Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 28 Shen Fei's Instructions, The Preseason Begins!

"Mark, I'm going to make another deal next."

In the conference room, Shen Fei said lightly.

"What are you going to do?"

Mark Jackson wondered.

In his eyes, the Rockets are currently in a good state.

The veteran is in excellent condition, and the rookie is like a wolf like a tiger. It is the time for the Rockets to strive for good results.

Now that Shen Fei suddenly wanted to make a deal again, Mark Jackson was a little puzzled.

"Yao still has some time to recover from his injury. Except for Tucker, our inside line is not strong in defense."

Shen Fei replied.

This time, Mark Jackson was even more puzzled.

As Shen Fei said, pj-Tucker has a tough defense.

In addition to him, Chuck Hayes is difficult to shake in the low post; although the newly joined Griffin is inexperienced, he is also very tough on the defensive end with his excellent jumping and strong body.

How could it be defenseless when it comes to the mouth of your own general manager?

Shen Fei saw Mark Jackson's confusion at a glance.

"I'm looking at it from a championship standpoint."

"In the current league, there are too many excellent insiders."

"Spurs' Tim Duncan, Celtics' Kevin Garnett, Heat's Chris Bosh..."

"Of course, there's Dirk Nowitzki in Dallas, who's causing me the most headaches right now."

Shen Fei explained.

"General manager, I understand what you mean."

"However, I agree with the first few people, but this last one..."

"With all due respect, Dirk may be difficult to stop in the regular season, but in the playoffs, I don't think there is too much fear."

Mark Jackson said seriously.

Shen Fei understood what he meant, and immediately shook his head.

Unexpectedly, not only the fans, but even the professionals underestimated Nowitzki so much.

Shen Fei understands why Nowitzki was so explosive in the playoffs back then, but the opponent's targeted defense against him has never been done well...

A large part of the reason is the negative evaluation of the driver from the outside world (Nowitzki hadn't played the season of the gods, and the fans called him more "soft guy" than "Northern King"), which led to opponents more or less underestimated him.

This contempt is not only reflected in their attitude, but also in their preparations.

If you don't make enough preparations, it will be too late to wait until the series starts to set up targeted tactics!

The team also lacks player reserves to limit Nowitzki, who is super capable in singles.

"Dirk will be the biggest obstacle for us to rush out of the West this year! In the next season, the coaching staff must conduct full research on Nowitzki and his Mavericks."

Shen Fei ordered in an unquestionable tone.

The Heat may be the team with the strongest overall strength this season. The Mavericks led by Nowitzki will definitely be the most resilient and very tricky team!

Seeing that Shen Fei was so solemn, Mark Jackson nodded immediately, expressing that he would prepare well for the battle.

"Speaking of trades, my target is Chris Anderson of the Nuggets."

"In the next preseason, I need you to give two players more opportunities to perform."

"Jordan Hill and Ish Smith"

Shen Fei said lightly.

Neither of these two played in the group match just now, and they belonged outside the team's rotation.

"I will arrange it, don't worry, manager."

Mark Jackson naturally had no objections, and immediately agreed.After all, he pondered for a moment, and added:

"However, manager, I need to remind you. Anderson is an athletic insider, but he is 32 years old this year, and he may fall off a cliff at any time."

Mark - Jackson's concerns are not unreasonable.

There have been countless jumping men in NBA history, and most of them will suddenly decline around the age of 30-33.

The most obvious example is another insider of the Nuggets, Orc-Faried.

He was a frequent visitor to the beautiful country national team at his peak.

But after his physical fitness declined, he was soon reduced to being abandoned by the NBA and could only go overseas to seek gold.

And Anderson is now 32 years old!

As a blue-collar insider with no offensive skills, once his body declines, it means that he has lost his only competitiveness in the game!

However, Shen Fei is not worried about this, and Anderson still has at least 2-3 years of golden period.

But he couldn't explain these things to Jackson, so he could only make a decision first.

"Don't worry, I have my own considerations."

Shen Fei said lightly.

Time will give the final answer!


In the afternoon of the same day, the Rockets announced on their official Twitter that Griffin would be back and warmed up for tomorrow's preseason opener.

For a while, many fans gathered under the tweet to express their opinions:

"I don't ask for much else, I just hope that Griffin can play a game completely."

"That's what we traded for Aaron Brooks and Lance Stephenson! Don't let me down, Blake."

"I admit that I am a troll. If Griffin is really like Oden, who can only play a few games a year, I will be a full-time Shen Fei black from now on!"

Of course, amidst the "noise", there are also some rational fans who look forward to the new season:

"There are a lot of newcomers this year, I hope Houston can stage a youth storm!"

"George's body condition, this superstar appearance, is a proper successor to McGrady!"

"The game started to go dark before the game? It's a mule or a horse, and we'll know tomorrow after a real fight with swords and guns!"


Time flies, and the day has passed in a blink of an eye.

October 10, Beijing time, Toyota Center Arena.

10~11 season nba preseason officially started!

The Rockets with Dayao are the absolute darling of CCTV.

Although today is only a preseason game, and Yao Ming has already announced that he will not play, CCTV-5 still sent a broadcast team to broadcast live.

"Hello viewers, welcome to the NBA preseason broadcast by cctv-5!"

"I'm Yu Jia!"

"I'm Yang Yi!"

"The two sides facing each other today are our old friends-the Houston Rockets and the Eastern Conference-the Orlando Magic."

"Director Yang, can you tell me your opinion on this game?"

Yu Jia asked.

"The Rockets have been very active this offseason."

"They ushered in a total of 6 new players. The most interesting ones are naturally last year's No. 10 pick-Griffin and this year's No. [-] pick-Paul George."

"They all appeared in the starting lineup today. It can be seen that the goal of the Rockets this season has changed from competing for the championship to cultivating new players."

Yang Yi analyzed confidently.

"Oh? But Dayao is still at his peak, will the Rockets waste his prime to train new players?"

Yu Jia was a little puzzled.

"Yao Ming was reimbursed last season. The latest news is that he has recovered, but he is still doing recovery training."

"Coupled with the turmoil in the team's management, Shen Fei from China has become the first Chinese general manager in NBA history."

"It's normal for a new official to take the first year as a buffer period. I think Yao Ming should take a good rest this year. When the rookies are almost developed in the coming year, the Rockets will put the championship on the agenda."

Yang Yi explained.

Yu Jia nodded, then took over the conversation and said, "Their opponent, the Orlando Magic, has a strong team this year! Today they are playing with all their members, and it seems that they want to start the new season well."

"Yes. In terms of overall strength, the Magic are obviously the stronger side."

"When Yao Ming was in the past, Howard would always be deflated when he met him, so the Rockets have never been afraid of the Magic. But today Yao Ming is absent, Howard may have to show his World of Warcraft demeanor."

"I am objectively saying that the probability of the Rockets winning this game is not high."

Yang Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, the game is about to start, let's hand the camera to the front!"

With a big wave of Yu Jia's hand, the screen switched to the stadium.


At this time, the players of the two teams have already played one after another.

For the Magic, Jameer Nelson and Vince Carter partnered in the backcourt, Quentin Richardson and Rashard Lewis acted as strikers, and Warcraft-Howard guarded the penalty area.

The starting lineup for the Rockets is: Lowry, George, Battier, Griffin and Jordan Hill.

With the referee throwing the ball high, the game officially begins!

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