Dou Po: The Alchemist from the Ye Family

Chapter 359 Untitled Chapter Chapter [-]

When he came to the Holy Pill City, the most important thing for Xiao Yan was not to wait to participate in the Pill Meeting, but to participate in the assessment and get the alchemist grade badge of the Pill Pagoda.

If he didn't have this Danta grade badge, then he wouldn't even be able to enter the competition venue, let alone get a ranking.

This is the same for Ye Xinlan...

Even if they are the children of the Ye family, all grade badges above the seventh rank must come to the Pill Tower for assessment, so this time she will follow her elder brother to the assessment point of the Pill Tower in Shengdan City.

It is still the closest assessment point to Ye Family and Ye Yuan.

When Ye Chen came here with Xin Lan and Xiao Yan, there were also a large number of alchemists queuing up outside.

"In this tower, the north part is the trading area, where there are usually many pharmacists trading the medicinal materials or pills they need..." Ye Chen introduced to the two who came here for the first time.

"However, there are generally not too good things here. After a few days, Shengdan City will hold a special trade fair. This fair is a trade between alchemists. Only alchemists who have the alchemy certification Only those who are eligible to participate, if you want, you can go around, there are often a lot of rare things."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan frowned, feeling a little concerned...

It was the first time he saw this kind of auction, which was completely a transaction between alchemists, and he was immediately interested.Even if you can't meet what you need at that time, it will open your eyes, right?

"Let's go, the south is the assessment place, you all go there with me."

Seeing Ye Chen who had already started walking, Xin Lan and Xiao Yan behind him also hurriedly followed.

At this time, there were quite a few assessment personnel, but Ye Chen didn't have to wait here like the others, because as early as when he appeared in this stone pagoda, the Danta deacon who was in charge of this assessment point had already received the news. Hastily came to greet him.

"Meet the young president!" A white-haired old man in Danta costume hurried over and saluted Ye Chen directly.

Ever since he passed the assessment of the Little Pill Tower, Ye Chen has become a candidate for the Big Pill Tower both nominally and in fact, and his status is still higher than the eight elders. What's more, this old man is just a deacon elder, so he should come here Goodbye.

"Elder Han Li, you are very polite. You and my grandfather are best friends, so don't see each other like this..." Ye Chen hurriedly returned a salute with a smile.

Although it is said that Ye Chen's status is much higher than that of the other party, he has never been arrogant because of this, and he still treats those who have been friends with the Ye family with courtesy.

Han Li was naturally very happy about this, but he still insisted on being polite, so he stood up and said, "Hehe, etiquette cannot be discarded..."

Hearing that Ye Chen was going to lead someone to take the assessment, Han Li immediately smiled and said, "This is simple, the young president will follow the old man..."

When he came to a spacious and quiet room, Ye Chen glanced around, and saw several young people waiting quietly, also looking over.

These should be people who are assessed by special relationships, and this exists no matter where the assessment point is.

However, although Ye Chen is famous enough, this group of young people may not be able to recognize him, so when they saw that Han Li, the deacon elder of Danta, was personally welcoming him in, everyone suddenly became curious. .

Of course, they don't know each other, but it doesn't mean that their elders don't know each other. After seeing Ye Chen, many people were shocked immediately, and no matter whether Ye Chen recognized him or not, they hurried over to greet him.

Ye Chen took a look at these people and found that he didn't know them yet, so he exchanged a simple greeting and stopped talking.

Seeing this, those people also left very sensibly, quietly waiting for the two priority assessment brought by Ye Chen...

Xiao Yan watched all this silently until he and Ye Xinlan entered the examination room under the guidance of Han Li.

If what he knew about Ye Chen before was just rumors, then at this moment, he can really feel the former's status in Danta or even in Danyu.

"If I can reach this level, why don't I be able to rescue my teacher and father!"

Clenching his fist, Xiao Yan at this moment has more ambitions...

Seeing the disappearing figures of the two, Ye Chen fell into deep thought.

In the original book, Danhui can be regarded as the beginning of Xiao Yan's real fame in Zhongzhou, and it is also the starting point for him to truly fight against the Hall of Souls.

But the premise is not only that he has found Venerable Wind, but more importantly, he has become the champion of the alchemy club, the eighth-rank alchemy master...

It is precisely because of the reputation of the champion of the alchemy club and the strength of the eighth-rank alchemist that countless strong men are willing to obey his orders, and the giants of the alchemy tower look at him differently.

Without these bonuses, Xiao Yan might have been directly leveled by the Soul Palace from the very beginning, and there would be so much time for growth.

However, Xiao Yan in this life is much weaker than in the original book. Not only does he not have the strange fire around him, but even his alchemy skills are completely incomparable to the one in the original book.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Chen helped him regardless of the consequences...

But after all, the relationship between myself and the other party is superficial, and this kind of help is limited, otherwise, if it is too much, it may be counterproductive, so if you want Xiao Yan to stand out, you still need to find another way.

Time passed slowly, although Ye Chen didn't pay too much attention to the assessment of the two, but other people didn't think so...

They were very curious about how talented these two young people who Ye Chen could bring to participate in the assessment were!

When the time passed for another half an hour, the tightly closed assessment room finally opened slowly with a slight creaking sound...

Seeing that there was finally a reaction, everyone in the room was refreshed, and then their eyes were fixed on the door in an instant.

The door opened, and Han Li walked out first, followed by Xiao Yan with a cheerful expression and a calm expression.

Ye Chen glanced at the badges on the chests of the two of them...

The whole body of the badge is a dark gold color, and there is a flame on the badge, and there is a huge tower reaching the sky in the flames. On the tower, there are seven dazzling purple-gold stars shining, but the seventh star now is slightly dim.

Are both of them seventh-rank intermediate pharmacists?

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at the excited Xin Lan.Obviously, the little girl was very pleasantly surprised that she was able to pass the seventh-rank intermediate assessment.

"Young President, this little friend Xiao Yan's talent for refining medicine is really great. Judging by his medicine refining skills, I'm afraid the seventh-grade intermediate level is not the highest level he is currently at. It's better to let him go to the headquarters for assessment..."

Han Li, who was walking in front, said to Ye Chen with a solemn expression.

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