
The last episode of the show is also in its final stages. The six observers were discussing who Han Haoran would ultimately choose.

Le Yijia frowned and said, “This is the ultimate problem of the century!!”

“Who will Han Haoran choose??”

“I’m completely confused at the moment anyway. ”

“Even, I can’t use the elimination method!!Because I think the six female guests have a reason to be chosen by Han Haoran!!”

Ouyang Mi asked, “Who remembers the details of Han Haoran’s ‘message of love’?”

“Can we figure out something from this?”

Luo Zhenhao said: “I still remember. ”

“But I don’t think anything can be judged from this ‘message of love’ sent by Han Haoran. ”

“Of the six female guests, Han Haoran has all sent messages of love!!”

Even, Han Haoran also sent a message of love to Zhang Hanxiao. ”

“Compared with the single-mindedness of other female guests, from the beginning of the show, they will only send ‘love messages’ to Han 17 Haoran. ”

“Han Haoran’s choice is really. It’s so jumpy!!”

“He doesn’t send it to one person at all. ”

Zhang Hanxiao boasted: “I am proud to have received Han Haoran’s ‘message of love’!!”

“But really, with my understanding of Han Haoran, I don’t know who he will choose. ”

It seems that it is a natural thing for him to choose whoever he chooses. ”

“But at the same time, I will also feel sorry for those female guests who were not chosen by Han Haoran. ”

“I’m struggling at this time!!”

Song Shanshan said: “That’s it!!We have a total of six observers!!”

“Let’s make a bet with the ‘Glory Emblem’ that belongs to us in the end!!”

“We each choose a female guest we support!!”

“Whoever wins, wins everyone’s Glory Emblem’!!”

Zhang Hanxiao smiled and nodded: “Although this is a little different from the rules set by the program team!”

“But it’s still fun!!”

“I joined !!”

Other observers agreed.

The staff of the program team on one side are in a state of confusion!!

This Han Haoran is often disobedient, and it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t follow the process settings of the program group, after all, Han Haoran is the uncle!

But why is it that in the last issue, even the observers have learned badly??

It was because I finally met Han Haoran at the party of “Love Hut”, and I was infected by Han Haoran???

The six observers ignored the stunned staff of the program team and began to choose who they wanted to bet on.

Song Shanshan made the easiest choice: of course it is to support my good friend Xu Siyu!!”

“Siyu is so good!!It is worth being chosen by Han Haoran!!”

Ouyang Mi also said: “In this case, I am the support president of ‘W Ran CP’, and I support Song Xinran’!!”

“Although I found that in the later development, Han Haoran and every female guest can form a CP. ”

“But I still stick to my original choice!!CP’ is the best match!!”

Zhang Hanxiao said with a smile: “If you say so, I still choose Tong Yaya, who will cooperate with me in my new drama next.” ”

“I think every man will like a gentle and virtuous girl like Tong Yaya. ”

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Luo Zhenhao said: “According to my psychological analysis, a man’s first choice is often the most deep-rooted and direct!”

“That’s why I chose Hot Xiaodi. ”

Le Yijia also said regretfully: “Actually, I also want to choose Re Xiaodi, but since Mr. Luo has chosen, I will change to my second choice.” ”

“I choose Qi Yuhan. ”

“I always feel that from one day, the interaction between Qi Yuhan and Han Haoran began to become very intimate. ”

“I think the relationship between the two is very unusual!”

Zhang Man smiled: “Actually, I don’t have a choice!!! ”

“Then Li Mengyao!!! I see Li Mengyao’s change in the ‘Love Hut’, and I think that she and Han Haoran are very sweet. ”


Han Haoran and Re Xiaodi went on their first date downstairs in the studio.

Hot Xiaodi was dressed up very cutely and stood quietly.

Today’s weather is a little cool, but Hot Xiaodi doesn’t care about the breeze blowing on his body.

She kept looking into the distance.

Although he kept saying that it didn’t matter where Han Haoran went, Re Xiaodi was still looking forward to Han Haoran’s arrival in his heart.

After all, women are always duplicitous!!

Suddenly, Re Xiaodi’s pupils dilated instantly, and a smile burst out of his face!!

He saw that the prince charming in his mind, the person he was looking forward to, ran towards her.

“I’m not dreaming, am I??” said Re Xiaodi.

Hot Xiaodi pinched himself hard!!It hurts!!Not dreaming!!

Re Xiaodi also happily ran towards Han Haoran.

“Brother Haoran !!!”

The two people who were desperately running towards each other hugged each other tightly.

The videographer of the fruit station faithfully recorded this sweet tooth-losing scene.

Re Xiaodi was ecstatic at this time: “Brother Haoran, what will you choose me.” ”

“Sister Yaya, Sister Yuhan, Sister Xinran, Sister Siyu, Sister Mengyao, they are all very good!!”

Hearing Re Xiaodi mention this stubble, Han Haoran said to Re Xiaodi: “Xiaodi!! Now I don’t have time to accompany you anymore.” ”

“Because I’m going to the next place!!”

“You can follow the 223 car of the program group and go back to the villa. We’ll see you there. ”

Re Xiaodi nodded as if he didn’t understand: “Okay!!Brother Haoran !!”

Han Haoran began to run wildly again, sat back in Lamborghini Ravinton, and the maximum horsepower began to soar.

Next stop – the ice rink where I date Li Mengyao!!

The Cottage of Love.

The chief director and several heads of the program team were staring at each other.

The chief director, who figured out the whole situation, asked, “So, Han Haoran suddenly asked me for the place where all the female guests chose to wait, is this what it is?”

“He’s going to drive his Lamborghini to everywhere in an hour and a half??”

Everyone nodded mechanically: “Looks like this!!”

And it seems that Han Haoran has planned the best route after remembering the locations of all the female guests. ”

“You can go to six places in the shortest distance. ”

And the place where Re Xiaodi is located is the closest to the villa, which is the first stop of the route planned by Han Haoran. ”

“If nothing else, the next stop is the ice rink where Li Mengyao is located!!”

The chief director covered his head: “Let the filming crew of the ice rink at any time.” ”

“This Uncle Han is really our Uncle Han!!In the last episode of the show, the final confession link is not good to follow the rules!”_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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