Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 973 Reaching the Flower Sect

Not tracked down!

Ba Dao roared for a while before returning to Ba Dao Sect.

Looking at the almost ruined Ba Dao Zong, his lungs were about to be ignited.

"How about the casualties?" Ba Dao looked at a quasi-sage.

"The four quasi-emperors who stayed here died in battle, all the existences at the holy level died in battle, [-] quasi-sages died in battle, and one-third of the golden fairyland, jade fairyland, and heavenly fairyland were killed or injured. "When the quasi-sage said these words, his heart was bitter.

He knew that Tyrannical Sword Sect could no longer describe it as being muscular and muscular.

The high-end combat power in the family has almost been damaged.

It is true that the Tyrant Sword Sect still has a Quasi-Emperor and some holy realms outside, but what can those do?

"The government treasury was robbed, the medicine fields were not seized, all the resources of the masters of the clan were looted, and many Qiankun bags of the remaining disciples were also robbed." The quasi-sage choked up when he said this.

"What lineup did the opponent deploy?"

"There are more than five hundred statues in the holy realm, and nearly ten in the quasi-emperor realm." The quasi-sage replied.

"It's really a big hand." Ba Dao's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

The opponent is almost out in force.

But how many companies can achieve such results in such a short period of time?

After checking, Ba Dao found that the aura of the monster race here is extremely strong.

Could it be that the Yaozu shot?

The question is why did the Yaozu do something to themselves?

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Tiandiyin got rid of Ba Dao's tracking, he still traveled millions of kilometers without stopping before stopping.

"Look at the spoils this time." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Hundreds of Zhao Yang's incarnations and hundreds of monster clans detained all the gains from the Tyrant Sword Sect from the Qiankun Bag one by one.

Soon these resources gathered into mountains.

"You've worked hard, go down now." Zhao Yang glanced at Hu Duan and the others and said.

Hu Duan and the others bowed and left.

It was at this time that Hu Duan and the others knew that Zhao Yang had such a group of powerful subordinates.

After they left, Zhao Yang ordered hundreds of avatars to classify these materials.

At this time, the face of Purgatory Mirror suddenly revealed a look of shock, "Sky Magneto."

"Celestial magnet?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Zhao Yang remembered that the Purgatory Mirror said that it needed a celestial magnet to heal itself.

"This celestial magnet is stored deep in the Ba Dao Sect's treasury." Tian Di Yin said with a smile.

The treasury was printed and collected by Tiandi, so it has a strong impression of Tiandishi.

"With this piece of magnetite, I can return to my peak state." Purgatory Mirror said in a deep voice.

"What's your peak form?"

"The eighth heaven of quasi-emperor realm."

"The eighth heaven? It's not bad." Zhao Yang nodded.

After Purgatory Mirror left with the Magnetite, Zhao Yang looked at everyone and said, "See if there is anything you need?"

As soon as Zhao Yang's voice fell from the hundred refining furnace, he grabbed an ore in an instant, "I want this ore."

Lei Tingzhu fixed his eyes on the ore in the hand of Bailian Furnace and said, "I also need this ore."

"I'm sorry, this ore is already mine." Bailian Furnace said in a good mood.

Lei Tingzhu looked at Zhao Yang as if asking for help.

Zhao Yang shrugged and said, "You see, I'm useless, who made you unhappy?"

The Thunder Orb was desperately looking for it in this mountain of resources, but it was a pity that this one was the only one that could improve the Quasi-Emperor Realm to the second level.

"There are still not many resources in the quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang looked at it and said with emotion.

In fact, this is also a normal thing.

Do you still want to quickly improve your cultivation level after reaching the quasi-emperor realm?

What are you kidding?

"Ba Saber Sect's resources are equivalent to hundreds of times that of the Holy Land in the sixth district." Zhu Ya said with emotion at this time.

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Before I thought that the Holy Lands were all the same, and the gap between them would not be so big, but I realized that I was wrong when I arrived in the first district. The Holy Land in the first district is just a giant. "

How many hole cards did Zhao Yang use this time?

But even this failed to win Ba Dao Zong.

And if Ba Dao was there, Zhao Yang's trump cards would not be enough.

"Take it easy." Zhao Yang said with emotion after a while.

He knew that Zongmen was never achieved overnight.

This requires stacking of foundations.

And any stack takes time.

"My lord, where shall we go next?"

"Order the battleship to open and go to the Holy Land of Hundred Flowers." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

There are just too many of these resources.

Even if Zhao Yang's hundreds of incarnations want to deal with these resources in a short time, it is impossible.

Zhao Yang had no choice but to let the battleship send three thousand robots here.

"My lord, do you want to build another batch of robots?" Zhu Ya said softly, "After all, we got too many resources this time."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In this way, let the battleship expand the number of robots to [-]."

Holy Land of Hundred Flowers!

When Zhao Yang came to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land on a battleship, it was less than a month before the Hundred Flowers Conference started.

Zhao Yang put away the battleship and landed at the mountain gate.

Only then did he realize that the gates of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land were already overcrowded.

More than [-] geniuses came here.

"Are these monks participating in the Hundred Flowers Conference?" Zhao Yang asked in amazement.

"How is it possible? There will not be more than a thousand people who are eligible to participate in the Hundred Flowers Conference." Zhao Yang's voice had just left a fat man beside him and said calmly.

"So what are all these geniuses gathering here for?"

"Wait for the opening of the Hundred Flowers Conference." The chubby man said with a smile, "The Hundred Flowers fairies have returned to the sect one after another these days. If you can leave a good impression on her, you may be able to embrace the beauties."

"Fatty Wei, are you still fantasizing about Baihua Fairy?" The fat man's voice just fell on a man holding a folding fan not far away, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

"He Fengxu, what do you mean?" the man called Wei Fatty asked angrily.

"The one who is qualified to marry Fairy Baihua must at least be an evildoer. Why do you say you are a little genius coming to join in the fun?" He Fengxu sneered.

Tianjiao refers to those who can aspire to the Holy Land in the future.

"It seems that you are not a genius?"

"What's wrong with me being Tianjiao? But my cousin is an evildoer." He Fengxu opened the folding fan and fanned it twice, "As long as my cousin passes the examination later, he can take me to the Holy Land of Hundred Flowers. But you, you are qualified go in?"

Fatty Wei fell silent when he heard this.

He Fengxu has such a background?

But he didn't.

"What's the matter with the assessment?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"There is a battle weapon at the gate of the Hundred Flowers Holy Land. As long as you can hit a value of [-], then you are eligible to go to the Hundred Flowers Holy Land." Fatty Wei explained.

"What does the value of [-] represent?"

"The value of [-] means that you will be able to set foot on the third heaven of quasi-emperor realm in the future."

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