The surrender of the Kingdom of Shu shocked not only Meng Zhixiang, but also Li Cunli who accompanied him.

In these ten days or so, Li Cunli had seen Liu Ziji's strength.

And Meng Zhixiang's ambition!

Because he sensed the existence of Princess Qionghua!

Since Princess Qionghua is traveling with the army, it is easy to guess Meng Zhixiang's purpose!

According to the risk to enter!

Meng Zhixiang wants to occupy the land of Sichuan and Shu and become the king!

After realizing Meng Zhixiang's purpose, Li Cunli couldn't sit still.

But it was impossible for him to take down Meng Zhixiang directly.

Because Liu Ziji, who was in the same group as Meng Zhixiang, seemed to have a high level of martial arts.

How could Liu Ziji's martial arts be low when he was able to subdue Ouyang Huang, the general of the Shu Kingdom?

Li Cunli guessed that Liu Ziji's current strength must at least be above the middle heaven!

In addition, Ouyang Huang has already taken refuge in Liu Ziji... Therefore, in order to kill Meng Zhixiang, a clever trick is needed.

Li Cunli thought of Barr instantly, and wanted Barr to advise him, but Barr had already been sent back to Bianzhou by him.

Therefore, Li Cunli had to secretly summon Ba Ge and Ba Ye to discuss the matter.

"Princess Qionghua is in the camp!"

As soon as Bayebago and the two were called, Li Cunli spoke.

"Princess Qionghua?"

Hearing this, Ba also showed a puzzled expression, "Why is Princess Qionghua in the army?"

"Of course it was Meng Zhixiang's fault."

Ba also didn't understand: "But the army is fighting and the journey is difficult. Why did Meng Zhixiang let Princess Qionghua accompany him?"

Li Cunli looked at Baye speechlessly, "Of course it is to prevent Princess Qionghua from becoming a hostage to hold Meng Zhixiang back."

When Ba Ge heard this, he suddenly said: "Could it be that Meng Zhixiang has two minds?"

Li Cunli nodded and said, "If nothing happens, Meng Zhixiang will become emperor in Shu!"

Ba Ye said: "Then do we want to..."

Li Cunli nodded and said, "Yes, we must find a way to kill Meng Zhixiang!"


When Li Cunli and the Lizimen were discussing how to kill Meng Zhixiang, Meng Zhixiang also called Liu Ziji.

In fact, Meng Zhixiang was very reluctant to see Liu Ziji.

Because during the march, Liu Ziji's two followers who disguised themselves as men regarded his wife, Princess Qionghua, very seriously.

Although now that Princess Qionghua is no longer under house arrest after the city of Chengdu is broken, Meng Zhixiang's fear of Liu Ziji has deepened.

But when things got to this point, Meng Zhixiang had no choice but to find Liu Ziji.

Because Li Cunli had already discovered that Princess Qionghua followed him to the land of Sichuan and Shu.

"Brother Liu, it's bad! Li Cunli found out about Madam's matter!"

Liu Ziji looked at Meng Zhixiang, and said calmly, "Brother Meng, don't worry, just speak slowly!"

Meng Zhixiang said: "Madam has always been in poor health, you know it. Yesterday when the army entered Chengdu, I sent people to the pharmacy in Chengdu to get some medicine. Li Cunli seemed to have discovered this matter."

Liu Ziji pondered for a moment, looked at Meng Zhixiang and said, "Then I don't know what plan Brother Meng has?"

How could Meng Zhixiang have any plans?

After all, Li Cunli is Li Keyong's adopted son, and in terms of status, he is only a little worse than his son-in-law.

Meng Zhixiang wanted to call Jin soldiers to kill Li Cunli, which seemed unlikely.

But among Meng Zhixiang's cronies, there is no martial arts higher than Li Cunli's, not even an invincible master like Ba Ye.

Otherwise, he would not have found Liu Ziji.

"Brother Liu is very skilled in martial arts, I hope Brother Liu will save me!"

Liu Ziji did not refuse Meng Zhixiang's request.

He smiled and said: "Brother Meng, Li Cunli is the head of the Lizi Sect of the Tongwen Museum, and the younger brother of the current King Jin..."

Meng Zhixiang couldn't help but shudder, and said, "What does Brother Liu mean?"

"I have to pay more!"

