Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 39 The deal is concluded, Huomi is crazy!

The manager of the Nuggets frowned, seeing Shen Fei's indifferent expression, he was eager to say a rebuttal, but he didn't know how to say it.

After thinking about it, Karnisovas nodded slowly and accepted what the other party said.

"How about this, Manager Shen Fei, we can offer both Anderson and Lawson you want."

"However, in addition to Jordan Hill and Ish Smith, we also want a first-round pick."

Karnisovas suggested.

"We're rebuilding, and a first-round pick is pretty much a lottery pick."

Shen Fei didn't directly refuse, but the meaning of his words was very clear.

"Then...then add another second-round pick!"

"Jordan Hill's performance last year was incomparable to Lawson's, and now he has only played a few good games in the preseason and has not been tested in the regular season. Ismail Smith is just a draft pick."

Karnisovas fought hard, which was the only reason he could think of to lower the price.

When Shen Fei heard this, he knew that the other party was in a mess, and there was no logic in what he said.

In fact, a second-round pick is not important to the Rockets, as long as it is given, it will be given.

If the team really needs a second-round pick, they can spend millions of dollars to buy it before the draft.

Not to mention, Shen Fei has always had only one goal, which is to win the championship this season, and the pick for next year is not a priority.

Moreover, in the eyes of young Asians, whether it is Chris Anderson or Ty Lawson, the value of any one of them is enough to exchange for the two rookies of the Rockets.

In the future, when Lawson hits good numbers, Shen Fei can change hands and sell him, and he can definitely make a lot of money!

So, he followed his plan, pretended to hesitate, thought for a while, and then said:

"Well, Manager Karnisovas, consider it a friend."

"This second-round draft pick, I'm the master, I'll give it to you! At worst, let Alexander tell me a meal later."

After all, Shen Fei smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Karnisovas was overjoyed and called Shen Fei bold.

The two shook hands, and it was considered a formal agreement to make a deal!

Shen Fei struck while the iron was hot, immediately took out his mobile phone, and asked his assistant to send over the contract.

After both parties signed the contract, the young Asian breathed a sigh of relief, and finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

[Thus, the rocket has two "anti-Nowitzki" armors. ]

Shen Fei thought to himself.

Tucker, Anderson, and Battier can also defend when necessary, which should be able to limit the performance of German tanks to a certain extent.

As for whether it needs to be supplemented in the future, Shen Fei is not in a hurry to decide.

[Wait after the Mavericks game, and then make plans. ]

The Asian youth thought to himself.


Shen Fei, who was in a good mood, watched the match with Karnisovas in the coffee shop on his laptop.

In the second half of the game, the Nuggets once set off a counterattack wave.

Anthony, who is at his peak, still has a small advantage in Paul George's matchup.

In the third quarter, he scored 15 points in a single quarter, once helping the team narrow the point difference to three points.

But at the critical moment, George gave his own response.

He faced Anthony's defense directly, used a step-back three-pointer, and a 2+1 breakthrough to hit the basket to help the Rockets widen the point difference again.

So far, the Nuggets have never been able to organize a decent counterattack.

After three quarters, the Rockets still lead their opponents by 12 points.

Since it was a preseason game, the coaches of both sides replaced all the main players during the break.

In the fourth quarter of the game, the protagonist on the court became another undrafted pick of the Rockets—Jeremy Lin!

Brother Hao led the other substitute players and played an extremely exciting performance in this quarter!

As the core point guard, he not only connected the Rockets' offense well, but also shot inside and outside in terms of personal offense, scoring 10 points alone, helping the team continue to expand the point difference.

Although facing the Nuggets' bench lineup, such a performance.Still got the affirmation of the head coach - Mark Jackson.

One minute before the end of the game, he deliberately replaced Jeremy Lin in advance to let him enjoy the applause from the fans at the Pepsi Center.

After feeling the enthusiasm of the fans, Brother Hao's eyes turned slightly red.

As an undrafted pick, he has not received much recognition along the way.

On the contrary, doubts have never stopped.

As a Chinese-American, as a yellow race, he often encounters unfair treatment in the game.

For example, opponents often make "bigger" moves when defending against him in order to show their toughness.

But these actions are rarely whistled.

Objectively speaking, if the same action happened to a player from the beautiful country, he would definitely get a whistle!

Jeremy Lin has resisted these pressures and targets, and has come to the present step by step.

It wasn't until before the draft meeting that Shen Fei's phone call and the Rockets' favor made everything turn around.

Brother Hao finally got the chance to express himself!

From the summer league to the current preseason, he has made progress step by step, improving every day, and gradually won the love of Rockets fans.

Under the official Twitter of the Rockets, many fans left messages, thinking that one day, Shu Hao will become Yao Ming on the back line!

After the heartwarming scene, the game came to an end.

In the end, the Rockets defeated the Nuggets 105:92 and won three consecutive preseason games.

Rockets fans cheered after the game.There are voices discussing them on all major social media.

The most sought after, of course, is Paul George, who performed well and looked like a superstar.

"Perfect game! The young players all played very well, especially George, he was even able to wrestle with Anthony!"

"Let's put it this way, George is the next McGrady, TC's flag, someone can finally take over!"

"Upstairs, what you said... McGrady is still in the Rockets, and he hasn't retired yet."

"It is true that he has not retired, but he is no longer the Tracy McGrady of the past. George is rising, and we are all witnesses. Bless him!"

"I think the reason why Shen Fei signed McGrady during the offseason is that he wanted him to play the role of George's mentor! I heard that they trained together for two months in the summer."


In addition, Jordan Hill has also been appreciated by many fans.

"In this game, George may have played the most brilliantly, but Hill, who scored 20 points in only halftime, should not be forgotten!"

"That's right, Hill's condition today is better than the previous two games. After playing for more than ten minutes, he was full of energy. It can be described as a 'physical monster'!"

"Although Hill's physical talent is far inferior to Griffin's, his shots are really smooth and stable!"

"When it comes to Griffin, I'm angry! I finally played two good games, but I didn't play again today. I probably got injured again."

"Who said it wasn't? Originally, I wanted to praise Shen Fei for doing a good deal. Looking at it now, if Griffin is really vitreous, then we will definitely lose. Even if Stephenson and Brooks are not as talented as him, at least they can play Contribute to the team!"


The fans discussed in full swing.

Judging from the remarks they made, their hostility towards Shen Fei was not as deep as before.

Except that Griffin did not play, which made them worry about his re-injury, the Rockets fans are still very satisfied with Shen Fei's few operations.

However, at this moment, a well-known reporter from Yahoo Sports, Woj, announced the deal between the Rockets and the Nuggets on his personal Twitter.

"The deal is done! The Houston Rockets send: Jordan Hill, Ish Smith and a dimensional draft pick to the Nuggets: Chris Anderson and Ty Lawson."

Once this deal was announced, Rockets fans were blown away!

Below the tweet, a large number of fans quickly gathered.


"I'm not mistaken, did this really happen? It's October, not April 10st!"

"Jordan Hill has played so well recently, and he was replaced again?"

A hot honey who was filled with righteous indignation, even sent a long tweet, and also @ Rocket official:

"Before Stephenson played a good game in the summer league and was immediately traded away, I can understand. After all, the opponents are only some players from the development league, and the gold content is not high."

"But Hill is fighting against NBA-level teams!"

"His performance is not mixed with any water, I even think he can compete for the most improved player this year!"

"At the end of the day, we changed a veteran player and a second-year rookie?"

"What is this Shen Fei thinking? Whoever plays well will be replaced?"


For a time, the crowd was excited!

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