So they are all his truest thoughts.

It made her even more confused.

"Commander, is she still there?"

Lexington was a little cautious when asking this question.

Looking at Lexington's confused eyes, Wei An slowly calmed down during the question and answer.

"It's gone, it's just a dream, it's gone when you wake up"


Lexington found that Vian's answer was actually true.

"Well, I saw Lexington in my dream"

"Like my previous life, a very clear dream where I learned about Lexington."

Seeing Lexington asking questions cautiously and curiously, Wei An sighed and finally decided to confess.

After all, Xuefeng already knew about his time traveling, so it doesn't matter if he has another Lexington now.

"So the reason why the commander knew Lexington was because of this dream?"


"In the dream, is she your wedding ship?"


"So the commander called me because of her?"


"So Commander, what kind of person is she?"

After knowing the reason why Wei An knew her, she was eager to know what Lexington looked like in Wei An's heart.

She wanted to see if she could do it. After all, she could appear in Wei An's dream. She must be the person he likes the most, otherwise he wouldn’t just call her"Mrs."

"She is just like Lexington, as gentle, beautiful, virtuous, and intellectual as you are. She is the perfect wife."

【perfect wife....】

Hearing Wei An's praise made Lexington feel like his head was about to burn.

"Does the commander still want to see her?

Although the Lexington in Wei An's answer was in a dream, it was like a substitute for her.

Seeing the beautiful woman's question, Wei An was stunned for a moment.

Should he say he wanted to?

Most likely he didn't.

In his previous life, he could only face paper-like ship girls, but now these ship girls can appear by his side.

The wife he loved very much in his previous life is now in front of him.

"Don't want to, don't want to think about it"


"Now that I have a real Lexington, isn’t it a dream come true?"

Looking at Lexington's pretty face, Wei An could finally speak out his thoughts calmly.

"Then you said it was a sweet dream, why are you still avoiding me?"

"I just don't know how to tell you. Can you believe that the person in your dream has come to reality? And my wife is perfect, I'm afraid I will have a bad impression."

"So you're avoiding me like this?"

Vian didn't need to look at it to feel the resentment in Lexington's words.

The reason for avoiding her was because she was too perfect or something. How could anyone believe this?

So Lexington still pouted when he spoke. Mouthed

"I will not do it again"



"Commander, does he like her or me?"

Lexington, who knew Wei An's thoughts, was a little bolder.


When he said this answer, Wei An could clearly feel his heartbeat speeding up.

He finally confessed his love for Lexington after so long.

Hearing Wei An's personal admission made Lexington feel like eating. It was as sweet as honey.

Then she couldn't hold back her tears.

She felt wronged because Wei An kept avoiding her and thinking about her alone as she fell into trouble.

He was the one who kept escaping in the end. It was him, and it was she who took the initiative to clarify this matter.

Lexington's sudden burst of tears made Wei An feel at a loss.

Lexington was usually very calm, so this was the first time he saw Lexington. Crying.

The pear blossoms were like rain, and the tears fell down her cheeks, but they did not destroy her beauty, but made her more pitiful.

""Lexington, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?"

Vian comforted her while wiping the tears from her face.

This was the most intimate contact Vian had with her in such a long time, but it made her nose even more sour.

Sometimes strong people are not incapable of sadness and crying, but they are used to numbing themselves with strength.

Just like she needs to take care of her sister and be a good sister.

Usually she needs to be mature and strong when facing Saratoga.

Now she can act like a girl in front of Vian.

She thought she could still control her tears, but Vian's comfort aggravated the problem. It

's like a child who can bear it by himself after falling down, but suddenly can't control it when an adult asks you if it hurts.

This is what Lexington is like now.

"Commander, you have been avoiding me. I thought you didn't like me.

Lexington's eyes were red, which made Wei An feel distressed.

"No, no, my favorite is Lexington, otherwise I wouldn’t have called me"Mrs.""

After explaining clearly, Wei An's psychological pressure was gone.

Such a sincere answer penetrated directly into Lexington's heart.

"Commander, from now on...."

Lexington, who understood Wei An's feelings, raised his pretty face with tears in his eyes and stared at Wei An with burning eyes.

At the same time, her small hands tightly grasped Wei's big hand that was soothing on her face.

Wei An also understood what Lexington meant.

He has revealed his inner thoughts, and the previous relationship cannot be restored.

As a scumbag who wants to be the Lord of the Rings, is it possible for you to let him maintain a normal relationship with Lexington?

He also understood Lexington's expectations and decided to test Lexington's acceptance.


Different from the previous one, this time it was a name after realizing that Wei An liked him.

Lexington felt that his brain was about to break and he could no longer think.

His body also very honestly let go of the back of Wei An's hand and covered himself. Her eyes were filled with steam, and her previous strong look was gone. She was just an ordinary shy girl.


The mosquito-like murmur did not refute, which strengthened Wei An's confidence.

"That's a foul, Commander."



He whispered again, and Wei An saw Lexington buried directly on his shoulder, preventing her from seeing her face.

At the same time, her delicate body was trembling continuously.


Lexington, whose head was in a panic, could only keep mumbling.

Seeing Lexington, who was usually mature and steady, now throwing herself at him like a steam girl, I felt happy and helpless.

Good news: Lexington's relationship with him is growing by leaps and bounds, and his shy wife is adorable.

Bad news: The word"wife" is too powerful and can easily turn Lexington into a fool.

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