
At this moment, a bomb ran towards the ancestral court of the Golden Rooster Clan and bombarded it.

Hundreds of monks who couldn't dodge were blown to pieces.

The patriarch and senior officials of the Jinji clan hurried out of the hall.

"President Tang, is there some misunderstanding between us?" The patriarch of the Jinji clan hurriedly said after seeing the Tang Yi people on the battleship.

It was at this time that he noticed that the Tangyi people were on a battleship that was mid-level holy land.

And there are three warships in the other direction.

The four battleships encircled the Jinji clan in groups.

"Our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will give you a chance, but you don't cherish it. If this is the case, then there is nothing to say." Tang Yiren waved his hand and said, "Kill."

"Don't, don't, don't." The patriarch of the Golden Rooster Clan said hurriedly, "President Tang, this time it's my fault. I, the Golden Rooster Clan, accept the punishment, please give me a chance."

He was frightened.

The four mid-level battleships of the Holy Realm fired together, and the ancestral home of the Golden Rooster Clan was gone.

"First, hand over the clansman who attacked my Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce before."

"no problem."

"Second, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce needs half of the resources in your treasury."

The patriarch of the Jinji clan was shocked.

half the resources?

"This this……."

"Fire." Tang Yiren said here that four shells landed in the ancestral courtyard of the Jinji clan.

This time, by accident, it was blown up in the barracks, and thousands of soldiers of the Golden Rooster tribe were blown to pieces.

"Give it, give it, give it." The patriarch of the Jinji clan said with a wry smile.

"Third, in the future, you Jinji clan need to cooperate unconditionally with our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"No problem." At this time, how dare the patriarch of the Jinji clan say no?

"Fourth, in the future, if the business group of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has an accident within the territory of your Jinji tribe, you Jinji tribe must take responsibility."

"This..." The patriarch of the Jinji clan just said this when Tang Yiren's eyes turned cold, "No problem."

"That's all I've thought of for the time being, so let's leave it at that." Tang Yiren changed the subject after speaking, "Lead the way."


"The treasury."

No matter how reluctant the patriarch of the Jinji clan was, he obediently led the Tangyi people to the treasury.

After arriving at the treasury, the Tangyi people summoned six thousand robots.

Tangyi people's warships are also capable of building robots. Of course, the strength of these robots is not very high, only Golden Wonderland, but they are loyal.

"You consider the resources in the treasury, and then take away half of the resources." Tang Yiren said lightly.

After analyzing the six thousand robots, they began to pack the resources in the treasury.

After several hours, the [-] robots moved half of the resources.

"Did you bring the person who attacked me from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?" Tang Yiren asked the patriarch of the Jinji clan after walking out of the treasury.

"Bring it." The patriarch of the Jinji clan pointed to more than 600 monks kneeling on the ground in the distance.

"Take it away." Tang Yiren waved his hand.

After returning to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, the Black Crow Clan sent thirty members.

"Let's go to the Black Crow Clan." Tang Yiren said indifferently.


What about pit father?

After the Tangyi people returned from the Black Crow Clan, all the remaining holy places got the news.

At this time, who in the remaining Holy Land would dare to obey?

One by one, the clansmen who attacked the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce were honestly sent over.

After the Tangyi people publicly executed those monks, the major holy lands realized that the rise of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce was unstoppable.

"Don't touch the bad luck of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce again."

"Cooperate with those who should cooperate."

"Since the rise of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can't be stopped, then don't bother them in the future."

Yanhuang City!

In Tang Yiren's study.

"Yi Ren, do you want to set foot on the pinnacle of quasi-emperor realm in the future?"

Tang Yiren's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Master, do you have a solution?"

"Of course there is a way." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Next, hand over your mission." Zhao Yang said softly.

"it is good."

Tang Yiren turned back after a while, "I handed over the work to Xiaomi."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Xiaomi is Tang Yiren's maid, and with the help of Tang Yiren these years, Xiaomi has also become her right-hand man.

"How is Xiaomi's strength?"

"Her potential has been raised to the quasi-emperor third heaven."

"Three heavens of quasi-emperor?" Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying, "What about strength?"

"Early stage of the Holy Realm."

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "In this way, let Xiaomi continue to take the super-grade elixir, and strive to raise her potential to the fifth level of quasi-emperor realm."

"If you want to be promoted to the fifth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, I guess you must at least have a high-level Saint Realm."

"At that time, if I give her the holy source liquid again, Xiaomi's potential can be raised to the eighth level of quasi-emperor realm in one fell swoop."

"What?" Tang Yiren turned pale with shock.


Tang Yi people have not reached this level now, okay?

"After you take the holy source liquid, your cultivation will be promoted to the peak of the quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "At that time, I will teach you one or two emperor-level exercises, and I believe that you will be in the quasi-emperor realm. This realm is close to invincible.”

"What is the Holy Origin Liquid?"

"An extremely precious resource." Zhao Yang did not continue to explain, "Now you take the holy source liquid."

Tang Yiren nodded.

Yanhuang City in the sixth district!

After Zhao Yang helped Tang Yiren improve his potential to the peak of Zhundi, he went to Yanhuang City in the sixth district.

Yanhuang City in the sixth district has become extremely prosperous, and it seems to have become the largest city in the sixth district.

After Zhao Yang wandered around Yanhuang City, he found that besides the monks from the sixth district, there were many monks from the fifth and seventh districts.

These monks all came to Yanhuang City to do business.

Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya headed to the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce after shopping around.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that there were quite a few betrothal gifts at the gate of the headquarters.

"What's the matter with so many betrothal gifts?" Zhao Yang showed curiosity on his face.

As soon as Zhao Yang's voice fell, a man beside him said, "The young patriarch of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan offers a betrothal gift to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Who will marry?" Zhao Yang's expression darkened.

"Vice President Tang Yiren." The man said a little angrily at this point, "The same goes for the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. President Lin has rejected it three times. As a result, each time the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is getting heavier dowries."

"Be careful." The man's voice fell to an old man next to him and said in a low voice, "The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has been hiding from the world these years, but the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan's strength is very strong, and it is definitely not comparable to Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Are you sure you're not joking?" the man said with a look of disbelief.

"Do you know the third general?"

"I know."

"The third god general married the princess of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan back then. Do you think the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is strong?"

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