Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 31 First win in the preseason, new trade preparations!

After the dunk was successful, other Rockets players stepped forward to congratulate Griffin.

George bumped his chest and Lowry high-fived him.

Veteran Battier rubbed Griffin's chest.

The latter's efforts can be seen by everyone during this period, and they are naturally happy for his outstanding performance at this moment.

Griffin stood on the free throw line, listened to the cheers of the fans, and made the free throw steadily.

At this time, there is only one second left in the second quarter.

With Vince Carter's ultra-long-range three-pointer, halftime ended, and the Rockets led the Magic by 62 points 51:11.

This kind of game process obviously deviates from everyone's expectations.

Yang Yi vowed before the game that the Magic will have a huge advantage.

It was a bit embarrassing to be severely slapped in the face.

During the intermission, he analyzed the first half of the game:

"The Magic trailed by double digits at halftime, mainly because their core player-Dwight Howard's mentality has changed."

"We have watched a lot of Rockets games. Everyone knows that the Magic have always been afraid of the Rockets."

"Especially Howard. Even in the season when he led the team to the finals, he still looked very weak in front of Yao Ming."

"Dayao was finally absent due to injury today, and Howard should also want to perform well. Unexpectedly, the Rockets adopted a resolute double-team tactic, and the rookies responsible for defending Warcraft were also very tough one by one."

"This made Howard more and more impatient as he played. In the end, he no longer cared about a reasonable offense, and just wanted to put the ball in by himself."

Yu Jia nodded when he heard the words, and added:

"And the performance of these newcomers of the Rockets is remarkable."

"Lowry, George, and Battier's perimeter defense made it difficult for several veteran stars of the Magic to play."

"What surprised me the most was that George was not stage frightened when facing Vince Carter, and even had the upper hand."

Yu Jia's tone was full of appreciation for George.

"You have finished boasting about the three outside players, so let me talk about the two young insiders of the Rockets."

Yang Yi took over the conversation and continued to analyze:

"Power forward Griffin has just returned from injury, but his performance in the first half perfectly met the expectations of the fans for him."

"8 of 6 shots, 15 points, 7 rebounds, 2 blocks."

"I don't know what the owner of the Clippers thinks after seeing Griffin's excellent half-quarter game?"

Speaking of this, Yang Yi smiled and glanced at Yu Jia.

"What else can you think?"

"If Griffin can stay healthy, the Rockets' deal will definitely make a lot of money"

"If I were the owner of the Clippers, I might fire the general manager."

Yu Jia said jokingly.

"Let me go on. Center Jordan Hill also played very well in the first half."

"It can be seen that he only recently started playing the fifth position, and today he is facing Howard again, which must be a big challenge for Hill."

"Although I don't know why Mark Jackson let him go to the center position, but judging from the first half, Hill completed the coach's task very well."

"And he also got a lot of shots in the first half. He took 5 mid-range shots and hit 4 goals. His score was even higher than Howard."

Yang Yi analyzed.

"These young men played really well!"

"I have to say something very objectively. After Shen Fei became the general manager of the Rockets, he boldly appointed new players and achieved good results."

"Based on this alone, I am very optimistic that he can go a long way on the road of being a manager!"

"Okay, the second half of the game will start soon, and we will turn the camera back to the front."

Yu Jia said with a smile.


Easy side to fight again, the Rockets serve.

In the first round of the second half, George launched an attack at a 45-degree angle.

He beckoned inside and asked Hill to pick and roll.

Came out with the latter, and Howard.

As the only man in history with 3 dpoys in a row, Master Huo can not only turn the basket into a no-fly zone, but also follow up and defend against smaller players on the outside.

But Carter, who defended with him, has a slow lateral movement speed because of his age.

George saw the timing, accelerated to throw off the defense, and rushed towards the basket.

Howard is right next to him, with his right hand raised high, ready to block the shot, and his left hand sideways, guarding George for a pass.

With just one action, it can be seen that the best defensive player is by no means in vain.

But George is very good at improvising.

Under the shadow of Howard, he suddenly passed the ball from behind and handed the ball to Hill who followed up.

The latter made a mid-range jumper before Carter made up for it...


The basketball went into the net hollow, which continued to expand the advantage for the Rockets.

After being scored, Howard spread his hands helplessly.

No matter how strong his personal defensive ability is, he can't take care of two people at the same time.

Offensive and defensive conversion.

The old Carter made up for his mistakes, singled out George and hit two points.

The duel between the two was very exciting, and Paojiao almost completed the steal.

But Carter has rich experience, and suddenly changed his tactics at the last moment. He turned around and wiped George past him, and threw a difficult fallback.

Looking back, the unconvinced George also chose to single out Carter.

I saw that he first dribbled the ball under the crotch, and then suddenly accelerated.

The old Carter hastily moved laterally to defend.

Unexpectedly, George didn't talk about martial arts, relying on his physical advantage, he was about to complete the layup relying on Carter.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, a giant hand suddenly appeared in the sky, and slapped the ball out of the baseline with one palm!

It was Howard who was holding back his energy!

One offense and one defense for two rounds, George's attempts all ended in failure.

But Shen Fei in the stands felt only satisfied after watching it.

In his opinion, George has done almost perfect in the round of defending Carter.

In the same situation, if Carter is asked to make 10 shots, he may not make the second shot.

In the offensive round, George easily broke through Carter's defense.

It can be said that after three months of training, with the addition of [Spiritual Time Room], the current level of pickled peppers can already serve as the team's starter!


In the following time, the two sides entered a tug of war.

The scores of the two teams rose alternately, and the point difference was always maintained at around 10 points.

Since it was a preseason game, the Magic coach asked five substitutes to wait on the sidelines with 7 minutes left in the third quarter.

Once the ball is dead, they will be replaced with a full bench.

Upon seeing this, Jordan Hill immediately signaled to Mark Jackson that he wanted to defend Howard alone in the end.

The Rockets coach nodded and agreed to his request.



When Howard turned around, he made a slight effort with his right elbow, making a muffled grunt against Hill, and then completed a dunk on the latter's head.

"excuse me..."

Hill, who fell on the ground, complained helplessly.

After the ball, both sides quickly put on substitutes.

The only starter left on the field was, of course, Jordan Hill.

And Jeremy Lin, who came off the bench, became the person who delivered ammunition for him.

Pj-Tucker is fully defensive, allowing Hill to better devote his energy to the offense.

With the help of his teammates, Hill scored 15 points in the second half and a total of 25 points, 12 rebounds and 3 assists in the game. His performance was very eye-catching!

In the end, the Rockets beat the Eastern powerhouse Magic 125:100!

After the game, Shen Fei immediately called the director of the team's publicity department and asked him to post Jordan Hill's highlight highlights on major social media.

"Next, your Propaganda Department has only one task, which is to create more heat for Hill."

"Whether you're buying traffic or asking big v to comment, it's fine."

Shen Fei ordered.

After hanging up the phone, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Trading Anderson is officially on the agenda!

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