Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 964 Small World Will

After Zhuo Bufan and Yinyangmu entered, Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to leave the area quickly.

And when the battleship tore apart the space and left, Zhao Yang also entered the small world.

The avatar reported the results of this battle to Zhao Yang.

"The resources plundered this time are equivalent to six holy places." Zhu Ya said in shock after making some statistics.

"The important thing is that the Tyrant Sword Sect lost six high-level saints this time, fourteen middle-level saints, 32 early-stage saints, 83 peak quasi-sages, and 220 four high-level quasi-sages. " Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

These masters can't take out other holy places at all, okay?

"According to the aggregated news, these are equivalent to a quarter of the strength of Ba Dao Sect." Qi Ling said at this time.

"They haven't lost the slightest bit of combat power at the top." Zhao Yang's eyes were icy cold, "But it doesn't matter, just take it slowly in the future."

Next, Zhao Yang has to plan carefully.

He won't take it easily.

After all, Ba Dao Zong was hurt this time.

Domineering Sword Sect!

When one of Zhao Yang's incarnations was beheaded, the top brass of the Tyrant Sword Sect received the news.

Someone is targeting Ba Dao Zong.

But the top brass of the Tyrant Sword Sect didn't take it seriously?

It's normal to have one or two head twitches these days.

But after four places reported that someone had attacked the branch and was killed, the top brass finally paid attention to it.

It can't be such a coincidence.

Therefore, the quasi-emperor powerhouses of the Tyrannical Sword Sect went to investigate, but the quasi-emperor powerhouses hadn't set off yet, and they received news of attacks from all sides one after another.

"Someone is targeting the Tyrannical Sword Sect." The suzerain of the Tyrannical Sword Sect had a ferocious cold light in his eyes.

After the gathering of news from all parties, the top brass of the Tyrannical Sword Sect were all shocked.

"We lost 52 saints, and [-] quasi-sages." The deputy suzerain of the Tyrant Sword Sect said with a gloomy face, "the other party also looted everything that could be looted."

"To be able to do this in such a short period of time, the opponent has dispatched at least [-] saints." The elder of the Tyrant Sword Sect said in a deep voice, "and the cultivation base of each saint must be among the saints. level or above."

"Not many can do this." The second elder of Ba Dao Sect said with narrowed eyes.

"The Fourth Elder went to investigate with experts in tracing, but I don't know if we can find some clues?" The Third Elder of Ba Dao Sect said solemnly.

Half a day later, the Fourth Elder hurried to the main hall.

"The other party deliberately concealed his breath, and there are traces of formations, I can't find out." When the fourth elder said this, his face was full of bitterness.

It's normal if the Fourth Elder can't find out.

Because if you want to find out, you need to find out Zhao Yang's identity first.

Even though Zhao Yang is only at the middle level of the Holy Realm, even if he is from the Second Heaven of the Zhundi, he is certain to be able to win.

The Fourth Elder is only a mid-level quasi-sage, and he wanted to find out Zhao Yang who was hiding on purpose.

Are you kidding me?

"Since the trace cannot be found out, let's work together to deduce it." Ba Dao, the suzerain of Ba Dao Sect, said with a gloomy face.


The reason why the weak sects dare not challenge the powerful sects is largely because they can deduce.

Once it is deduced that you are targeting it, do you think you are courting death?

As the sound of Ba Dao fell, the ten quasi-emperors began to deduce this matter with Ba Dao as the core.

And while Ba Dao was deducing, Zhao Yang felt faintly uncomfortable, as if there was a terrifying existence in the dark that was prying through the thick fog to spy on him.

"Ba Dao Zong is deducing." Zhao Yang realized immediately.

Tiandiyin immediately emitted a hazy brilliance and enveloped Zhao Yang.

How does the Heaven and Earth Seal exist?

It was tempered by the lord of the fairy garden.

Its strength is at the peak of the quasi-emperor realm, of course it is not as powerful as Ba Dao.

But Ba Dao wanted to deduce Zhao Yang under the influence of Tian Di Yin, so the difficulty was not ordinary.

It didn't take long for Ba Dao and the masters of Ba Dao Zong to give up.

"Someone at the peak of Zhundi is interfering with the secrets." Ba Dao said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do?" The deputy suzerain looked at Ba Daodao.

"It's been a long time since anyone has provoked my Ba Dao sect like this?" Ba Dao said and stood up, "I'll go to the restricted area."

restricted area!

The forbidden area behind Tyrant Sword Sect is the Bone Race.

The strength of this ethnic group is extremely powerful, and few forces dare to provoke them.

But back then, there was a conflict with the Guardian lineage. It is said that Chun Yangzi broke into the restricted area of ​​the Bone Clan by himself, and tore apart the old Bone Clan elders.

Ba Dao doesn't know if the news is true?

It only knows that the Bone Race is its backing father.

"The Ba Dao Sect was severely injured, and I asked the Bone Race to help with the deduction." Ba Dao stood at the entrance of a cave made of stacked bones and said respectfully.

"Wait a moment." After a while, a hoarse voice sounded from the depths of the cave.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's expression was serious at this moment.

He knew that Tyrant Sword Sect might go to the Bone Race for help before he deduced it.

So Zhao Yang took out three tokens at this time.

One token belongs to the old man of Wuliang Mountain, one token belongs to the Enlightenment Tree, and one token belongs to the alchemy supreme pill.

Zhao Yang didn't believe that with these three tokens, the creatures in the protection zone could guess himself.


At this moment, Zhao Yang felt a pair of eyes like the sun and the moon appeared above his head.

Those eyes were about to pierce the sky to see through his identity and origin.

"Sure enough, the creatures in the restricted area have made a move." Zhao Yang's expression darkened.

And at the moment when those eyes were about to fall on Zhao Yang's small world, the small world suddenly burst into a sky-high brilliance.

This ray of light was so bright that it overshadowed those eyes.

Deep in the restricted area.

The eyes of the Supreme Bone Race suddenly flowed with blood.

"Chunyangzi." The Supreme Bone Race roared.

"Patriarch, could it be the lineage of the Guardian who made the move this time?" A quasi-emperor of the Bone Clan asked hastily.

The Supreme Bone Race shook his head and said, "No."

"Then you just...?" The quasi-emperor looked at the Bone Clan patriarch suspiciously.

"I spied a small world just now, and the will of that small world has awakened." The Supreme Bone Race said with a sinking face.

"Can it hurt your little world?"

"I'm not sure which supreme being it is?" the supreme being of the Bone Race said indifferently, "If I was at my peak state, how could I be hurt by the other party? They are all damned Chunyangzi." There was a ray of flame.

The flame continued to burn his body.

He suppressed desperately to snuff out the flame.

Chun Yangzi is too domineering.

It has been 9000 years, and this flame still hasn't been extinguished, otherwise he would have returned to his peak state long ago.

"Tell Ba Dao to stay put for now." The Bone Race Supreme said after a while.

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