Han Haoran naturally knew how terrible Xiaodu was!

It can be said that Xiaodu’s company started with search engines.

And now most of Xiaodu’s sources of income still come from search engines!

In fact. Han Haoran also knows what Wang Xing said about ‘Bing’, Sogou, 360 search engine.

These three search engines are actually browser-based search engines.

They set the default homepage of the browser to the corresponding search website, in an attempt to carve up the small market.

However, even if Bing relied on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, they all failed in the end.

Xiaodu’s influence among all H’s netizens is too great.

Or, for so many years, everyone has been accustomed to searching for “small degrees”, and they will not consider changing the search guide ~ Qing at all.

But Han Haoran also knows that Xiaodu is not without weaknesses that can be exploited.

Han Haoran looked at Wang Xing and said, “Yes, if you compete in a conventional way, the probability of ‘Pu Jia’ winning against Xiaodu is less than one in ten thousand. ”

At that time, Xiaodu was able to defeat the overlord Google at that time and seize the search engine market of H. ”

“We don’t have to. ”

Wang Xing said: “However, this is not a concept at all. ”

“Xiaodu defeated Google because Google had to withdraw from the H market. ”

“But Xiaodu is H Xia’s company, so it’s impossible for him not to play by himself, right??”

“Most of Xiaodu’s income is currently relying on search engines. ”

Han Haoran looked at Wang Xing and asked, “Wang Xing, since you know Xiaodu’s source of income, do you know Xiaodu’s bidding system?”

Wang Xing replied truthfully: “I know a little bit about it.” ”

“Actually, to put it mildly, this bidding system is very pitiful. ”

“As long as you give a lot of money, Xiaodu will put these ‘bidding’ websites on the top. ”

“So in fact, the content that everyone searched for was an advertisement. ”

Han Haoran nodded and said: “Other search engines can’t compete with Xiaodu, because what they originally wanted to do was Xiaodu’s way of making money.” ”

“Even, by the time their search engine went live, they were already monetizing their bidding. ”

“However, ‘Pujia’ is different. ”

“Even if ‘Pujia’ is not profitable, it will not make black money through the bidding system. ”

Wang Xing said: “Your idea is good. ”

“But it’s useless! It’s not that ‘Pujia’ is not profitable, we have a small conscience, and those netizens will choose our search engine. ”

“Habits are a very difficult thing to change. ”

“Moreover, most netizens don’t know what a ‘bidding system’ is, and they don’t know where Xiaodu cheats people. ”

Han Haoran smiled: “You got to the point. ”

“What if, let everyone know this??”

“What if,What if Xiaodu did the thing of hurting users behind his own money,What if everyone knows?”

“Are you at that time, do you still continue to use Xiaodu??”

“In particular, we ‘Pu Jia’ announced that we will never be famous. How many people do you think will switch to our system??”

Wang Xing held his chin with one hand and pondered, and finally: “Boss, you are going to do something!!”

“And it’s going to be a big deal!!


Han Haoran said with a smile: “I believe in a sentence – the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.” ”

Wang Xing also said that he couldn’t help but say: “But Xiaodu is now one of the top five Internet companies in H.” ”

“Obviously, the search engine business is the foundation of Xiaodu. ”

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“If you are going to move his foundation … ”

“The dog is in a hurry and jumps off the wall, I’m afraid that Li Yanhong is going to fight with you!!”

Han Haoran nodded, now Xiaodu is only the top five in H Xia, and in later generations, Xiaodu, who is called “BAT”, can be regarded as the third in addition to the second horse!

But even so, so what??

Think about the Putian Hospital and scam information on the homepage of Xiaodu in later generations.

Han Haoran believes that it is the right thing to launch “Pujia” to replace “Xiaodu”.

Although he defeated Xiaodu, Han Haoran would not get any benefits, after all, Han Haoran did not plan to make money through bidding searches.

But the current Han Haoran, in addition to making money, has more life goals to achieve!

Han Haoran said to Wang Xing: “Wang Xing, you have to jump out of your current thinking level and think about things. ”

“Why do you think I’m working on so many projects at the same time?”

“In the Internet industry, I have to intervene in almost every field, whether it is an existing market that has been scratched or an emerging field. ”

Wang Xing replied, “To make money??”

Han Haoran said with a smile: “Of course, making money is one of the reasons. ”

“But you know what, money is never enough. ”

“Some things are far more important than making money. ”

“Besides, I am already the richest man in H Xia, and I believe that it will not be long before I am the richest man in the world. ”

······· Asking for flowers…

“So, what do you think is the point of me continuing to make money and making more money?”

Wang Xing looked at Han Haoran and didn’t know how to answer.

Han Haoran took the initiative to say: “Do you know Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs theory’?”

Wang Xing nodded, after returning from studying abroad, he still studied this famous theory.

“Maslow’s human needs are divided into five levels from low to high, namely: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs, and self-actualization needs. ”

Han Haoran smiled: “Yes! You are right. ”

“If a person lacks food, safety, love, and respect at the same time, the need for food is usually the greatest, and the other needs are less important. ”

“Because physiological needs are the lowest level of needs. ”


“But now, I don’t worry about my livelihood anymore, and I don’t worry about my safety. ”

“Socially and emotionally, I have friends, I have lovers, and I say dominant in most social situations. ”

“Today, I also have a high social status and am respected and even admired by countless people. ”

“So now, what I am pursuing is the highest order of Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’ – self-actualization. ”

“Making money is just a passing thing for me. ”

“What I want to do, it sounds like a middle school or a hypocrisy, but it’s exactly what I want to do. ”

“I want to change the world!!I want to change the world for the better because of me!!”

“Therefore, even if the launch of ‘Pujia’ does not bring me benefits, it may even offend Li Yanhong, and even offend a group of Li Yanhong’s friends. ”

“If Xiaodu really goes downhill because of my heavy losses. There will be people who will scold me for being overbearing and for not leaving a way for others to live. ”

“But so what??”

“It makes a lot of sense to me to launch a search engine that makes it easier for everyone to search for the information they need most. ”

The more innocent Zhang Yiming said very seriously: “Boss, I think you did the right thing.” ”

Wang Xing quickly figured it out.

At this time, Han Haoran’s social status and Han Haoran’s wealth no longer need to be afraid of Li Yanhong and his friends.

It can be said that Han Haoran is already one level higher than Li Yanhong at this time.

In this case, what if you offend Xiaodu and Li Yanhong?

Han Haoran has this confidence and this capital!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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