Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 58 The next target, Roy!

Shen Fei quickly recalled the opening match in his mind.

Throughout the entire game, the Rockets took the initiative most of the time and were always in the lead.

Among them, there are reasons why the players performed well.

But it is undeniable that, as the defending champion, the Lakers somewhat underestimated their opponents in the first game of the new season.

This also led to them not attacking the Rockets' weak position at the beginning of the game.

Mark Jackson's "small" lineup, the inside is an obvious weakness.

Although Tucker is tough and has excellent defensive awareness, he cannot always maintain his strength due to his height.

This was very obvious after the Lakers began to storm the inside in the second half.

In other words, if yesterday was in the playoffs, and the Zijin Army stormed the inside from the beginning of the game, Tucker is likely to encounter foul trouble.

By then, the defensive system built by Mark Jackson will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

"The problem of the center should be solved after Yao Ming returns."

"However, it is still necessary to find a good backup center, just in case."

Shen Fei thought to himself.

Although he can recover Yao Ming's injury through the system, Shen Fei can't guarantee that Yao can stay healthy until the end of the season.

After all, with the height and weight of the little giant, the risk of injury is much higher than that of ordinary players, even though he has lost a lot of weight in the past two months.

But today's league has not been affected by the Warriors' "small ball" trend, and each team attaches great importance to big centers.

Therefore, there are not many affordable center forwards on the market, and Shen Fei really couldn't think of a suitable candidate for a while.

In addition to the inside line, the Rockets currently have a shortcoming that makes Shen Fei more concerned-the lack of sharp-edged people on the bench.

Looking at the bench in the aviation city, there are not many capable players.

Defensive Titans have Tony - Allen, Sean - Battier, offensive Kevin - Martin, Luis - Scola, and the young Jeremy Lin.

In Shen Fei's view, the Rockets currently have sufficient defensive resources, but the offensive end still lacks explosive points.

Kevin Martin has a good scoring ability, but his style of play is soft and he likes to make fouls.

This style of play may be very useful in the regular season, but in the playoffs, it is impossible for Martin to get so many whistles, and his strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Scola has excellent skills, but his physical fitness is average, and he is easily restricted in high-end rounds.

Jeremy Lin has great potential, but it will take some time before he is as strong as he was during the "Linsanity" period.

"Is there any scorer who is willing to be a substitute..."

Shen Fei tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

Finally, a name came to his mind - Brandon Roy!

The shooting guard nicknamed "Yellow Mamba" was once hailed as Kobe Bryant's successor.

But Roy's career was rocky.

Back in college, he suffered several knee injuries.

Back then, the Blazers were under a lot of pressure and brought him to Portland with the sixth pick.

After entering the NBA, Roy suffered from minor injuries.

Up to now, he has had six operations on his legs combined, and the cartilage in his knee has been completely gone.

In other words, every time Roy moves now, the knees directly collide and rub against the bones, without cartilage as a buffer!

Shen Fei recalled that this year Roy's knees could no longer withstand high-intensity competitions.

If it develops as usual, then in 2011, that is, next year, he will announce his retirement due to injury.

[It won't be long before Roy's transaction value will drop to freezing point, but you can give it a try...]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

The young Asian had admired Roy in his previous life.

If he and Oden are not troubled by injuries, the Blazers may be able to form a "Roy-Oden-Aldridge" Big Three lineup.

"Wait a little longer. If I remember correctly, Roy's knee will fail soon after the start of the season..."

Shen Fei planned in his mind that in the future, when Roy was troubled by injuries, he would be traded over, and then he would use [Holy Light Healing] to help him recover.

At that time, the Rockets' bench will have a terrifying sharp knife!


Time flies, and the Rockets soon ushered in their second opponent in the regular season—the Golden State Warriors!

"go. warriors!"

"go. warriors!"


Before the game started, the fans in the Oracle Center Arena showed a terrifying home atmosphere!

However, the Rockets players still stepped onto the field with ease.

The reason is simple. In the opening game, they had just defeated the defending champions, and they were in full swing!

With the referee throwing the ball high, the game officially begins!

Today's Rockets' starting lineup is the same as the first game.

The Warriors sent: Stephen - Curry, Monta - Ellis, Dorell - White, David - Lee and Biedrins lineup.

Biedrins, who was in charge of the jump ball, was tall and long and won the scrimmage with Griffin.

Warriors go first!

Curry advanced with the ball through half court.

This year is his second season.

In the last month of last season, Curry performed well, faintly surpassing Tyreke Evans to become the best rookie.

However, Curry is still in his infancy now, and his shot selection is far less crazy than in the future.

After passing half court, he organized the offense at the top of the arc and passed the ball to the current leader of the Warriors-Monta Ellis.

Ellis is playing against Rockets rookie Paul George.

As a scorer who averaged 25:05 per game last season, Ellis was full of confidence when facing George.

Although he is only 191c tall, he is extremely fast and has super explosive power.

"Rookie, don't be intimidated by my speed."

Ellis smiled slightly and spat out the trash.

Unmoved, George opened his hands, sank his center of gravity, and assumed a defensive posture.

At this time, his confidence is also very sufficient.

After all, at the last moment of the last game, George defended Kobe's offense.

[I can defend against the most offensive players in the league, so I'm afraid that you, a second-rate star, won't succeed? ]

Paul George thought to himself.

The next moment, Ellis moved!

His first step is quick and explosive.

But strangely, George wasn't flustered in any way.

Instead, he immediately adjusted his steps and moved laterally to catch up.

Relying on the advantage of height and arm length, George quickly returned to his defensive position and forced Ellis to near the baseline.

At this position, Ellis' height disadvantage is fully exposed.

He couldn't see the basket or his teammates, so he could only worry in the corner.

Paul George took advantage of the victory to pursue, and suddenly stretched out a ghost hand and pressed it on the basketball in Ellis' arms.

The two immediately got into a fight.


The referee blows the whistle, and the ball is scrambled!

George smiled and high-fived his teammates, celebrating the successful defense.

In fact, there was a reason why his breakthrough against Ellis was so successful.

During the two-month offseason, George has been training against McGrady.

The first step of TC is much faster than Ellis!


In this jump ball, George won easily and won the ball for the Rockets.

Ellis was upset, and while staring at George, he slowly retreated

Seeing this, Curry couldn't help reminding the big brother of the team: "Monta, don't worry, this rookie has good physical fitness, don't fight hard with him."


Ellis shook his head, obviously not listening.

In his opinion, George was just lucky last round.

[Next time, I will definitely find my way back! ]

Ellis' competitiveness was aroused.

After all, he is the man who thinks he is the second shooting guard in the league (the first is Kobe)!

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