"Only those whose potential is in the quasi-emperor's third heaven are eligible to enter the Hundred Flowers Holy Land?" Zhao Yang's face was full of surprise.

"Yes." Fatty Wei nodded.

"I remember that the fairies in the Hundred Flowers Holy Land seem to be inferior to those in the Third Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, right?"

"You're wrong." Fatty Wei shook his head and said, "The fairies in Hundred Flowers Holy Land are delicate, and there are too many competitors." Fatty Wei didn't say anything next, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Wolves have more meat and less meat.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, he suddenly looked into the distance. Nine phoenixes were slowly approaching, pulling a Luanjia.

The nine phoenixes are all existences of the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, and their bodies are full of coercion, which makes the monks present have a kind of soul vibration.

"Who made such a big show?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"Fairy Ruoxi, the Saintess of the Sky Palace." When Fatty Wei said these words, there was a look of obsession on his face.

"You like Fairy Ruoxi." Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Brother." Fatty Wei quickly covered Zhao Yang's mouth, his face was pale, "You can't talk like that."

"My fair lady, gentlemen are so sweet, there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhao Yang pushed Fatty Wei away and said with a smile.

"Brother, how can I, an ant like me, have the right to like a bright moon like Fairy Ruoxi?" Fatty Wei said with a wry smile.

Just as Fatty Wei said this, a burst of applause resounded in the audience.

"Since you know that you are the generation of ants, then hang your head down. You can't look up to a bright moon like Fairy Ruoxi?"


A young man in golden battle armor appeared in midair riding a god elephant.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes like the scorching sun.

Fatty Wei quickly lowered his head, "The Holy Son taught me that."

"I'll break my legs, and I'll spare you." The young man in the golden armor said indifferently.

Fatty Wei's eyes struggled for a moment, and then he summoned a holy sword, and just as he was about to slash it, Zhao Yang's two fingers caught it.

"You broke your legs just because of his words?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"Do you know who he is?" Fatty Wei's face was full of horror, "He is the holy son of Jubaozhai Jinzi."

"What about the holy son of Jubaozhai?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's words caused an uproar in the audience.

who is gold

The young master of Jubaozhai.

In terms of identity and status, there is not much that can be compared with it in the first district.

"Arrogance." When Jin Zi's voice fell, his eyes burst into a bright golden light.

His eyes turned into a terrifying killing force.

It's just that when it landed ten meters away from Zhao Yang, it was blocked by a soft light.

"Who are you?" Jin Jin was stunned.

His own eye technique is one of his strongest methods.

Zhao Yang blocked it so easily.

"Get out of here." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

The sound wave instantly penetrated Jin Zi's sea of ​​consciousness.

He spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and then fell powerlessly from mid-air.

And when Jin Zi's guardian just wanted to move, he was locked by Zhuo Bufan's divine sense.

Jin Zi's Daoist is only on the sixth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. When he found that Zhuo Bufan's cultivation was higher than his, he had to show up and apologize to Zhao Yang, "Young Master, my Young Master is reckless and unreasonable. I'm going to make amends to you, right?"

"I want to ask who gave you the right to be so arrogant and overbearing?" Zhao Yang asked coldly as he stepped on Jin Jin's heart.

"If you dare, kill me." Jin Zi said with fierce eyes.

"My lord, be careful with your words." Jin Zi's guardian was so frightened that his face turned green.

"Third uncle, what are you afraid of? Do you think he dared to kill me?" Jin Jin glanced at the guardian and said firmly.

"Do you know who he is?" Jin Jin's guardian really didn't know what to say at this time.

"Who is he?" Jin Zi asked subconsciously.

"It's easy to suppress your existence, do you think it's something that ordinary evildoers can do?" Jin Jin's guardian stared at Jin Jin and said.

Jin Jin was startled.

His potential is the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor.

There are not many who can compare with him in the great holy places?

Why was he suppressed?

"You are so cruel and merciless towards your fellow clansmen. If you don't give you some punishment today, what else can you do in the future?" Zhao Yang said, clapping his hands down towards Jin Zi.

"No." Jin Jin's guardian exclaimed.

He wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Zhuo Bufan who was hiding in the dark.

The moment Zhao Yang's palm was about to fall on Jin Zi's body, a pair of crystal clear jade hands blocked it.

"My lord, do me a favor, okay?" A girl in plain clothes appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

The girl is full of heroic spirit, and her words are generous.

But Zhao Yang still shook his head and said, "Just now when you should have stopped, you chose to stand by, so now you are no longer qualified to stop." While speaking, Zhao Yang's big hand burst out with tyrannical energy and shook Su Yi away. The girl's bright wrist.

The girl in plain clothes was in pain, she couldn't help frowning.

"For a guy you met by chance, is it worth it for you to fight against a behemoth like Jubaozhai?"

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not." Zhao Yang looked at the girl in plain clothes and said, "As a saint of the human race, your duty is to protect the human race, no matter how weak his cultivation is, no matter how humble his status is."

Fatty Wei was moved.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to say these words.

He knelt down with a plop, and said with tears in his eyes, "Master, I appreciate your kindness, but I don't deserve your confrontation with Jubaozhai."

Zhao Yang helped Fatty Wei up with a wave of his hand, "Jubaozhai is no big deal, if such a suzerain can't protect the ethnic group, then there is no need for it to exist." At the same time Zhao Yang kicked Jin Jin's ankle hard Kick it hard.


Jin Zi's foot bones were trampled to pieces, and at the same time his whole body was also sealed.

"Seal you for a hundred years, and be an ordinary person within a hundred years." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Jin Jin's eyes showed hatred.

There was a cold light in Zhao Yang's eyes. If this guy still doesn't change, Zhao Yang doesn't mind killing him.

"Do you know what it means to him not to be able to cultivate within a hundred years?" the girl in plain clothes said coldly.

"At first I thought that the disciples of your Sky Palace had a correct view of right and wrong, but now it seems that I have been greatly disappointed." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"You dare to humiliate my Sky Palace?" The plain-clothed girl's eyes burst into a icy cold light.

"Fairy Ruoxi, I don't know how my friend offended you?" Just as the two sides were confronting each other, the girl in palace attire landed beside Zhao Yang.

"Fairy Shaoyao?" Fairy Ruoxi looked at Shaoyao in astonishment and said, "You want to get involved in this matter?"

"His business is mine." Fairy Shaoyao replied calmly.

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