Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 30: The white monster comes out of the cage, and the brutal buckle reappears!

After a brief surprise, the scene broke out into warm cheers again.

Rockets fans never imagined that Warcraft-Howard's offensive frame would be directly overturned by the team's "glass" young man.

"Oh my god, did you see how high Griffin jumped just now? The top of his head should be over the frame!"

"It's the first time I've seen Howard covered so badly! Griffin's explosive power is too exaggerated!!!"

"It's not just high, it's also top-notch bullet speed. From the time he took off to reaching the highest point, it took just an instant! That's why Dwight couldn't react."

Several fans expressed their opinions, and the surprise could not be hidden in their words.

CCTV commentator Yu Jia also couldn't help sighing: "Before the start of the preseason, many Rockets fans were very worried about Griffin's health."

"But at least so far, his competitive state is very good, and he seems to have fully recovered from the injury."

Yang Yi nodded when he heard the words, but also added earnestly:

"Now it's up to Griffin to stay healthy."

"In summer league two months ago, he got hurt after a quarter and a half."

"I hope similar scenarios will not happen again."

Eyes back to the pitch.

Howard had just been knocked to the ground, and now he just got up.

After getting up, everyone found that the smile on Master Huo's face had disappeared, and there was both anger and shock between his brows.

"Rookie, you wait for me!"

Howard said to Griffin, the fighting spirit was finally ignited.

Although he is also the No. [-] pick, but Griffin was troubled by injuries before, and his evaluation on the Internet is not high.

Therefore, Howard didn't take today's duel with Griffin into his heart, and he didn't make targeted preparations.

But now, he decided to let this rookie learn what is the top insider in nba!

Griffin spread his hands, the expression on his face was still relaxed, obviously he didn't take Howard's cruel words to heart.

The game continues.

Magic baseline serve.

Rashard Lewis received a pass from Carter in the bottom corner through a running position, and raised his hand to score a three-pointer.

After the basketball left his fingertips, it spun at a high speed, drawing a beautiful arc in the air...


Hollow into the network!

4:3, the Magic finally opened.

Offensive and defensive conversion, Lowry passed the half court with the ball.

According to the tactics, Jordan Hill mentioned the high position and set up a screen.

After a simple pick-and-roll, Lowry shrugged off Nelson's defense and found Howard hadn't followed.

Without hesitation, he immediately collected the ball and shot a jumper.


Three points scored, answer.ball!

After the goal, Lowry smiled slightly.

Under Shen Fei's instruction, he focused on outside shooting during the off-season.

The original words of the Asian youth are: "As long as there is a chance to shoot a three-pointer next season, whether it is a positional battle or a transition attack, you have to shoot as soon as possible!"

Shen Fei's words gave "Small Steel Cannon" a lot of confidence and motivation.

After two months, Lowry's outside shooting percentage has greatly improved.

Moreover, since Brooks was traded away, Rockets fans have expressed deep doubts about whether Lowry can replace Xiao Heidou.

Lowry is also full of energy today, and wants to start the new season well, so that fans can trust him and be qualified as the team's main point guard.

Easy side to fight again, the Magic still focuses on Howard.

The Rockets' coping strategy is also very simple, which is to resolutely double-team Howard.

After one quarter, Howard sent out 6 assists.

The scores of the two teams also rose alternately.

After the first quarter, the two sides tied at 28.

During the intermission, Mark Jackson praised the performance of the players: "Great job, kids! Everything is going according to our plan. Continue to defend like this, and pay attention to maintaining defensive strength!"

Jordan Hill heard the words and asked suspiciously: "But coach, in this way, those shooters of the Magic team will all shoot!"

As the No. 8 pick last year, he is very confident in his talent.

In addition, Howard did not score too many points under his defense in the first quarter...

Jordan Hill now has an inexplicable illusion that "I can defend against Warcraft alone".

"Don't worry, if you want to try, when we gain an advantage in the later stage, I agree with you to defend him alone for a few rounds."

Mark Jackson replied with a smile, and then continued to arrange tactics:

"Children, don't look at Howard's selflessness in the first quarter. As long as we continue to double-team, he will get impatient and choose to attack."

"When the time comes, our chance will come!"

Mark Jackson said seriously.

This is the countermeasure Shen Fei gave him before the match!

This strategy is not original to Shen Fei, but the method he obtained by standing on the shoulders of giants.

In the original time and space, in this year's playoffs, the fourth Magic in the East will be eliminated by the fifth Eagles 4:2, and the process is basically one-sided.

The counterattack of Xiagou is inseparable from effective tactics.

The key to victory for the Eagles is to resolutely double-team Howard!

According to Shen Fei's words——

"Howard is still a child at heart. What he desires is not only victory, but also the applause of the fans and dazzling statistics."

"You double-team him, Howard will selflessly pass the ball to the open teammate."

"But if you double-team him for the entire game, he will definitely not be able to stand it."

"When Howard gets impatient, the Magic's offense will lose its flow, and our chance will come!"


Sure enough, from the second half of the second quarter, Howard gradually lost his patience.

He couldn't stand being unable to attack personally all the time.

Therefore, when facing the double-teaming of pj-Tucker and Griffin, Howard turned around forcibly, but Tucker made an offensive foul.

On the next possession, he hesitated again with a pass, was sacked from behind by Paul George, and succeeded again on the counterattack.

In just 1 minute, Howard sent two turnovers, and the Magic were therefore pulled away from the score.

Not only that, after the Rockets succeeded in consecutive counterattacks, their morale was boosted, and the players became more and more excited.

The final play of the second quarter.

Lowry held the ball at the top of the arc and played a pick-and-roll with Griffin.

I saw a no-look-pass from Xiaogangpao, passing the ball to Griffin who rolled down after the pick-and-roll.

The next moment, the white monster came out of the cage!

Facing Rashad Lewis who was defending the basket, Griffin plucked the green onion on dry land, kicked his feet two steps away from the three-second zone, and lifted off vertically.

When he just took off, Lewis was still disdainful, thinking that the young man on the other side was too impatient.

[Collecting the ball at such a distance, how do you complete the finish? ]

But soon, Griffin was getting closer and closer to him, and Lewis suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It's that... feeling of being a backdrop!

He quickly put his hands on his chest and pushed forward, trying to push Griffin away from the basket.

However, when the two sides actually made physical contact, Lewis only felt an unstoppable force, and then he was directly ejected...


Nothing fancy, just pure height and strength.

Griffin actually faced Lewis' defense and completed the dunk!


Then the referee's whistle sounded.

Two points scored, but also a penalty!


The Toyota Center is completely seething.

Some fans put their hands to the back of their heads and looked at the pitch in disbelief.

Some have mouths wide enough to stuff an egg in!

At this moment, they finally realized what kind of monster Shen Fei traded for!

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