Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 948 Special Envoy

"I... that's not what I meant." Zhou Guochao said hastily.

"Wonderful, really wonderful." At this moment, a taunting voice sounded in midair, "Zhou Guochao, you don't have to be flat, but you can't bully the youngest girl too hard, right?"

Immediately, a huge monster appeared above the Zhou family.

Standing at the bow of the ship, Zhao Yang's eyes were cold, and he looked at Zhou Guochao with disdain.

The majestic aura of the holy realm exuded by the battleship made Zhou Guochao tremble.

Holy battleship.

Zhou Guochao realized that this person was probably the mysterious Tianjiao that Zhu Damao was talking about.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, how do you want to deal with the Zhou family?" Zhao Yang said as his eyes fell on Zhou Qiaoyu.

Zhou Qiaoyu clenched her fists involuntarily.

To be honest, Zhou Qiaoyu really wanted to destroy the Zhou family.

But after all, this is the place where she grew up for thousands of years?

"Qiaoyu, forget it, let's go." Tang Guifang saw Zhou Qiaoyu's thoughts, she held Zhou Qiaoyu's hand and said softly.

"Guifang, where are you going? This is your home." Zhou Guochao said hastily.

"Okay, how you have treated our mother and daughter these years, you know, I know, Qiaoyu knows even more." Tang Guifang looked at Zhou Guochao and said, "You have never been a good husband, let alone a good father, to be honest, follow you These years, I have been tired and tired, and now that my daughter is capable, I will leave with her."

"Guifang, I did many things wrong before, please give me a chance." How could Zhou Guochao let their mother and son leave.

After they left, how will the Zhou family rise up in the future?

"Zhou Guochao, how long are you going to be hypocritical? The reason why you stay with us now is because you see the value of Qiaoyu." Tang Guifang's face was full of disappointment when she said this, "If one day Qiaoyu If it loses its value, you don’t just throw it away.”

"No, it's not like that." Zhou Guochao said with tears rolling in his eyes, "My heart hurt so much when you said you were going to leave, and I realized that I love you. So give me another chance OK?"

Tang Guifang didn't bother to say anything more.

She feels sick.

"Let's go." Tang Guifang looked at Zhou Qiaoyu and said.

Zhou Qiaoyu hesitated for a moment and then nodded, "Let's go."

Said Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang jumped onto Zhao Yang's battleship.

"From now on, if your Zhou family dares to do things in my name, you will be killed without mercy." Following Zhao Yang's words, a large building of the Zhou family collapsed.

The faces of Zhou Guochao and the others were filled with horror.

"Zhu Damao, Sanitary Jin, remember to publicize what the Zhou family has done when you two go back." Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Damao and Sanitary Jin at this moment.

"As ordered."

"As ordered."

Zhu Damao and Sanitary Jin quickly said yes.



Two quasi-holy swords pierced the sky and appeared in front of them.

"These two quasi-holy swords are for the two of you."

Zhu Damao and Weiwei Jin looked at the Quasi-Holy Realm Zhanjian in front of them, and they were extremely happy.

The battle sword of the quasi-holy realm is actually very picky, it's not that you can get the war sword of the quasi-sage realm just because you are a quasi-sage.

For example, when these two went to Jianzhong, they were not recognized by the famous sword.

"Thank you sir."

"Thank you sir."

The two saluted Zhao Yang and ran away with their swords in hand.

That's right.

They were worried that the Zhou family would rob them of their quasi-sage-level war sword.

After all, the Zhou family still has this ability.

Not to mention that the Zhou family really had such thoughts, but Zhao Yang's battleship did not leave immediately, and none of the Zhou family dared to move.

"My lord, you won't be angry if I borrowed your power, right?" Zhou Qiaoyu said a little uneasy when she got to the battleship.

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "What are your plans in the future?"

"I don't know either." Zhou Qiaoyu's face showed a blank look.

Where do you go after you leave the Zhou family?

It doesn't matter if she is alone, but what about Tang Guifang by her side?

"Are you interested in going to my small world?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile, "Of course it's fine if you're not interested."

"Small world?" Zhou Qiaoyu's eyes lit up when she heard this, "It is rumored that all the strong emperors have small worlds. How is the small world different from the outside world?"

"Just go in and have a look." Zhao Yang said, leading Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang into his small world.

After entering it, Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang found that this place seems to be no different from the outside world.

Their spiritual thoughts diffused towards the outside world, and only then did they realize that this world is very big.

And some monster races appeared within their sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is there a demon clan here?" Tang Guifang said in surprise.

"There are more than 200 demon clans here." Zhao Yang explained, "In addition, this small world covers 100 million square kilometers."

"100 million square kilometers?" Zhou Qiaoyu exclaimed.

"This small world of mine has always been in a state of no one's management. If you are interested, you may wish to live here. I will give you certain authority, and you can check and balance the demon clan here." Zhao Yang looked at Zhou Qiaoyu and said.

"We are naturally interested. In fact, we don't want to check and balance the monster race here. We just want to live here normally." Zhou Qiaoyu expressed his thoughts.

"Well, I'll take you to the capital." Zhao Yang said, bringing Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang to the capital.

Hu Duan in Wangdu hurriedly brought the high-level officials to greet him.

"I've met Master Juggernaut." Hu Duan saluted Zhao Yang.

"Hu Duan, this will be my special envoy from now on." Zhao Yang pointed at Zhou Qiaoyu.

"I've seen the special envoy." Hu Duan hurriedly saluted Zhou Qiaoyu.

"This is the special envoy's mother. You should take good care of her in the future." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Lord Master, don't worry, if they hurt a hair, you can ask me." Hu Duan assured.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Immediately, Hu Duan arranged a courtyard for Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang in the capital.

"The demon clan here is quite harmonious with each other under the rule of the dynasty. Of course, there are some small fights from time to time." Zhao Yang said here and pointed at Zhou Qiaoyu's eyebrows, "I will give you the freedom to enter and exit this small world. permissions."

"There are no human races in this world. Generally speaking, no monster race would dare to do things for you, but you may also meet people who don't have long eyes." Zhao Yang summoned two holy swords and handed them to Zhou Qiaoyu and Tang Guifang.

"One of these two holy swords is a high-level holy sword, and the other is a middle-level holy sword. After you sign the contract, take it with you."

The two hurriedly expressed their thanks to Zhao Yang.

The high-level leaders of the major ethnic groups must not dare to deal with them, and with these two holy swords, even if they are at the level of a great sage who wants to touch them, they must weigh their own strength.

Besides, as long as Zhou Qiaoyu can spare some time, she can leave this small world.

After reaching the outside world, is there still a way for those monster races to survive?

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