After receiving Li Cunli's order, the killers in the Tongwenguan quickly attacked.

More than a dozen long swords stabbed at Meng Zhixiang almost instantly.

Meng Zhixiang is not afraid in the face of danger.

He held the long sword tightly, and danced the sword in front of him, only to hear a few clangs, and the shadow of the sword suddenly unfolded.

Although Meng Zhixiang is considered a civil servant, he has been on the battlefield after all.

Although the killers of the Tongwen Hall were as sharp as lightning, they couldn't kill Meng Zhixiang in an instant.

Meng Zhixiang seemed to know that he was on the verge of desperation, so he drew his sword faster and harder, as if he was inexhaustible in fatigue and pain.

Although Tong Wen Guan had the upper hand, under Meng Zhixiang's life-threatening tricks, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In just half a minute, Meng Zhixiang beheaded more than a dozen Tongwenguan killers under his sword.

But even if he killed these Tongwenguan killers, Meng Zhixiang himself was covered in scars, and he even had to half-kneel with his sword in order not to fall down.

Seeing that all his subordinates were killed by Meng Zhixiang, Li Cunli was a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, his figure moved, and he suddenly came in front of Meng Zhixiang.

At this time, Meng Zhixiang was scarred and exhausted, how could he react?

Taking advantage of Meng Zhixiang's unpreparedness, Li Cunli pressed the latter's forehead with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, bumped down.


Meng Zhixiang's head and face hit the ground suddenly, making a muffled sound.

Just as Li Cunli was about to slap Meng Zhixiang on the back of the head, suddenly there were several screams outside the door.

There is no doubt that what happened to the Tongwenguan killer he arranged outside.

call out!

Suddenly, a Jinxing thorn shining with golden light flew in from the outside in an instant, and shot towards Li Cunli's direction quickly.

Hearing the familiar sound of piercing through the sky, Li Cunli jumped up instinctively, and the Jinxing thorn shot into the wall.

After leaping to the ground, Li Cunli was shocked when he saw the Jinxing thorn on the wall.

"How could it be the Jinxing thorn?"

He quickly turned his head to look, and found a figure slowly approaching from outside.

"It's you?"

Li Cunli looked directly at Liu Ziji who was slowly approaching, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Yes, it's me."

"Why do you have Jinxing thorns?"

"Don't tell you."

Li Cunli said coldly: "I'm afraid you found this Jinxing thorn from Fifth Brother's body?"

Although Li Cunli was not in the Cangbing Valley at the time, he still knew something about Li Dabai's death.

Liu Ziji replied indifferently: "Whatever you think!"

Li Cunli looked at Liu Ziji's expression and couldn't help feeling angry.

Liu Ziji glanced at Li Cunli and said, "Are you wondering why I'm not dead yet?"

Li Cunli didn't speak, but his silence already showed his attitude.

Liu Ziji said again: "You want to make me exhausted by provoking Cong Mazhi's mutiny, and send someone to kill me secretly, don't you?"

"But do you know who is the person who provoked the rebellion from Mazhi?"

Hearing this, Li Cunli couldn't help frowning, and said, "What do you mean?"

"Bago is my woman."

Hearing this, Li Cunli was taken aback for a moment, "Could it be that you really... this is impossible! How could Bago betray me?"

At this moment, Bago walked in slowly from the outside.

She looked at Li Cunli, smiled slightly, and said, "My lord, nothing is impossible!"

Seeing Bago's figure, Li Cunli's face darkened.

"Bago, why is it you? Where's Baye?"

"He drank and fell asleep." Ba Ge said lightly.

"It was you who tampered with the wine?!" Li Cunli said with a gloomy face.


Li Cunli looked at Ba Ge coldly, and said: "Ba Ge, we are both from Shatuo! We were all beaten out of blood and fire by following our adoptive father! How dare you betray me now?"

Ba Ge said coldly: "It's because you still know that you are from Shatuo. Li Siyuan killed King Jin, you don't want to avenge this revenge, but now you have to do things for Li Siyuan! The righteous father was kind to you before he was alive, and you like this How can I be worthy of my righteous father?"

Li Cunli's face turned cold, and he said: "A good bird chooses a tree to live in. Since the adoptive father is dead, if we don't take refuge in elder brother, who else can we take refuge in?"

Bago laughed angrily at Li Cunli's words.

"Li Cunli, I still remember that the King of Jin set up wine for San Chuigang, and even brought you along specially. The treatment was the same as that of the Prince Jin's parents and children, but now you are like this person taking tea..."

Hearing this, Li Cunli couldn't help but think of the past.

But this past event does not seem to be very pleasant.

Because Li Ke had invited Hou Qing, the corpse ancestor of the Xuanming Sect, when Li Ke used to set up the wine at Sanzhuoka.

At that time, Hou Qing, the corpse ancestor, made Li Cunli, who was still young, very unhappy.

Thinking about it, Li Cunli couldn't help sneering, and said: "The past is gone, it's useless to talk about it. Since you have already chosen to betray the Tongwen Museum, why not do it now, lest you have long nights and dreams!"

"Well said, let's do it."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Ziji gave a low shout, raised his arm, and suddenly burst out with an incomparably powerful energy.

This Qi Jin not only carried the arrogance formed by the blue-white internal force, but also carried real flames!

The combination of the two flames formed an ultramarine arrogance!

Seeing this scene, Li Cunli's face changed drastically.

He didn't expect Liu Ziji to have such a tyrannical and peculiar way of attacking!

Facing the attack that was approaching in an instant, Li Cunli yelled sharply without hesitation, and immediately stepped forward, with luck, he waved his palm, and he did it in one go.

His palms can be regarded as gathering all his internal strength.

Its strength is so strong that even stubborn stones will be crushed.


Li Cunli's palms hit Qi Jin.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately felt an unstoppable force.

Under this powerful force, Li Cunli's eyes bulged, and the sound of bones cracking suddenly came from his arm.

Li Cunli suddenly felt a mouthful of blood rushing to his throat.

But before the mouthful of blood spewed out, Li Cunli flew out like a kite with a broken string.


Li Cunli's body directly hit Meng Zhixiang's office desk.

Naturally, the small copy couldn't bear the remaining energy in Li Cunli's body, and it immediately shattered.

And the documents and papers that were originally on the copybooks also flew instantly, and some were even stained with bright red blood.

Seeing this scene, Meng Zhixiang, who hid to the side to watch the battle, was shocked.

Liu Ziji's sudden burst of vigor was too fierce and domineering!

He was able to directly beat a master like Li Cunli to death on the spot.

"You! What kind of martial arts did you practice?"

Li Cunli staggered to his feet.He caressed his chest with one hand, and pointed at Liu Ziji tremblingly with the other, his fair face turned blue, and his whole body was trembling violently.

In fact, Li Cunli has a sense of familiarity with Liu Ziji's martial arts.

That is the most holy Qiankun Gong!

But the ultramarine color contained in that energy made Li Cunli a little more suspicious.Because the zhenqi of the most holy Qiankun Gong is a light blue-white color!

Liu Ziji glanced at Li Cunli, went to the wall and retracted the Jinxing thorn, and said, "Li Cunli, this is General Meng's office, let's fight outside, so as not to delay General Meng's dominance in Sichuan and Shu!"

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