What Zhao Yang used at this time was the incarnation of the fourth stage.

That is to say, it can condense three hundred incarnations that are lower than the four small realms of itself.

At this time, Zhao Yang is an intermediate saint, and his avatar is an intermediate quasi-sage.

But these avatars can fight and even kill even middle-level saints.

Of the three hundred incarnations, one hundred remained in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and one hundred remained in the Chunyang Sect. However, Zhao Yang took back all the avatars when he fought Wuyan before, so the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect Currently no more.

"You go to the sphere of influence of the Tyrannical Sword Sect, and then specify a detailed battle plan." Zhao Yang issued a task to his three hundred incarnations.

After the three hundred avatars left one after another, Zhu Ya asked softly, "My lord, all the avatars are here with you, will there be no problem with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect?"

These two hundred incarnations mean the existence of two hundred middle-level saints.

Which sect dares to stab?

"There will be no problem in a short time." Zhao Yang said softly, "Besides, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect can't rely on me for everything."

"Aren't there many monster masters in your small world?"

"Those masters can't move yet." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while, "Once a master traces their origin, the consequences will be disastrous."

Those guys won't betray themselves, but that doesn't mean others won't investigate.

Ba Dao Zong is very powerful, but the first district is also very large.

The tentacles of the Tyrant Sword Sect are only tens of thousands of kilometers away, and Zhao Yang's three hundred incarnations are heading to this area.

And after a month of preparation, they were ready to do it.


The scale of this city is very large, of course it cannot be considered a super city, and the Tyrant Sword Sect has a chamber of commerce here.

On this day, the incarnation of Zhao Yang came to the chamber of commerce.

After arriving at the chamber of commerce, the avatar set up a formation without any trace.

The masters of the chamber of commerce immediately sensed the formation formation.


"It's a blocking formation."

"Who is so brave?"

At this time, in addition to the disciples of Ba Dao Sect, there are also many monks of various ethnic groups in the Chamber of Commerce.

"It's not the Ba Dao Sect disciple standing here." The avatar pointed in one direction.

When the avatar said these words, a terrifying aura bloomed from his body, which frightened even the monks in the early stages of the holy realm.

Therefore, one after another, the monks stood in the direction pointed by the avatar.

"Your Excellency, do you know what this place is?" the manager of the chamber of commerce asked sullenly.

Although there are occasional disputes in the first district, there are few disputes in the major holy places.


The avatar didn't say too much, just waved his fist and shot.

The avatar did not use supernatural powers, nor did he use profound techniques.

It's just the power of the flesh itself.

The person in charge was a saint in the early stage of the holy realm, and he didn't even block the punch of the avatar.

Seeing that the steward was severely injured, the remaining Ba Saber Sect disciples were terrified.

They're not even holy places, and they're just delivering food when they go up.

But the avatar didn't spare them.

After a few breaths, all the disciples of the Tyrant Sword Sect of the Chamber of Commerce died.

Immediately, the avatar looted the Qiankun bags of these disciples and the resources of the chamber of commerce.

"The restriction will be lifted in half an hour." The avatar looked at the group of trembling monks and said indifferently.

After saying this, the avatar quickly left the chamber of commerce.

After leaving Cangcheng, the avatar immediately tore apart the space and rushed towards the nearby pick-up location.

A mine.

Three incarnations came here.

They first sealed off the place and then attacked the Ba Saber Sect disciples in the mine.

There is a middle-level master of the saint stationed here.

But this one fell within a few strokes under the siege of the three incarnations.

After the fall, the three incarnations robbed the land of the ore they were going to transport to Zongmen.

A branch of the sect.

This place is where Ba Dao Zong trains his disciples.

Stationed here is a powerful saint with a high rank.

Therefore, there are as many as five incarnations rushing to this place.

After they blocked the place, three masters entangled the high-ranking saint, one incarnation dealt with an early-stage master of the saint, and the remaining incarnation slaughtered the disciples of the Tyrannical Sword Sect.

The saint didn't think about rescue in the early days, because he couldn't protect himself at this time.

The high-ranking saint frantically made a big move, and he wanted to defeat these people in the shortest possible time.

The problem is that he is doomed to vain.

First, these three incarnations all master the secret technique of the source; second, these three incarnations all master the boundless domain.

This means that it is impossible for him to defeat the three incarnations of Zhao Yang at the same time.

After all the disciples in the field fell, the high-level holy man finally realized that something was wrong.

I really think it can't break through by itself.

At this time, the master in the early stage of the holy realm fell, and now the avatars surrounding him reached five.

"Don't you worry about being liquidated by the Tyrannical Sword Sect if you dare to attack the Tyrant Sword Sect?" the high-ranking saint shouted loudly.

The avatar has no words, just keeps shooting.

After more than a dozen strokes, this high-level holy man finally fell.

These five avatars quickly sweep the battlefield.

Zhao Yang's mood at this moment is tense.

In order to deal with Tyrant Sword Sect, he used many means.

Zhao Yang made a careful plan.

But how those avatars returned to their side in the shortest possible time.

For this reason, Zhao Yang awakened the Yin-Yang Wood, which was already the existence of the fifth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

When awakening Yin Yang Wood, he noticed that Zhuo Bufan had also successfully set foot on the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

Zhao Yang asked Yinyangmu, Zhuo Bufan, and Purgatory Mirror to go to three directions respectively, and the three hundred incarnations went to look for them after completing the task.

As for the central Zhao Yang in the three directions, he was waiting there on a battleship.

Time passed little by little.

"Youzun's incarnation is dead." Zhao Yang suddenly said in surprise.

"There was an accident." Zhu Ya suddenly realized.

Zhao Yang's heart sank.

It was Zhao Yang's goal to attack Ba Dao Zong, but he didn't think about exposing it now.

If exposed, it means facing the restricted area.

"But this is also in the plan." Zhao Yang said after a while.

The three hundred incarnations went to the 180 six strongholds of the Overbearing Sect.

It is simply unrealistic to say that there will be no accidents.

It didn't take long for the Purgatory Mirror to return to the battleship with one hundred and six avatars.

"Go to my small world first." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

After going to his small world, he will not be queried by the outside world.

After all, this small world may be the small world left by the emperor.

After a while, Yinyangmu and Zhuo Bufan came here one after another.

"I lost three avatars here." Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"I lost two avatars here." Yinyangmu said.

"Go to the small world first." Zhao Yang opened the exit of the small world with a wave of his hand.

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