Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 40 Convince Alexander, no worries!

Doubts were overwhelming, as if returning to the time when Griffin was first traded.

The fans seemed to have lost their memory. They forgot the Rockets' recent successes and once again pointed their finger at Shen Fei.

That night, the entry of #沉飞下课# rushed into the trending searches on Twitter.

The momentum was so great that it even alarmed the top management of the Rockets.

The owner, Alexander, who was originally going to be the hands-off shopkeeper, was a little shocked after reading the hot reviews on the Internet.

The last time he chatted with Shen Fei was three months ago.

On that day, Alexander did not keep Adelman, but entrusted the team to Shen Fei.

"I remember telling him at the time that this season is a transitional season, and it's good to develop steadily. Why does he move so much?"

Alexandra was puzzled, and immediately sent a text message to Fei Shen, inviting him to come to his home tomorrow to have a talk.

When Shen Fei saw the boss's summons, he didn't pay much attention to it, and after simply agreeing, he stopped thinking about it.

He knew very well that what he was doing now was not what Alexander expected.

But out of consideration for the future, after Shen Fei emerged from the system, he was ready to confront the boss.

After all, if he fails to win the championship this season, the system will leave him.

And Shen Fei is a very self-aware person.

He knows that he is not a basketball major, and his understanding of the nba is at the level of a fan, far inferior to those professional managers who have been in the industry for many years.

Apart from the system, Shen Fei's only advantage is to understand the development of nba in the next few years.

He knows which players are in the abyss and will rise soon, and he also knows which players are strong but will fall from the altar.

But relying on "prophet" alone cannot make Shen Fei invincible.

Especially in today's era of separatist regimes and powers vying for hegemony.

In other words, Shen Fei must keep the system, and he must win this season's championship!

And if you want to win the championship this season, it is inevitable to make drastic changes to the lineup.

Even if this is contrary to the instructions of the team owner-Alexander.

In tomorrow's meeting, Shen Fei intends to openly talk about his thoughts.

Asian youths are confident that they can persuade Alexander to help them compete for the championship.


The next day, Shen Fei drove to Alexander's residence.

Alexander with white hair smiled and led Shen Fei into the room.

The two sat on the luxurious sofa, and the servant brought them freshly brewed coffee.

"How about it, are you still used to the work these few months?"

Alexander asked with a smile.

"It's not bad, although it's a bit hard, but seeing that the team has been getting better, it's not so tiring."

Shen Fei said lightly.

In his last life, he was a bigwig in the business world, and he hadn't worked for him for many years.

But Shen Fei, who has experience as a superior, knows very well how to deal with superiors.

To put it simply, it is necessary to show one's ability without being too relaxed.

"Thank you for your hard work. At such a young age, you have such a heavy responsibility on your shoulders."

"Your signings have indeed given me a lot of surprises."

"However, I remember... three months ago, when we were chatting, I told you the team's goals for this year?"

Alexander still kept a smile on his face, but his tone was not as kind as before.

"I remember everything you said before."

"All my operations now are indeed contrary to your meaning."

Shen Fei was neither humble nor overbearing, speaking in a very flat tone.

When Alexander heard these two sentences, his eyebrows were raised, and he looked at the young Asian in disbelief.

[Good guy, fight against me, and you still say it so lightly? ]

"But what if I say ... I can lead the Rockets to a title?"

Shen Fei asked suddenly.

"Win the championship?" Alexander was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "I heard that you held a high-level meeting on the first day you took office, and announced that there is only one goal for this season, which is to win the championship?"

"Yes, to win the championship this season."

Shen Fei solemnly repeated each word.

Alexander shook his head, looked around and said:

"You have been here for three months, you should have had a lot of contact with Yao Ming, right?"

"His body can't go back."

"I have communicated with the top orthopedic surgeons in the United States. Yao Ming's feet can no longer withstand too much high-intensity confrontation."

"That is to say, the core players of our Rockets have fallen from the altar."

Speaking of this, the elderly Alexander looked sad.

The meaning of his words is-the Rockets' championship window has been closed, and they have to enter the reconstruction period.

"What if I say, I can make Yao Ming fully recover from his injury? And McGrady is the same."

Shen Fei said seriously.

Alexander was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Shen Fei in disbelief: "Are you serious?"

"Well, my hometown - Huaxia, has a special treatment method."

"It's inconvenient to say more about the specific treatment methods, but I can assure you that both of them can return to their peak strength."

"What I need right now is...you stand behind me and support me!"

Shen Fei looked into Alexander's eyes and put forward his request.

"I can guarantee that the Rockets will win the championship this season."

The Asian youth propped his hands on the table, and his upper body suddenly approached Alexander.

Invading the safe distance of the negotiating object, and then expressing opinions in a very oppressive tone...

Shen Fei, who had been in the business world for many years in his previous life, was too good at persuading the other party to agree to his request!

"If it can't be done, I will not only immediately resign from the position of general manager of the Rockets, but I will also repay the salary of this year. No, I will repay 10 times!"

Shen Fei struck while the iron was hot and issued a military order.

Alexander looked at the serious young man in front of him, pondered for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

"Oh, I'm old, and I don't have the courage of your young people."

"Go ahead and do it, Shen Fei. When you need my help, just let me know."

"However, I want to see the final result. If you fail to win the championship, just do as you said."

After finishing speaking, Alexander stood up from the sofa, turned and left.

Shen Fei smiled slightly, and left the boss' mansion contentedly.

He doesn't care about gossip on the Internet.

Shen Fei roughly estimated that 80% of the people who hacked him now are Rockets fans.

Shen Fei is very familiar with fans' peeing.

In the future, as long as the Rockets have a good record, these people will not only stop attacking, but also become their loyal fans.

And the remaining 20% ​​are unreasonable sunspots.

Shen Fei didn't bother to pay attention to Heizi at all.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the city.

In the training hall of the Rockets, the scene of parting is being staged.

Jordan Hill and Ishmael Smith have packed their luggage in the locker room and are saying their final goodbyes to their teammates.

With tears in his eyes, Smith reluctantly hugged his teammates one by one.

Jordan Hill, on the other hand, looked displeased.

After the game last night, he was interviewed by the media for the first time in his career.

It is no exaggeration to describe Hill's state at that time as high-spirited.

But when he boarded the team bus with his teammates, his agent called and told Hill that he had been traded.

[? ? ? ]

[I have just played the best competitive state in the past two years, shouldn't the team treat me as a treasure? ]

[Why did you sell me instead? ]

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