Dou Po: The Alchemist from the Ye Family

Chapter 360 Untitled Chapter Chapter [-]

Whether to go to the headquarters for assessment depends on Xiao Yan's own opinion.

However, Ye Chen guessed that Xiao Yan would reject this proposal like in the original book.After all, Xiao Yan also likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Sure enough, Xiao Yan did not disappoint Ye Chen, and directly declined the proposal.

Although Han Li was a little disappointed, he couldn't decide this kind of thing, so he just exchanged a few words with Ye Chen and others, and the latter left directly.

The night gradually diffused, and then shrouded the Holy Pill City again, and the bright stars dotted the void, twinkling and twinkling, looking quite gorgeous.

In a small courtyard, Ye Chen and Xiao Yixian sat at a stone table in the courtyard, cuddling each other, slowly admiring the mysterious night in the sky.

Time passed, and when the atmosphere between the two gradually became ambiguous, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared in the starry sky...

"Hey, this is..."

In an instant, Ye Chen tracked down the source of this change, and then he was shocked.

"What's the matter? Is there an enemy?" The little fairy doctor frowned tightly, and her whole body became fierce in an instant.

Ye Chen chuckled, stretched out his hand to stop the slender waist, and said softly: "It's nothing, it's just that someone fell into an epiphany..."

"I didn't expect that this should come, even if it has been changed by me, it will still come."

If the former sentence can be understood by the little doctor, then the latter sentence is somewhat inexplicable.

Seeing his puzzled look, Ye Chen shook his head lightly, and said: "Don't think about it, these things have nothing to do with us, let's continue with what we just did..."

"Uh huh~~ Go back...back to the room..."


Silent all night.

When Ye Chen walked out of the room again, he heard the news that Xiao Yan had already retreated.

This point did not exceed Ye Chen's expectations. After all, the other party fell into an epiphany last night, which may be of great benefit to the growth of his soul power.

Just now, strike while the iron is hot, not only can you consolidate your improved strength, but you can also take this opportunity to refine some more pills, and fortunately, you will have enough bargaining chips at the trade fair three days later.

"Brother, we want to visit Shengdan City..."

Early in the morning, Ye Xinlan brought the girls to Ye Chen's small courtyard and said to her.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll let Xian'er go with you..."

Ye Chen didn't intend to interrupt their interest, but he was not interested in asking him to go shopping with these little girls, so he directly pushed these girls to the little doctor.

"Hey, then hurry up and ask Sister Xian'er to get up..." Ye Xinlan joked with a funny smile and winking.

"Hey, what, girls, why are there so many troubles..." Ye Chen raised his hand and knocked on his sister's forehead, then turned and walked into the room.

Not long after, the little fairy doctor with a little blush on his face came out of the room.

When the two sisters Ye Xinlan and Ye Xinyue saw her, they showed meaningful smiles again, and the little doctor couldn't help but glared at the two sisters in embarrassment.

For the next few days, Xiao Yan locked himself in the room, and there was still a scorching breath coming from the room...

Regarding this, no one in Yeyuan bothered them, but the girls took advantage of this time to visit all the interesting places in Shengdan City.

Of course, it wasn't that no one came to harass me during this period.

After all, there are a few such beautiful beauties, how could they not attract covetousness.

But no matter how much you covet, if you meet the little fairy doctor, you can only ask for trouble.Even those who pride themselves on their own strength, profound background, or have a strong Dou Zun around them, but if they really start their hands, after discovering the terrifying poisonous fighting spirit of the little doctor, they will think of a terrible name...

Evil poisonous body!

The deterrent power of this name is still great.

However, the one who can really make these people back down is the man standing behind Enandu's body...

Even though it has been many years since the battle between the Ice River Valley and the Pill Tower and the Soul Palace, it still left a deep impression on Zhongzhou.

Especially those who are qualified to know more, those strong men dispatched by Soul Palace and Danta at that time scared many people.

There is no way, in many cases, no matter how great your reputation is, it is not more deterrent than letting people see your strength with your own eyes.

Those young geniuses who have only been able to hear about the power of this palace and tower in rumors, actually don't have much fear of the two in their hearts.

But after the big battle at the beginning, even the group of bloodthirsty guys in Tianmingzong all behaved extremely honestly in the Dan domain.

Three days later, Xiao Yan left the customs and went to the alchemist trade fair with Ye Chen.

This time it was just the two of them, and Xiao Yan also got a lot of good things from the trade fair...

Of course, these are just good things in Xiao Yan's eyes, but Ye Chen doesn't like them all.

But what Ye Chen didn't expect was that he had just left for a while to exchange a thousand-year-old golden dragon tree with a seventh-rank peak elixir, and when he came back, he saw Xiao Yan had a conflict with someone because of a piece of copper.

"It's him?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile.

Should it be said that there is freedom in the dark?Even Xiao Yan's fate has been changed so much, but some people will still jump out and be slapped in the face like a clown, becoming the nourishment for the protagonist to pretend to be aggressive.

"Boy is presumptuous!"

When the young man in white who was fighting with Xiao Yan was plotted against Xiao Xiao with his own poisonous fire, and had to back away...

The two old men behind him, who were around the Eight Star Douzong, both had dark complexions, and they appeared in front of the white-clothed young man as soon as they stepped on it. Their palms were like eagle claws, and they grabbed Xiao Yan's shoulder directly.

Faced with the attacks of the two eight-star Douzong, Xiao Yan's expression also changed suddenly.

At this time, he does not have the strength and means to compete with the Eight-Star Dou Zong, nor does he have a Dou Zun with an Enan poison body to stand out for him...



With a crisp sound, Xiao Yan was suddenly protected behind by a purple-black douqi shield, and the palms of the two eight-star Douzongs were instantly ignited after touching the purple-black douqi...

The jumping flames quickly spread to the shoulders along the hands, and then amidst the screams of the two, one arm of the two was actually burned to ashes!


All the people around who were paying attention to this scene couldn't help but gasp.

And the young man in white was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva...

"It was the senior who made the move. I'm going to Xuanming Zong Chen Xian, please show up and see!"

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