Boom -

the moment the sound of bellflowers sounded, the arbitration hammer fell with a bang, and in an instant, the air seemed to condense, the rubble flew over, and everything was stopped at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the Storm Wolf King was the first to be impacted, and there was a sound of bones shattering, and together with his body and the ground under his feet, he was bombarded into the ground by the bellflower.

Immediately, the ground seemed to have received an invisible impact, and the bellflower as the center, together with the surrounding hundreds of meters of ground, instantly shattered and collapsed towards the bottom.


The range of fluctuations was still expanding, and seeing this situation, everyone in the base also retreated towards the position behind them with a stunned face, and entered the range of Lili's formation flag, only to stop the ground from continuing to collapse.

"Boom-" The

ground collapsed, the sound of rubble rolling down was endless, and the huge smoke and dust also obscured everyone's sight, making it impossible to see what was happening in the smoke.


Including Wilbart, the players of the Red Moon who have the [Hawkeye] skill can barely see clearly what is happening in the smoke.

I saw that the bellflower raised his hand and a few hammers fell, and the ground seemed to be squeezed, constantly collapsing towards the bottom, and a huge deep pit appeared in an instant, and all the monsters, including the Storm Wolf King, were buried by the pit and fell to the bottom of the pit.

However, Bellflower did not intend to stop at this point, and controlled the [Angel Foot Tool] to fly all the way towards the sky, the arbitration hammer in his hand was replaced, and then the frost scepter appeared.

Next second.

Bellflower whispered, "Let you see the most beautiful fireworks." In

an instant, two flame attacks appeared again, and then quickly fused together, slowly falling from the air into the deep pit, looking very beautiful and moving.

But the people in the base did not feel at all, and Miyi also hurriedly shouted to the wind chimes beside her: "Wind chimes, quickly release the [Light Enchantment] to protect everyone, so as not to be impacted by skills!" "


Wind Chimes also listened to Miyi's words, and according to Miyi's instructions, added an extra layer of golden light enchantment to the original shield of the base.

Just when everyone was still trying to ridicule Miyi if he was redundant, there was a sudden violent shaking under his feet.

Next second.

The explosion of flames and thunder roared, and a huge flame rose up into the sky, directly filling the entire cave entrance, and a pillar of fire directly nearly four hundred meters rushed straight into the night sky, lighting up the entire starry sky.

The huge impact directly broke the outermost enchantment by the high temperature in an instant, and even the innermost layer heard a crisp sound, as if it was breaking at any time.

But fortunately, slowly the power of the pillar of fire began to decrease, and finally everything became calm.

"It's over??"

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, my eyes are full of shock, looking at the scorched ground around me, I suddenly have an unreal feeling.

"Is this a skill that people can use?"

"Obviously not, who has such raw skills?"


Some players in the crowd who saw the bellflower shoot for the first time began to discuss excitedly, see you for a long time!

And yet....

[Nine Heavens] Here, several people quietly gathered together, their eyes looking deeply at the deep pit in front of them, and their eyes flashed with expectation.

Ling Ying looked at Phantom City Thousand Nights, then reached out and took a piece of the material obtained after killing the demon wolf from the prop bar and handed it to Phantom City Thousand Nights and asked: "Thousand Nights, with these props and materials, the fifth-generation warframe can be made, right?" Taking

the materials in Ling Ying's hand, Phantom City Thousand Nights began to analyze it seriously, and after a moment, he came to a conclusion.

I saw Phantom City Qianye carefully weighed the materials in his hand, and then spoke: "This should be the claws on the demon wolf's body, which is the hardest part of its body."

"If I were to do it alone, I might not be able to process props of this level, unless a high-level craftsman helps me, if I want to use this material, I will have to wait at least until I am 80 level."

The [Thousand Mechanics] class of Phantom City Thousand Nights is also a partial branch of the craftsman profession, good at making machines and some special props, more functional, and much stronger than most craftsmen.

In this battle, Phantom City Thousand Nights once summoned hundreds of drones with self-detonation devices, and forced the attacking demon wolves back into the night many times, and the results were great.

In addition, the outpost tower for automatic defense against attacks was also built in the afternoon by Phantom City Thousand Nights, and also played an important role in this battle.

However, the most important thing is the fourth-generation warframe that acts on Ling Ying's several people, which is a new product obtained by the special mecha of the four people through the unique talent skill [Mechanical Master] of Phantom City Thousand Nights.

In terms of functionality, it is stronger than the original Warframe, and the performance of the Warframe can be adjusted according to personal preferences.

For example, the armor transformed by Ling Ying is mainly based on increasing lightning damage and rapid release skills, which greatly increases Ling Ying's combat ability, and when facing the demon wolf, it is like chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

However, mana consumption too quickly has always been Ling Ying's most fundamental problem, so on top of the changes to this fourth-generation warframe, Ling Ying hopes to add a powerful item with a recovery effect.

It's just that with the current level of Phantom City Thousand Nights, it is difficult for this prop to complete the production alone, so at this moment, everyone's eyes are on the only craftsman profession present.

That's Izzy of the Big Maple Tree.

Perhaps feeling that there were eyes looking at him behind him, Izzy subconsciously turned around and just saw the others who were staring at him [Nine Heavens].

Seeing that Phantom City Thousand Nights was a little embarrassed to speak, Izzy smiled and walked up directly.

She still likes the girl of Thousand Nights in Phantom City, and has her own unique understanding of the craftsman profession, a very powerful player.

Coming to a few people, Izzy did not mince words, and said straight to the point: "So are you looking for me for something?" Seeing

that Izzy was so direct, Ling Ying and the others did not intend to hide it, and directly told Izzy their plans.

As Izzy listened, the more interested her face became, she was also very interested in mecha, and the direction that Ling Ying and the others said was exactly the direction of her recent research, that is, about the production of magic replacement props!

Without saying a word, Izzy directly agreed.

Ling Ying and the others were a little happy to see that Izzy agreed so easily, but they quickly thought of something, so they opened their mouths and asked, "Don't you need to tell everyone about this?" Ling

Ying admitted that he was a man who longed to become stronger, but now that everyone's life and death were tied together, there were some things he was willing to share, and so were Xiaoqinglan and others.

Hearing this, Izzy showed a playful smile in his eyes, and then teased: "I didn't expect you to have a sense of teamwork, but this matter can be kept secret first, and then give them a surprise next time."

"You can't let the bellflower rob it every time, can you? You guys say yes ~ "

PS: This book is expected to end soon, everyone feel free to understand

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