The assistant director asked, “Chief Director, are we going to let Han Haoran come like this?”

“I still told the filming team in other places to call it a day and finish the shooting, and at the same time asked the female guests not to wait. ”

The chief director smiled helplessly: “Do you know, this show has not been decided by me for a long time.” ”

“Uncle Han can play how he likes. ”

“But we’re just going to stand still and don’t do anything. ”

“If Uncle Han can’t reach the last place in an hour and a half, and the female guest leaves, then don’t blame us. ”

Ice rink.

At this time, many young athletes of the junior team are training on the ice rink.

Li Mengyao’s arrival ushered in a huge sensation!

For ordinary people, Li Mengyao is an Olympic champion.

But for these children, Li Mengyao is their idol and the goal they dream of.

Seeing these children looking at him with adoring eyes, Li Mengyao found that what Han Haoran said before was right!

Even if you can’t recover anymore, you can’t set foot on the ice again.

My previous honor is enough to make me proud!

These little athletes still remember her and still regard him as an idol!

Li Mengyao never thought that Han Haoran would come to her own situation.

Li Mengyao can actually perceive the relationship between other female guests and Han Haoran.

The female guests who entered the villa in the middle of the show are obviously not as close to Han Haoran as Re Xiaodi or Song Xinran.

However, to Li Mengyao’s great surprise, she actually saw Han Haoran running in her direction!!

How is this possible???

Li Mengyao was dumbfounded for a moment.

My mind was very confused, and I didn’t know what to do.

Han Haoran ran in front of Li Mengyao and said directly: “Mengyao, I know you are a little surprised now!”

“But don’t ask. ”

“I don’t have time to explain, I’m going to the next stop. ”

“You can follow the car of the program team and go back to the villa. We’ll see you there. ”

Li Mengyao, who hadn’t reacted yet, nodded subconsciously, and watched Han Haoran turn around and run again.

Li Mengyao looked at the staff of the program team who followed him and said, “Han Haoran, this is counted. Accept my confession?~?”

The staff of the program team already knew the situation, and said with a wry smile: “Sort of, right??”

He saw that Han Haoran was panting and sweating profusely, and it was really hard.

The rest of the time.

The head office of Qi Yuhan’s “Meet Happiness” dessert shop.

and Xu Siyu’s photo studio.

The dance studio where I dated Tong Yaya.

Han Haoran arrived in a hurry, and then left in a hurry!!

And every girl who sees Han Haoran is ecstatic the moment she sees Han Haoran.

saw the mirror passed by the camera team, and saw Tong Yaya, Re Xiaodi, and Xu Siyu’s bright smiles and surprised looks.

The chief director sighed with emotion: “I’m finally tomorrow, why does Han Haoran want this.” ”

“We want to thank Han Haoran!!Because of him, we captured the most beautiful and moving moments of all the female guests in this show!!”

“I just saw Han Haoran running towards them!!”

The assistant director looked at the time: “It’s been an hour now. ”

“It’s about half an hour to get to the amusement park. ”

“And to get under the Ferris wheel, it will take longer, and you have to queue up to buy tickets. ”

“I don’t think Han Haoran will necessarily be in time. ”

“Do you want to help Han Haoran??”

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The chief director smiled: “An hour ago, didn’t you say that Han Haoran broke the rules and wanted us to let the female guests go back?”

“Why did you change a person all of a sudden?”

“Whether it’s too late or not, at this time, we are just spectators and recorders. ”

Now the protagonist of the story is Han Haoran, and there are six female guests. ”


Han Haoran drove Ravinton and stepped on the accelerator suddenly.

That feeling of time urgency made Han Haoran’s adrenaline surge.

Han Haoran didn’t care about calculating the time at all, he just wanted to come to Song Xinran as soon as possible.

Stopping the car, Han Haoran put on a mask and sunglasses, and ran to the amusement park.

Feng Yimin had already bought a ticket and was waiting for Han Haoran at the door.

Han Haoran got the ticket, entered the playground, and ran in the direction of the Ferris wheel.

The directing team filmed this scene with the team that followed the filming outside the playground.

They thought that Han Haoran would be delayed for a while to buy tickets.

I didn’t expect Han Haoran to have such an operation!

But think about it, how can rich people go to the amusement park and queue up to buy tickets themselves?

Because the photography team of the fruit station was too ostentatious, although Han Haoran was wearing sunglasses and a mask, he was still recognized by the people who played in the playground!!

The five locations that Han Haoran just went to were all places that didn’t have much foot traffic.

But this time is different, this is the largest amusement park in the imperial capital, with tens of thousands of visitors every day.

“Han Haoran!!” The first person to recognize Han Haoran shouted loudly.

Soon, everyone found out that this week, the super-rich who made countless headlines ran for their lives in the playground!!

Many people ran after Han Haoran.

Han Haoran saw the crowd around him and knew that his sunglasses and mask were no longer working, so he threw off the mask and sunglasses!!

At this moment, there was immediately a scream.

Han Haoran !!!”

“It’s really Han Haoran!!”

“Husband, look here!!”

There are more and more people surrounding Han Haoran.

Because the episode of the date was not broadcast, although there were rumors on the Internet that they did see Han Haoran recording the show in this amusement park.

But most tourists don’t know why Han Haoran came to this amusement park.

Why are you running sweaty?

However, the tourists are very qualified, they just run behind Han Haoran, or run beside Han Haoran.

And in front of Han Haoran, there will always be a path!!

Han Haoran’s 10 points of speed and 11 points of stamina at this time played a role!!

People found that they were sprinting with all their might, but they couldn’t keep up with Han Haoran, who had been running for a long time and was out of breath!!

Han Haoran has been sprinting, and his speed is even faster than the championship sprint speed of the middle and long distance running!!

Finally, Han Haoran ran under the Ferris wheel.

Song Xinran was remembered by countless people because of the first episode of “Meet the Real Rich and the Poor Eggs”, although there were not too many shots.

Therefore, even if he didn’t know that Han Haoran was coming, Song Xinran also surrounded a lot of people.

Two waves of melon-eating tourists met, and when they saw the picture of Han Haoran and Song Xinran rushing towards each other, everyone showed a sudden expression of realization on their faces at the same time.

The group of onlookers who watched Song Xinran finally knew who Song Xinran was waiting for.

The group of people who were waiting for Han Haoran’s 100-meter sprint also knew why Han Haoran was rushing.

Finally, Han Haoran and Song Xinran hugged each other.

Song Xinran smiled brightly: “Han Haoran!!You’re 1 minute late!!”

“I was going home!”


The 10th watch is over!The 10th watch will continue tomorrow!If you have a monthly pass, take a walk!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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