Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 27 Surprising substitute team!

Chris Anderson, you may not be very familiar with this name, but when it comes to his nickname-"Birdman" Anderson, most fans will know who he is.

Some people are most impressed by his exaggerated shape.

Some people have a soft spot for his big bird tattoo.

He is not only the inside patron saint of the Nuggets, but also a former cba star.

Anderson was exiled from the league because of drug use.

But his prodigal son turned around and found himself again in Denver.

Shen Fei has another impression of Anderson - King of Popularity.

In 07, the Nuggets created the "Golden Two Guns" composed of Carmelo Anthony and Allen Iverson.

But in that year, the jersey sales leader in the Nuggets was this blue-collar player with a weird style and a flamboyant style!

Some people think that he is a copy of Rodman, and what he lacks is only certain opportunities.

Some people think that he is overrated, has no offensive ability, and cannot survive in the nba.

But as a traveler, Shen Fei knew that Anderson played a huge role in the Heat's two consecutive championships in the original time and space.

If the Heat introduce Birdman at the beginning of the formation of the Big Three.

Shen Fei believed that even if Nuo Tianwang could not be completely restrained, at least he would not be blown away so easily.

Currently, Anderson is still in the Nuggets, but has not gotten too many opportunities to play.

He's not old, it's just that the Nuggets coach doesn't trust him anymore.

After all, no one could have imagined that Anderson would usher in the second spring of his career at the age of 34!

Currently, Anderson's transaction value is not high, so Shen Fei is very confident in getting him.

As for the bargaining chip, after consideration, Shen Fei felt that the young insider in the team - Jordan Hill was very suitable.

The 23-year-old power forward has a beautiful mid-range shot and good physical fitness.

But the functionality of Jordan Hill is not suitable for the "small ball" advocated by Shen Fei.

He can neither protect the frame nor shoot three-pointers from the outside to open up space for the team. He belongs to the type that is tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

However, Jordan Hill is still very young. Compared with the 32-year-old Birdman, his transaction value is only high.

But there is only one problem now, that is, the Nuggets have no shortage of insiders.

If you want to sell Jordan Hill for a good price, you have to let him achieve certain results first, so that the Nuggets will be tempted.

In addition, Shen Fei also saw a familiar name in the Nuggets roster - Ty Lawson.

The 183c attacking guard will be an All-Star in the Western Conference in the next few years.

Of course, his decline is also very fast. It took only two years from the All-Star to being kicked out by the team. He is a short-lived player.

At present, Lawson has not yet been released, and it is a potential stock.

Shen Fei has a bold idea, which is to trade Lawson, and then use the [Spiritual Time Room] to let him reach the peak in a short period of time, and then sell him at a high position.

The Asian youth tapped his fingers on the table, and a rough plan was already constructed in his mind.


Time flies, two months passed by.

On this day, Shen Fei drove again and arrived at the Toyota Center Arena.

Tomorrow, the preseason game of the 10-11 season will begin, and the Rockets will also sit at home, ushering in the challenge of the Orlando Magic.

When Shen Fei walked into the arena, the players were training in full swing.

It was only when the Asian youth walked up to Mark Jackson that the latter noticed Fei Shen's arrival.

Shen Fei smiled and put his right index finger in front of him, making a quiet gesture.

Mark Jackson nodded slightly.

At this time, the Rockets' soldiers were divided into two teams, the main team and the substitute team, and they played a confrontation match with real guns and live ammunition.

The lineup of the main team here: Lowry and Kevin Martin partner in the backcourt, Battier and Scola are on the front line, and Hayes is the center.

The bench team is: Jeremy Lin, Tony Allen, Paul George, Tucker, Blake Griffin.

It is worth mentioning that McGrady was not present.

Like Yao Ming, he is currently doing personal training according to Shen Fei's instructions.

McGrady will not participate in the preseason, until the start of the regular season, will not play!

Although it was just an in-team training, the competition was very intense.

Players on both sides went all out without any reservations.

Shen Fei and Mark Jackson were on the sidelines, quietly watching the entire training match.

In addition to the two of them, the assistant coaches of the Rockets, as well as some high-level officials, also witnessed the whole process of the game from the stands on the second floor.

The result of the competition really exceeded the expectations of many people.

The five people on the bench are all newcomers who just joined the team this year.

Three rookies, two free agents, the only one with nba experience is Tony Allen.

But such a lineup showed amazing energy in the game!

Griffin flew into the sky and escaped from the ground during the game, crazily abusing the basket.

Facing the master of defense -- Battier, George's elegant shots after various butterflies, and explosive dunks after a strong breakthrough...

Every move, every move, compared to two months ago, there is more of McGrady's shadow!

The two young men turned the main team's defense upside down, full of loopholes.

On the defensive end, Tony Allen, Paul George, and PJ Tucker, these three players with defensive strength, defended the main team from the famous veterans who complained.

Especially the top scorer in the Rockets last season - Kevin - Martin.

Under the care of Tony Allen and Paul George, the first-generation "Pengci" master only made 10 of 1 shots in the entire game.

At the end of the game, he even yelled at the referee who was acting as an assistant coach on the sidelines, blaming him for not giving him a whistle.

After the mentality was out of balance, Martin's technical movements also changed.

He accidentally sprained his ankle during an attack before the end of the game.

The team doctor hurried forward to check, and the final diagnosis was that he needed to rest for about a month.

In other words, Martin will miss the entire preseason.


In the end, the substitute team beat the main team by 20 points 52:31 in 21 minutes!

After the game, the players of the main team walked off the field in disgrace, and immediately took off the special vests that symbolized the starting players.

Immediately, they saw Shen Fei on the sidelines.

[Oh, it's over. ]

This is the first reaction of the main players.

Being tortured by the substitute team, and being witnessed by the general manager of the team...

I can't think of a worse situation than this!

Fortunately, they saw that Shen Fei's expression was not too serious, and he remained calm as always.

What they didn't know was that not only was Shen Fei not angry at this situation, but he was actually ecstatic in his heart.

In the Asian youth plan, the Rockets' original starting lineup, except for Battier, other players are not in the plan.

Looking at the training match just now with the eyes of a time traveler, it is only natural that the substitute team won.

George and Griffin are future All-Star regulars. Tony Allen, PJ Tucker, and Jeremy Lin were all important puzzle pieces for the winning team.

It is normal for such a team to defeat the Rockets' original starter.

It's just that most of these players on the bench are in their "infancy", and they have only joined the Rockets for about three months.

They were able to perform so well now, which surprised Shen Fei very much.

Of course, he knew that among them, there must be the bonus of [Spiritual Time House] buff.

"Manager, you are here!"

Lowry smiled and waved to Shen Fei.

He was the best player of the main team in the game just now.

Facing Jeremy Lin, Lowry has an advantage on both ends of the offense and defense. He once scored two consecutive three-pointers, giving the main team a chance to come back.

"Played well."

Shen Fei responded with a smile.

Then, the Asian youth exchanged greetings with the players, and then pulled Mark Jackson aside to talk.

He came here today, but he has an important mission!

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