this world, the final step in the relationship between the admiral and the ship girl requires an oath.

And the initiative of the oath lies in the hands of the ship girl.

Wei An directly threw the question to Lexington.

"Listen to them all...The commander's."

Finally, Lexington couldn't bear the gaze of Saratoga and Vian and said.

Her answer made Saratoga's eyes light up, but she felt a little sour in her heart.

Her sister finally fulfilled what she wanted, but from now on, her sister would belong to Vian.

So she was brainstorming all the way.

And the question in Vian's mind was, if Lexington didn't refute this question.

He would have confirmed the title of brother-in-law, doesn't that mean Saratoga has been promoted to sister-in-law?

The sea breeze on the path along the sea blew on them, and the casual navy uniforms became a beautiful scenery.

Against their slow pace was a flat-deck battleship on the sea, which belonged to Saratoga.

Since Ever since she knew that she had to materialize the hull of Lexington, Saratoga had been asking to be in the same dock with Lexington.

After all, she couldn't leave her sister, and her battleship had to accompany her sister every day.

And she was also the one who contributed to the materialization of Lexington's hull this time, so Vian of course chose to satisfy her. He skillfully opened the dock door and welcomed Saratoga's battleship in.

He was also going to start the most important thing of the day.

The materialization of Lexington's hull.

No matter how the plan changes, the materialization of Lexington's hull is the top priority, not to mention after knowing about the powerful competitor this time.

The importance of the materialization of Lexington's hull has been further emphasized.

In the face of so many large gunboats, it would be a waste of time to fight against his gunboats.

At the same time, Vian also had a question in his mind that he wanted to verify

"Are you ready?"

Wei An asked as usual.

"No problem, I've watched them manifest so many times"

"Then let’s get started."

Vian handed the drawings he had prepared to Lexington, and at the same time the two sisters began to pour resources into the dock.

In order to prevent sneak attacks by underwater villains, Vian specially thickened the armor on the underwater part of the aircraft carrier.

From the beginning of its design, it has not worried about the issue of air superiority.

Now the Lexington's hangar capacity alone can match 2-4 other aircraft carriers.

This cannot guarantee stable air superiority. , he can bury himself.

What limits Lexington is her mental capacity, but this number will also decrease as Wei

An develops more powerful carrier aircraft. The result of the huge hull is that there will be more internal equipment.

Even if Vian only strengthens the armor of part of the core area, the consumption will stabilize at twice the normal consumption.

It consumes 11W of steel resources and is cheaper than other battleships.

But even so, the Lexington has better armor protection than other normal aircraft carriers.

It looks like it is a ship one size smaller than the Lexington. Saratoga still had some envy in her eyes if she hadn't seen the light.

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