Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 992 Kill Without Amnesty

"But I heard that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has the means of the quasi-emperor." The man's face changed slightly.

"What if I tell you that the wife of the third general is still alive?" the old man stared at the man and said.

The man shivered, "I want to know what cultivation level that person is?"

"It is said that with the help of the third general, he reached the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. I don't know what he is doing now."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang didn't want to continue listening, but strode towards the gate of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"I said where are you going?" The man was about to pull Zhao Yang, but found that Zhao Yang had already arrived at the door.

"I have met the president." Several guards at the gate of the headquarters saluted Zhao Yang one after another.

Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Where's President Lin?"

"We are receiving guests from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan in the VIP room." A guard replied.

Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked towards the VIP room.

"President? Is this the legendary son of the emperor?" the man was shocked.

"The emperor will not be used to the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, this is a good show." The old man said in a good mood.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan gave the dowry three times in a row, which in itself was an act of coercion.

But now that Zhao Yang is back, everything will change.

VIP Room!

Lin Caihan sat upright in the hall, Jian Chen and Xiao Luo sat at the bottom.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan came this time with Hu Su, the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, and with him came the three elders of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

Hu Su's cultivation is the sixth level of the quasi-emperor realm, and the three elders are the fourth level of the quasi-emperor realm, the third level of the quasi-emperor realm, and the second level of the quasi-emperor realm.

Taiyi gun was standing behind Lin Caihan, but at this time the gun was very nervous, because apart from the elder who was at the second level of the quasi-emperor realm, it couldn't beat any of the other three masters.

"President Lin, this time our Nine-Tailed Fox Clan came here with sincerity. Please see that we come here several times to marry Miss Tang Yiren to my holy son of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan." Hu Su said straight to the point.

Hu Su came here with the three elders this time to finalize the matter.

It's fine if Lin Caihan is obedient, but if he is disobedient, he doesn't mind using some extraordinary means.

"I think I have made it very clear that people from Tang Yi will not marry the holy son of your nine-tailed fox clan." Lin Caihan refused very simply.

"What? President Lin, do you think that the holy son of my Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is not worthy of a Tang Yiren?" Hu Su's face darkened when he said this.

"Humans won't marry foreigners, do I make it clear?" Lin Caihan said indifferently.

"President Lin, it's not easy for your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to reach this level." Hu Su suddenly changed the subject.

How could Lin Caihan not understand the subtext of Hu Su. ''

This is a threat.

"It's not easy for you Nine-Tailed Fox Clan to live together for so many years." Lin Caihan said calmly, "Don't fall into the sand just after you were born."

"Presumptuous." Hu Su was furious, "You Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce don't want to mess around anymore?"


After Hu Su's words fell, eight Panlong pillars suddenly appeared in the surroundings, and at the same time, the eight black dragons on the Panlong pillars came alive.

Their eyes looked at Hu Su and the others coldly.

Hu Su's complexion suddenly changed.

The cultivation base of each of the eight blue dragons is not inferior to it.

"Patriarch, these eight black dragons seem to be dead." An elder said tremblingly.

"These eight dragons are indeed dead, but their souls are still there." Lin Caihan said with a sneer, "Don't say you only have the sixth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, even if you have the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm, don't even think about getting out of it alive." Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

Following Lin Caihan's words, the eight black dragons activated the formation runes on the Panlong pillar, and for a while, terrifying shackles were placed on Hu Su and other quasi-emperor powerhouses.

They are like falling into an ice cellar.

"Pavilion Master Lin, I have something to say." Hu Su was startled.

It was really scary.

In any case, it doesn't know that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has such a hole card?

"Do you know how to admit it now? It's too late." When Lin Caihan said this, a ferocious killing intent burst out of her phoenix eyes, "Kill."

Now that she has decided to make a move, Lin Caihan has no intention of letting these guys go.

The eight blue dragons swooped down one by one, and the bodies of the three elders were shattered on the spot. Half of Hu Su's body collapsed, and blood flowed all over the ground.

There was despair in its eyes.

It didn't expect Lin Caihan to be so decisive.

Say it and start it.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the hall.

"Zhao Yang." Lin Caihan was startled when she saw Zhao Yang.

"Just do what you have to do." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Killed the patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, is it all right?"

"What is the nine-tailed fox?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Kill it and hang it at the entrance of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"How dare you? Do you know who is standing behind me?" Hu Su changed color.

"Don't say that standing behind you is the wife of the third god general, so what if the third god general is here?" Zhao Yang sneered, "I'm not afraid to tell you that I just beat the emperor of Xianting just a few days ago. Qingming."

"Huang Qingming is the emperor's son."

"What about the emperor? The emperor I defeated is not only Huang Qingming." Zhao Yang summoned the Purgatory Mirror, "Purgatory Mirror, kill him."

The purgatory mirror directly shot out a bright light.

Seeing the dead fox, Lin Caihan put away the eight coiled dragon pillars.

"The Purgatory Mirror seems to be stronger." Lin Caihan said after coming to Zhao Yang.

"The Purgatory Mirror is now at the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I'm going to give the Purgatory Mirror to Xu Huier. The Pure Yang Sect doesn't have a high-end hole card, so it can't."

"It should be like this." Lin Caihan said softly.

"This is for you." Zhao Yang summoned the Heaven and Earth Seal as he spoke.

"This is……?"

"Heaven and Earth Seal, the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun." Zhao Yang introduced.

"You gave me this, what do you do?"

"Next, I will stay in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce for a hundred years, and then my two senior brothers will wake up." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "These two have almost no rivals at the peak of Emperor Zhun."

Lin Caihan felt relieved when she heard this, "If this is the case, then I will give the Panlongzhu to Yiren."

The Tangyi people are stationed in the fifth district, and they also need a strong hole card.

"After the baptism in the fifth district, no one will dare to provoke it within a hundred years." Zhao Yang said softly, "Furthermore, the strength of the chamber of commerce will be improved by at least one stage within a hundred years."


"I came back this time because I got a heaven-defying opportunity."


"Holy source liquid." Zhao Yang explained the origin of the holy source liquid to Lin Caihan.

"With the Holy Origin Liquid, I have the confidence to expand the Chamber of Commerce to the third district." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Lin Caihan's plan is to expand the chamber of commerce to the fourth district and come to an end.

Because there are emperor quasi-emperors in all the holy places in the third district, if the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce wants to do business there, it needs emperor quasi-emperors and powerful saints to sit there.

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