Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 945 Unforgivable

Zhou Qiaomei was very disdainful in her heart, but she changed her mind and said, "Aunt Tang, I was wrong."

Zhou Qiaolan and Zhou Qiaozhu also imitated my mistakes.

Only then did Zhou Guochao's expression soften a little, "I will punish you to go to the back mountain to face the wall for a year."

The faces of Zhou Qiaomei and the others showed bitterness.

One year.

Doesn't this mean that you can't go out to play for a year?

But under Zhou Guochao's stern eyes, they still reluctantly accepted.

"Now go back and tidy up, and then go to the back mountain." Zhou Guochao said lightly.

After Zhou Qiaomei's three daughters left one after another, Zhou Guochao looked at Zhou Qiaoyu and said, "Qiaoyu, how do you think I'm handling it?"

"Father, the handling is very fair." Zhou Qiaoyu said this sentence beyond Zhou Guochao's expectation.

Did he think Zhou Qiaoyu would continue to pursue it?

Fortunately, Zhou Qiaoyu understands Dali.

"It's hard for you to come back and have a good conversation with your mother." After saying this, Zhou Guochao left with the elders.

After a while Tang Guifang said worriedly, "This time your father punished Zhou Qiaomei and the others, our life may be even more difficult in the future." After a pause, Tang Guifang said in a deep voice, "Clean up later and leave the Zhou family. "

Tang Guifang looked far away. She knew that with the personality of the Zhou family sisters, it was absolutely impossible to let Zhou Qiaoyu go.

"Mother, my daughter was unable to protect you before, but now she has one." Zhou Qiaoyu said softly.

"I just hope you live a good life in the future, and it's okay for my mother to suffer some grievances." Tang Guifang said and tears fell.

"With my daughter here in the future, no one can bully you." After speaking, Zhou Qiaoyu got up and walked outside.

"Where are you going?" Tang Guifang shouted hastily.

"I'll be back soon." Zhou Qiaoyu said without looking back.

Liu Dandan is Zhou Qiaomei's mother, Zhou Guochao's wife, and the elder sister.

Her status in the Zhou family is very high, far beyond Tang Guifang's.

At this moment, Liu Dandan was helping Zhou Qiaomei tidy up her clothes, "Why do you want to deal with Tang Guifang yourself? You tell mother! Mother wants to punish her, she has a lot of means."

"I was so angry at that time." Zhou Qiaomei said coquettishly.

"You, even if Tang Guifang is not favored anymore, where is her identity? You say you are a junior, can your father not be angry?" Liu Dandan glared at Zhou Qiaomei and said, "Fortunately, your father punishes you. Just for show, a year of confinement is over in no time."

"Mother, if you find a chance, you must treat Tang Guifang well. I can't wait to tear her into pieces." Zhou Qiaomei heard a scream as soon as she said this, and then her personal maid was smashed to pieces covered in blood. He walked through the door and staggered and fell to the ground.

Zhou Qiaomei's expression changed drastically.

what's the situation?

Who would dare to deal with her personal maid like this?

Then she saw a figure approaching the door.

Who else is it if it's not Zhou Qiaoyu?

"Zhou Qiaoyu, you're crazy!" Zhou Qiaomei yelled at Zhou Qiaoyu.


The long whip detonated in the air, and the tail of the whip slammed on Zhou Qiaoyu's body.

Zhou Qiaoyu's clothes were instantly torn, and a bloodstain appeared on her snow-white skin.

Liu Dandan was furious, "Zhou Qiaoyu, do you want to rebel?"


The long whip slapped Liu Dandan hard on the face.

A bloody gash appeared on her face, looking eerie and terrifying.

Liu Dandan was trembling all over, she didn't dare to touch the wound.

But even if you think about it with your toes, you know that the wound must be deep.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, I'm going to kill you." Liu Dandan rushed towards Zhou Qiaoyu with all her teeth and claws.

But what greeted her was another long whip.

a bit!


Three times!

Zhou Qiaoyu smoked sixteen times before stopping.

"Zhou Qiaomei, if you whipped my mother sixteen times, then I will whip your mother sixteen times, not too much, not too much." After saying this, Zhou Qiaoyu left here.

At this time, Liu Dandan has been beaten to the ground.

The three of Zhou Qiaomei and the others did indeed slap Tang Guifang sixteen times, but the problem is that they slapped Tang Guifang far less hard?

"Qiaomei, go find your uncle, I will make Zhou Qiaoyu pay for his life." Liu Dandan growled with resentment in his eyes.

Zhou Qiaomei struggled to get up and ran towards the residence of the Great Elder.

When Zhou Qiaomei arrived at the Great Elder's residence, was the Great Elder drinking tea?

When he saw the welt marks on Zhou Qiaomei's body, he froze for a moment, "What happened?"

"Just now Zhou Qiaoyu rushed into my mother's courtyard frenziedly, not only hurt my mother's maid, but also beat my mother to the ground." Zhou Qiaomei knelt down with a plop, "Uncle, you You must be the master for my mother."

The Great Elder hurriedly followed Zhou Qiaomei to Liu Dandan's room.

When the Great Elder saw Liu Dandan's appearance, his lungs were about to explode.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, you are courting death." The Great Elder rushed to Zhou Guochao's study angrily.

"Patriarch, you have to decide for my sister." The elder's eyes were red when he said this.

"What happened?"

"You'll know when you go and see."

Zhou Guochao just walked out of the study door, but the second elder also rushed over.

"Patriarch, you have to decide for my sister." The second elder said angrily.

"What's your situation?" Zhou Guochao was a little confused.

"Zhou Qiaoyu rushed into my sister's courtyard frenziedly, severely injured my sister's maid, and beat my sister to the ground."

Zhou Guochao was stunned.

He couldn't help but looked at the Great Elder and said, "Is it the same for Liu Dandan?"

"Yes." The Great Elder nodded.

"I'll go and have a look." Zhou Guochao said gloomyly.

As a result, he didn't go far and saw the third elder head-on.

The third elder's eyes at this time were very cruel, and he wished he could swallow him up.


The third elder was interrupted by Zhou Guochao just as he said this, "Did Sun Yanli be whipped by Zhou Qiaoyu?"

"Patriarch, how do you know?" The third elder was startled.

Zhou Guochao didn't say anything. As soon as he arrived at Liu Dandan's room, he saw Liu Dandan covered in welts.

Liu Dandan looked very miserable.

Zhou Guochao's eyes were full of anger.

He went to the second room Ma Tingfang and the third room Sun Yanli, and it turned out that the situation of these two was similar to that of Liu Dandan.

Zhou Guochao broke into Tang Guifang's courtyard with a gloomy face, and then he noticed that Zhou Qiaoyu was giving medicine to Tang Guifang.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, do you know what you are doing?" Zhou Guochao scolded angrily.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, why are you so mad?" The First Elder's eyes were full of anger.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, how can you do it? They are your aunts?" The second elder pointed at Zhou Qiaoyu and cursed.

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