Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 947 She Has a Background

"Golden Wonderland No. 13th floor?" Tang Guifang shrank her pupils, and then said bitterly, "Qiaoyu, why are you so stupid? Since you chose to hide it, you should keep it hidden?"

"Zhou Qiaoyu, accept your fate, you have no other choice." The third elder said flatly, "Don't expect your father to help you, this is already the limit of what he can do, and of course he doesn't have any feelings for you. After a pause, the third elder continued, "You think your father doesn't know about the current situation of the Zhou family? He knows, but now we are already grasshoppers on the same rope. The Zhou family will collapse instantly if we leave us. Believe it or not ?”

The third elder revealed a bloody fact.

"Father, do I have to make an oath?" Zhou Qiaoyu looked at Zhou Guochao and asked.

Zhou Guochao avoided Zhou Qiaoyu's eyes, and then nodded slightly.

Zhou Qiaoyu's face was full of disappointment, "If I was only disappointed in you before, then I am completely disappointed in you now." Speaking of this, Zhou Qiaoyu looked at her mother Tang Guifang and said, "Mom, do you want to leave? The Zhou family?"

"I want to, but..." Tang Guifang was interrupted by Zhou Qiaoyu just as she said this, "If you want to, I will take you away."

"Go? Can you go?" The third elder said just now that a sharp sword intent pierced the sky, and pressed against his throat with an extremely powerful posture.

"Quasi-holy magic weapon?" The third elder's face changed drastically.

"Judging from the aura that blooms on it, it is a quasi-sage high-level battle sword." The second elder's eyes showed a burning color.

"I didn't expect you to have such a trump card, but do you think that a quasi-sage high-level battle sword can stop us?" The Great Elder laughed loudly.

When the Great Elder said this, his eyes were full of greed.

This is the quasi-sage's high-level battle sword.

Who doesn't want it?

"Qiaoyu, give me this battle sword, and you don't have to swear." Zhou Guochao said excitedly at this time.

Can Zhou Guochao not be excited?

After having this battle sword, is he still worried about the three elders?

"I have already signed a contract with this sword." Zhou Qiaoyu said lightly.

"So what if the contract is signed? You can save money at any time." Zhou Guochao said nonchalantly.

Zhou Qiaoyu looked at Zhou Guochao with increasingly disappointed eyes.

"Ziyu, let's go." Zhou Qiaoyu took Tang Guifang's hand, and then gave Zhan Jian an order.

Ziyu shattered the space and was about to leave here with the two of them.

But Zhou Guochao shattered the space immediately, forcing Ziyu Zhanjian to retreat.

"Zhou Guochao is so powerful, I can't break through with you." Ziyu said.

"Then you go to Jianzhong to find that young master, and ask that young master to come and save me." Zhou Qiaoyu said and gave the communication jade talisman to Ziyu Zhanjian.

Ziyu Zhanjian put away the Jade Talisman of Communication and broke out towards the distance.

But at this time Zhou Guochao, the First Elder, and the Second Elder tried their best to stop him.

The two sides come and go, fighting crazily here.

"Father, don't you want to know how I got my cultivation?" Zhou Qiaoyu shouted violently.

Zhou Guochao was distracted, Ziyu took advantage of the loophole, broke through the space and escaped.

Zhou Guo was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils.

"Zhou Qiaoyu..." Zhou Guochao roared at Zhou Qiaoyu.

He is angry.

Seeing that he was about to take down the Purple Jade Battle Sword.

As a result, all previous efforts were wasted because of Zhou Qiaoyu's words.

"Have you ever thought about how I was so mediocre before, how I hid for so long in front of the quasi-sages?" Zhou Qiaoyu looked at Zhou Guochao and said, "The reason is actually very simple, because before today, my cultivation base has always been the first in the Golden Immortal Realm. Nine floors."

"Impossible." Zhou Guochao said without thinking, "Could it be possible that you want to tell me that your cultivation base has continuously improved four small realms in one day?"

"Otherwise?" Zhou Qiaoyu couldn't help looking at Zhou Qiaomei and the three women who were not far away when she said this, "You must still remember the man I met in Jianzhong, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Zhou Qiaomei asked with a cold face.

"What I want to tell you is that when that young master put his big hand on my shoulder, my cultivation instantly soared, and I was promoted to the No. 13th floor of the Golden Wonderland within a short period of time." Zhou Qiaoyu said lightly.

"Do you think we will believe your nonsense?" Zhou Qiaomei said with a face of disbelief.

Don't say that Zhou Qiaomei didn't believe it, if there was one person present, no one believed it.

"I believe." What no one expected was that a man's voice sounded in the distance at this time.

Everyone followed the voice and found that it was Zhu Damao and Sanitary Jin.

It was Zhu Damao who spoke at this time.

"Mr. Zhu, what did you say?" Zhou Qiaolan asked in doubt.

"Do you know who the one who accosted Zhou Qiaoyu before?" Health Jin said in a deep voice.

"Does he still have a great background?" Zhou Qiaolan snorted coldly.

"If I told you that even a beautiful girl like Xu Qianqian couldn't compare to her, how would you feel?" Sanitation Jin's words made everyone's faces change suddenly.

"How is it possible? Xu Qianqian is the saint of the Four Square Holy Land. No matter how noble her status is, how can she be so noble?" Zhou Qiaozhu frowned after a while and said.

"It wasn't long after you left that Xu Qianqian, Tang Yun, Wu Mi and other holy land talents went to the sword mound one after another, but after reaching the core area, no famous sword took care of them. But do you know what happened to the one who arrived at the core area? ?” Sanitation Jin still had a look of shock on his face when he said this.

"What?" Zhou Guochao asked subconsciously.

"Nine famous swords in quasi-emperor realm fought for him." Health Jin said in a deep voice.

The audience was in an uproar.

Even a beautiful girl like Xu Qianqian didn't get the favor of a famous sword, but Zhao Yang's nine famous swords fought because of him.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Zhou Qiaomei said in surprise.

"Who do you think would dare to make fun of this kind of thing." Zhu Da said leisurely, "Then that one even alarmed Senior Sword Slave, and Senior Sword Slave invited him to go to the deep stream."

"What?" Zhou Guochao and the others became uneasy when they heard this.

An existence that is favored by sword slaves, if you say that you don't have a background against the sky, who would believe it?

"Before, Zhou Qiaoyu was torn apart by that young master and taken to the depths of the sky. I think that young master may value Zhou Qiaoyu very much." Health Jin added at this time.

This sentence frightened the whole Zhou family.

If Zhao Yang knew that the Zhou family treated Zhou Qiaoyu like this, he wouldn't have wiped out the Zhou family.

"Qiaoyu, what is your relationship with that young master?" Zhou Guochao asked cautiously.

"It has nothing to do with the Zhou family." Zhou Qiaoyu said coldly, "I only know that the Zhou family wanted to rob me of my purple jade, and even forced me to make an oath."

"Qiaoyu, I don't know you have such a background?" Zhou Guochao said hastily.

"That is to say, I don't have such a background, so I can do whatever you want?" Zhou Qiaoyu looked at Zhou Guochao more and more disappointed.

Zhou Guochao accidentally spoke his mind.

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