Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 59 Selection of chips, Hill's chapter!

However, the reality is always cruel.

On the next possession, Ellis faced George's defense again.

Stubborn, he insists on playing singles with the ball.

Warriors center Biedrins stepped forward and wanted to pick and roll for him, but Ellis refused.

"Pull away, I want to play singles!"

Ellis waved to his teammates.

However, when he directed his teammates to set up, George moved!

I saw Paojiao bullying her body, her hands were like two scythes, and she kept waving at the basketball in the opponent's hand.

Ellis was caught off guard, quickly turned sideways to protect the ball, and dribbled back.

[Young people don't talk about martial arts! ]

Ellis thought to himself.

George's high-pressure defense made him exhausted.

Although Ellis tried his best to deal with it, he made a mistake in the end, and George knifed the basketball in his hand.

Moreover, Ellis is singles with the ball outside the three-point line.

This means that after making a mistake, there is no Warriors player behind him who can help him defend!

After George made the steal, he immediately launched a counterattack.

And Ellis felt very humiliated when he was intercepted head-on, so he gritted his teeth and chased back with all his strength.

Helpless, his physical fitness is still much inferior to that of George.

Even pulling and pulling, Ellis still couldn't stop George from completing a layup.

The referee's whistle sounded at the same time as the basketball hit the board and entered the frame.


Pull people foul!

Two points scored, but also a penalty!

George was very excited after scoring the goal.

He punched his chest hard twice, then turned around, and celebrated with high-fives with his late teammates.

Then George walked to the free throw line and made an extra free throw steadily.

3:0, the Rockets took the lead!

And this ball has become a microcosm of the whole game.

Most of the Warriors' tactics are initiated from the hands of two guards.

If the ball is in Curry's hands, he can often play some decent tactics.

But once in the hands of Ellis, it is easy to fall into personal singles.

In the first quarter, Ellis took 6 shots under George's defense and only hit one goal, which was a dismal hit rate.

Finally, George got off the court to rest, and he faced Tony Allen's defense again, and was also very uncomfortable to be defended.

Later, Ellis was no longer obsessed with personal strong attacks, but actively sought pick-and-rolls from his teammates.

When the opposing player was replaced by the Rockets insider, he started to attack.

And then... Ellis met Tucker.

Playing and playing, Ellis suddenly discovered that the Rockets players seemed to have strong defensive capabilities.

He picked and picked, but he couldn't find a soft persimmon!

[Maybe... I should pass the ball more today. ]

Ellis sighed inwardly.

But he woke up too late!

After the second quarter, the Rockets have established a lead of as many as 20 points.

Although at the beginning of the third quarter, Curry once led the team to a 12:2 spurt.

But after all the main players of both sides returned to the field, the score was opened again.

Finally, when the red light on the timer came on, the score was fixed at 125:101.

The Rockets won their second consecutive away game and won two consecutive victories since the start of the game!


Today's game, Shen Fei did not come to the scene, but watched it in the team's manager's office.

Before the start of the game, he was very optimistic about the Rockets winning.

Shen Fei clearly remembered that in the original time and space, before Ellis left, the Warriors had always been weak in the West.

But after seeing Curry's performance, he still couldn't help itching.

Today, Mengshen scored 25 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds in a limited ball possession.

Among them, 6 of 4 three-pointers were shot, and the hit rate reached a terrifying 66.7%!

Shen Fei believes that if Curry joins, the probability of the Rockets winning the championship this season will be greatly increased!

It's a pity that Curry's current market price is too high, and it is not the time to trade.

[I still have to talk to Mark Jackson, hurry up and let Lawson also play to brush up the data. ]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

The best situation is to wait until the middle of the season, when Lawson has reached the peak of his personal ability under the buff of [Spiritual Time Room], and has generated good-looking statistics.

In this way, the chips used to trade Curry will be more sufficient.

Of course, giving Lawson more playing time means that Jeremy Lin's opportunities will be squeezed.

"No way, for the sake of Curry, I can only sacrifice brother Hao."

Shen Fei muttered to himself.

However, it is still too early to think about trading Curry.

At present, the target of Asian youths is still locked on Roy of the Blazers.

He just watched the data from the first two games of the Blazers last night.

Roy played 40 minutes in the first game and performed well.

But by the second game, his playing time was slightly reduced to 26 minutes.

Through the score chart, Shen Fei determined that the decrease in Roy's playing time was not because the game entered garbage time.

In other words, he is very likely to have been affected by the knee injury.

"After recuperating for a few months, I just finished the first game, and the injury recurred... I'm afraid Roy is feeling very uncomfortable now."

Shen Fei guessed.

But for now, this is just his guesswork.

It is not yet known how Roy's physical condition is.

Shen Fei decided to wait for a few games before making a judgment.

Still, he's a guy who likes to plan for a rainy day.

Shen Fei has already thought about the bargaining chip for trading Roy in the future - Courtney Lee!

This young guard who averaged 12.5 points per game in the Nets last season is not bad.

It's a pity that after Paul George and Danny Green joined, he completely lost his position in the Rockets.

In two consecutive games, Li only played in the last garbage time.

[Just Courtney Lee and Ty Lawson! ]

Shen Fei did it when he thought of it, and immediately called Mark Jackson:

"Mark, the team will be planning some deals next."

"I need you to increase the minutes of Courtney Lee and Ty Lawson."

Shen Fei said straight to the point.

Mark Jackson was taken aback when he heard this.

In fact, he is very satisfied with the current Rockets lineup.

Although he is not sure about winning the championship, Mark Jackson believes that in time, these young people will become the overlords in the league!

He originally thought that after the frequent operations at the beginning of the season, Shen Fei would stop for a while, but he didn't expect to trade again so soon.

"Okay...I'll arrange it."

Mark Jackson thought for a moment and agreed.

After all, this young Asian manager has been surprising him since the beginning of the game.

Now that Shen Fei made a request, Mark Jackson naturally had no reason to refuse.


Two days later.

October 10, Beijing time, Toyota Center Arena.

The Rockets will return home to face their third opponent of the season - the Denver Nuggets!

It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that the Rockets' two old players, Jordan Hill and Ismail Smith, returned to the Toyota Center after leaving the team.

The two are in Denver, and they've settled in pretty well.

As Kenyon Martin's substitute, Jordan Hill contributed 14 points and 7 rebounds and 13 points and 8 rebounds in the first two games, and his performance was remarkable.

Ish Smith also replaced Lawson as Billups' first backup.

With his solid basic skills and good basketball IQ, he also won the trust of the head coach, George Karl.

Before the game, Hill also made a statement at the press conference, saying that he would prove himself in the game and hoped that Shen Fei would watch the game on the spot.

These words quickly had a lot of repercussions.

After hearing the news, the Rockets were furious.

The players were in routine training at the time.

Battier, the big brother who was resting off the court, swiped the news on his mobile phone and immediately shared it with his teammates.

George, who was still training happily, turned dark on the spot.

McGrady even put away his sleepy eyes, and became unusually serious.

Griffin clenched his fist quietly, but didn't speak, thinking about something.

And the person Hill spoke to——Shen Fei, after hearing the news, laughed it off.

For such a small role, he didn't even bother to pay attention.

In Shen Fei's eyes, even a single response seemed to be worthless.

However, he originally planned to watch the game at the scene, so he appeared in the Toyota Center Arena as scheduled today.

However, the outside world didn't know what Shen Fei was thinking, and thought he was really irritated by Jordan Hill's words.

Therefore, before the game even started, a large group of melon eaters had already gathered on social media.

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