It's night.

After everyone had simply taken care of the battlefield, everyone sat around with exhaustion, discussing something with a solemn expression.

I saw that everyone in the middle of the bellflower was the first to speak: "After today's battle, I think everyone should understand a truth, that is, once the blood bar is cleared now, we may really die." Hearing

this, everyone nodded, the fact is now in front of them, and escaping reality is just a remedy.

"So according to the bellflower, what should we do now?"

At the end of the crowd, Pein, who had been silent, finally spoke, looked at the bellflower with a serious expression and continued: "From today's battle, I also found a fact that I never wanted to admit. "

What is the fact that even Pein doesn't want to admit?

Hearing such emotional words from Pein, everyone was stunned and looked at Pein curiously, expecting his next words.

As if sensing everyone's eyes, Pein hugged his chest and slowly lowered his hands, his eyes burning at

Bellflower, and said:

"Bellflower, you are very strong, so strong that you can survive in this world even if you don't rely on us."

"After today's two fights, I have to convince myself to admit the fact that since the first event, I have been looking for a way to defeat you."

"Whenever I feel closer to you, I can always be left behind by you."

"To be honest, I'm a little tired, so all members of our [Holy Sword Assembly] have discussed that this underground world event will be all under your command."

"Bellflower, I hope you can lead them back to reality, please."

Pein did not have any pompous words, nor did he cry bitterly and emotionally, but the plain words gave everyone an undoubted tone.

Everyone knew that this guild leader who was the first in the service was speaking from his heart.

Thinking of this, everyone was stunned, and there was a trace of entanglement in their eyes.

"After that Pein finishes, I will also say two words."

In the crowd, Bai Ge led a group of his students to stand up, "If it weren't for the bellflower and wind chimes to support in time today, I'm afraid that a few of my students would have died in this wave of Warcraft, thank you very much for coming to the rescue!"

"And thank you to your teammates who played together today, you are all good."

"Like President Pein, all members of our guild will unconditionally trust Bellflower in the future, thank you!"

After that, Bai Ge led a group of students and bowed towards the bellflower.

The students' eyes were full of adoration when they looked at the bellflowers, and it was difficult to hide the smile at the corners of their mouths.

"Hey, good people are all treated by you, then count us as one, in the future, our guild will all be commanded by bellflowers, I just hope you can take us out, these children will please you."

In the crowd, a warrior who looked five big and three thick stood up directly, his words were simple, and behind him were also a group of burly strong men.

This guild bellflower has the impression that the only guild in full service is composed of warriors and big shield classes, the [Fierce Blood] guild.

It is said that all members are members of a health club in reality, focusing on a sense of strength.

"Everyone is like this, we [rapid fire] will be a little out of line if we don't express a stance, we [rapid fire] are some archers, if we don't have your help, we have become targets in this ice and snow."

"My request is the same as everyone else, as long as you can escape from here, and we will fully support your arrangement."

[Rapid Shooting] President Lili also followed closely to express her opinion, after this battle, the strength of the bellflower is obvious to all, and the character... At least for now, it seems not bad.

It's a good powerhouse.

As Lily and the others expressed their position, the rest of the guilds also approved this proposal one after another, and immediately followed the problem to the bluebell here.

Looking at everyone's expectant eyes, at this moment, Bellflower was somewhat entangled in his heart.

If Bellflower wanted to be the guild leader, he would not have chosen to join [Big Maple Tree] in the first place.

If he agrees to this request, then his bellflower's every move will no longer represent only individuals, but fifty living lives present.

This responsibility is too heavy for him to take on with confidence.

After hesitation, Bellflower still decided to refuse, for no other reason, and doing it casually was his intention.

"Gentlemen, although I understand your intentions, I... Miy?

Before the bellflower finished speaking, Miyi's little hand lightly put on his hand, and the latter looked at Miyi, and the other party did nodded gently at him and said:

"You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself, since you have already come here, everything can only be left to fate."

"Life and death are fate, we choose to believe in you, that is, we are fighting for a line of life for ourselves, you can follow your own wishes."

"I'm sure they've got everything ready."

Miyi's words were like a shot of strength, constantly calming the complicated mood of bellflower.

Hearing this, Bellflower looked at everyone again, and everyone smiled and nodded, with relief on their faces.

Until this moment, Bellflower suddenly realized that the person who couldn't open the most was myself.

Chrom and the others also gently put their hands on the shoulders of the bellflowers at this time and encouraged softly: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, don't you still have us behind you~

" Izzy: "

You are the strongest trump card of our guild, you must always believe in yourself!" Kasumi

: "It's coming, how can you do it without going crazy?" "

So: "I'm just a nerd, there are only so many things I can help you, don't rely on me too much~

" Mai Yui: "

Brother Bellflower, my sister/sister and I believe in you, come on!"

Lin Ya: "Although you are very annoying sometimes, but this time, I am not angry with you, and it is my fastest day to be with everyone." Zero

: "I want..." Sally

: "Don't be pressured, Mei Pulu and I will support you unconditionally, we are still waiting to return to reality to eat the Xishu dishes you made, this time I will eat the spiciest one!" "

Mei Pulu: "Hehe, I must agree to come down, so that I will be the super guild leader of the top ten guilds

, oh oh oh oh ~" "Poof, how can there be such a good thing, Mei Pulu ~" "

Hahaha, if it weren't for the fact that your guild is less and more joyful!"


hearing the end, everyone present laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively, and under the night sky of the ice field, there was a lot of laughter.

"Thanks to your love, my bellflower will definitely lead everyone out of here!"

"It will definitely be..." The

last sentence was said by Bellflower to himself, this time it was really desperate!

"Then the next step is tomorrow's migration work, and then I will talk about my opinion, and you will have a little to follow."


"Then the first underground world combat conference has officially begun!"

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