Han Haoran naturally knew that when he set up two teams, the “Pujia” search engine and the “Longteng” operating system, he would be questioned by most of them.

Even Han Haoran knew that even the people who trusted him the most firmly and followed him would feel that their two decisions were mistakes, right?

But for the regrets of the two previous lives, Han Haoran must make up for it in this life.

This is Han Haoran’s obsession!!

Moreover, today’s Han Haoran is already the richest man in H Xia, and even the richest man in the world!

He doesn’t need every deployment to be completely flawless!!

Han Haoran has a lot of money to burn, and he can go to the waves casually!!

This is the reason why Han Haoran insisted on setting up two teams of the “Pujia” search engine and the “Longteng” operating system, and everyone silently executed the order!!

Because in the general direction of “Haoran Internet”, it is absolutely correct and has broad prospects!

So what about taking some of the human resources and taking some of them off to do things that most of the people don’t think have a future?

None of this will affect the big picture!!

Han Haoran didn’t plan to explain his obsession to Zhang Yiming.

He just said encouragingly: “Zhang Yiming, the ‘Longteng’ piece will be handed over to you to keep an eye on.” ”

“223 Its importance level is parallel to ‘Today’s Headlines’, or even higher than ‘Today’s Headlines’. It’s your key task!!”

Since Han Haoran arranged it like this, although he was puzzled, Zhang Yiming didn’t say anything, nodded and said, “Understood.” ”

“Boss, the last thing I am responsible for is the development of mobile phone chips. ”

“This progress is slower than that of ‘Dragon Teng’. ”

“After all, Qualcomm has monopolized this market for too many years, and all the core technologies are in Qualcomm’s hands. ”

“And Qualcomm not only does not share these core technologies, but any company involved in this area touches its interests, and it will take them to court through intellectual property lawsuits. ”

“And we H, to be honest, lag behind Europe and the United States too much in this regard. ”

“Even if we mobilize the best team now, it will take a long time to develop a chip that belongs to our H Xia!”

Han Haoran nodded and said, “I know.” ”

Han Haoran naturally knows that the development of chips is difficult.

In the previous life, Huawei independently developed and developed the “Kirin chip”. It took decades from the establishment of the project to the official manufacture of Kirin chips that can be applied in mobile phones in batches!!

But Huawei was successful, after all, before Han Haoran crossed over, the latest version of the “Kirin chip” was already comparable to Qualcomm, Apple, and Shanxing.

Although, there are only three factories in the world that can produce chips on a contract basis – TSMC, Shanxing and Intel. The “Kirin chip” is not a 100% process.

But Huawei was able to develop chip technology, which is already a very remarkable thing!

This is also the result of thousands or even more, more than ten years of sleepless!!

And for the “Haoran Internet”.

Although in terms of talents, it is not much worse than Hua Weicheng.

However, the number of people in the team is not as good as the current development team of Huawei.

And the development progress is starting from scratch.

Therefore, as Zhang Yiming said, the progress of chip development is not slow!

But Han Haoran is not worried, after all, even if he is going to launch a mobile phone, there is no chip, just buy it!!

You see Xiaomi, OPPO and the like, the whole set of things are OEM, and they still sell so well!

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Moreover, Han Haoran felt that he was not able to cover the lucky value to 29 points!

Just like before, he pumped the nanotechnology of silicon anode batteries!

Maybe when, Han Haoran will be able to draw a lead over Qualcomm, and Apple’s chip technology may not be possible!!

And the operating system, too.

Microsoft is powerful, and the technical barriers formed by Microsoft are indeed beyond the “Haoran Internet” even if it takes more than ten years.

But Han Haoran himself has the biggest BUG!!

Although it is not known when, a miracle will happen.

But at least, Han Haoran has the capital to expect a miracle to happen!!

After Zhang Yiming, who was technically hanging, finished his report, it was Wang Xing’s turn to report.

Wang Xing said with a smile: “The ‘Pujia’ search engine, because the boss provides all the algorithms, the progress is very fast. ”

“We have completed the development of the beta version and have started testing. ”

“I have to say that in many aspects, such as the speed of operation, the accuracy of matching has exceeded that of Xiaodu. ”

“Once the beta version is tested, we can launch our search engine to the market. ”

“The domain name and any subdomains associated with Pujia have been registered. ”

“The project team expects that the launch can be completed in half a month at the earliest and one month at the slowest at the earliest. ”

Han Haoran nodded: “Advance as soon as possible.” I hope to see ‘Pujia’ go live soon. ”

Wang Xing hesitated for a moment, and then said: “But boss, there is a sentence that I don’t know whether to say or not.” ”

“I know that after testing, it is indeed a very good search engine. ”

“It can be said that if our ‘Pujia’ could have been launched ten years earlier. ”

“Now the monopolist of the H search engine is not Xiaodu, but the” Pu Jia “. ”

“However, it is precisely because of this ‘decade’. ”

“After Google withdrew from H Xia, Xiaodu began to monopolize the search engine market of H Xia. ”

“It can be said that in H Xia, Xiaodu’s influence is greater than that of Google abroad!!”

“Almost all people are used to going to Xiaodu to search. ”

“And before ‘Pujia’, there were also many companies that launched search engines. ”

“For example, Microsoft’s ‘Bing’ or Sogou, 360 and the like. Their initial goal was to challenge Xiaodu’s position in the H search engine market. ”

“But everybody, even a behemoth like Microsoft, has failed. ”

“Xiaodu’s ‘first-mover advantage’ is too big, so big that latecomers can’t shake Xiaodu’s monopoly at all. ”

“So, even if we launch ‘Pujia’, I predict that our daily views will be less than one percent of Xiaodu. ”

Han Haoran smiled: “So, in your opinion, Xiaodu’s position in the H search engine is unshakable??”

Wang Xing nodded: “Yes!!”

“Especially now, it has completed its monopoly, and it is impossible for any search engine to be able to resist Xiaodu in the H summer market. ”

“I mean, let’s say Google comes to terms with HZF again and goes back to Market H. ”

“Today’s Google,Can’t compete with today’s Xiaodu in H’s search engine market。 ”

“Defeat Xiaodu and occupy the H summer search engine market. ”

“What even Google, the world’s Internet giant and the leader of search engines, can’t do, how can ‘Pujia’ do it?”_

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