"Add... more money?" Meng Zhixiang couldn't help asking: "Brother Liu, are you short of money?"

Liu Ziji smiled without saying a word.

He didn't believe that Meng Zhixiang couldn't understand the meaning of his words.

Finally, after a while, Meng Zhixiang gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Liu! If you can help me eradicate traitors and thieves, I will make you the military governor of the Wuxin Army!"

Liu Ziji said indifferently: "Dongchuan Jiedu envoy!"

Meng Zhixiang was taken aback when he heard this.

Because the official position of Dongchuan Jiedushi is really too big!

Dongchuan Jiedushi is a large feudal town, which owns Zizhou, Suizhou, Mianzhou, Puzhou, Lingzhou, Luzhou, Rongzhou, Jianzhou, Longzhou, Changzhou, Yuzhou, Hezhou and other states... ...

The original Shu Kingdom had already divided the Dongchuan Jiedushi into several small towns, such as the Wude Army Jiedushi and the Wuxin Army Jiedushi!

But now Liu Ziji is not satisfied with Wu Xinjun's Jiedushi, and instead asks for the entire Dongchuan!

Liu Ziji immediately said: "It's not just Dongchuan's Jiedushi. I hope Brother Meng can confer Ouyang Huang as Zhenjiang Army's Jiedushi, Guo Wei as Wutai Army's Jiedushi, and Wang Chengjie as Wuxing's Jiedushi... "

Liu Ziji's arrangement has won the greatest benefits for the generals who took refuge in him.

Needless to say, Ouyang Huang and Guo Wei all relied on the existence of Liu Ziji.

As for Wang Chengjie, he belonged to the defector faction of Shu, but he defected to Liu Ziji.

In order to appease this group of capitulators, Liu Ziji naturally wanted to seek some benefits for him.

Hearing Liu Ziji's words, Meng Zhixiang's face darkened.

Immediately afterwards, he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother Liu, you've divided up the entire land of Sichuan and Shu!"

Liu Ziji said indifferently: "Brother Meng is joking, I just want a Dongchuan Jiedu envoy. As for the rest of the people, I'm just a virtuous person. They all say that you can't avoid enemies with external promotion, and you can't avoid relatives with internal promotion. Could it be that Meng Don't you think Ouyang Huang and the others are rare talents?"

Meng Zhixiang didn't speak, but he didn't dare to refuse.

He pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "Brother Liu, don't you really want to be the king of Shu?"

Liu Ziji said: "Brother Meng is the son-in-law of King Jin, and his name is justified. It is more appropriate for Brother Meng to sit on the throne of King of Shu!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

"My lord, it's not good! There has been a mutiny in Congmazhi!"


That night.

Inside the Shu Palace.

Meng Zhixiang was thinking about how to deal with a lot of things after the surrender of Shu in the palace.

Suddenly at this time, there was a surge of figures outside the window.

Meng Zhixiang in the room seemed to feel something.

He picked up the sword next to him, held the hilt in his hand, and fixed his eyes on the window and door, ready to fight.

Suddenly, a figure was cast directly between the window lattices.

Meng Zhixiang said coldly: "Since you're here, please come in!"

The sound fell, and the doors and windows suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of Tongwenguan killers dressed in white came in from the outside.

The leader is none other than Li Cunli!

Seeing Meng Zhixiang, Li Cunli smiled slightly, and said: "General Meng is indeed a hero of his generation, he is so unruffled in times of danger."

Meng Zhixiang glanced at Li Cunli apprehensively, and said, "I don't know if Mr. Li is visiting late at night, what advice do you have?"

Li Cunli said indifferently: "It's not about teaching, it's just showing you a way out."

"I don't know what is the way of life that General Li said?"

Li Cunli said indifferently: "General Meng, it should not be your turn to worry about how to deal with the demotion of officials in Shu Kingdom, right? I advise you to go back to Bianzhou obediently and wait for the king of Jin to deal with it, so as not to be decapitated." fate."

Meng Zhixiang sneered, and said, "If I go back to Bianzhou, will I really be decapitated?"

Li Cunli sighed a long time and said, "It seems that General Meng is going to go to the end on this road?"

"Not bad." Meng Zhixiang nodded.

"In this case, I have no choice but to take your head to plead guilty to King Jin."

After finishing speaking, Li Cunli waved his hand, "Do it!"

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