Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 944 Kneel down and apologize

"Yes, father, Zhu Damao has been chasing me, but I don't know what tricks Zhou Qiaoyu used, Zhu Damao turned around and pursued Zhou Qiaoyu." Zhou Qiaolan said angrily.

"Father, if this kind of thing gets out, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of our Zhou family." Zhou Qiaozhu said solemnly.

"Patriarch, this matter must be dealt with seriously." The elder of the Zhou family said sternly.

"Our Zhou family is a fourth-class power after all. If this kind of thing gets out, it will affect the reputation of Qiaomei and the others." The second elder of the Zhou family echoed.

"Qiaoyu ruined the style of the family, I feel that I will be punished." The third elder of the Zhou family said in agreement.

"Destroying the family style? Third elder, when you say this, you don't know if your conscience will be at ease?" After the third elder of the Zhou family finished speaking, there was a sarcasm from outside, and then Zhou Qiaoyu walked away amidst the astonished expressions of all the monks present. came in.

"Zhou Qiaozhu has followed six men in three years, and even two months ago, a monk came to make trouble? I really want to ask why you didn't talk about corrupting the family style at that time?" Zhou Qiaoyu snapped.

"Presumptuous." The third elder was furious.

"Presumptuous? Why? It's too much to say, so you started to use your elder's authority?" Zhou Qiaoyu said with a sneer, "Or do you think you can represent the patriarch at the Zhou family's family meeting?"

Zhou Qiaoyu's words put a big hat on the third elder.

The third elder said quickly, "I didn't mean that."

"I know that Zhou Qiaozhu is your niece, so it's reasonable for you to maintain it, but how bad Zhou Qiaozhu is, who doesn't know?" Zhou Qiaoyu sneered, "Which monk around thousands of miles doesn't know the name of my third sister?" Zhou Qiaoyu sneered. ?”

"You..." The third elder was speechless for a moment.

"Qiaoyu, even if Qiaozhu is wrong, she is still your elder sister." Patriarch Zhou Guochao said at this time.

"Does father mean that the rules of seniority and inferiority in the family should be obeyed?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Zhou Guochao said angrily.

"In that case, please father and all the elders follow me somewhere." Zhou Qiaoyu suppressed her anger and said.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Guochao asked puzzled.

"My mother's courtyard." Zhou Qiaoyu said in a deep voice.

"Where to do what?"

"You'll know when you go." Zhou Qiaoyu just said here and Zhou Qiaolan hurriedly said, "I can't go, who knows what kind of idea Zhou Qiaoyu is playing?"


No one expected Zhou Qiaoyu to slap Zhou Qiaolan.

Half of Zhou Qiaolan's face was swollen from the beating.

"Qiaoyu, what are you doing?" Zhou Guochao said angrily.

"No, Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation doesn't seem to be on the ninth floor of the True Wonderland." At this moment, an elder said abruptly.

Only then did Zhou Guochao realize that Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation was only on the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland, how could she slap Zhou Qiaolan on the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland?

"Qiaoyu, what is your cultivation level?" Zhou Guochao said that Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation level no longer concealed it.

Her cultivation continued to rise.

The tenth floor of Golden Wonderland.

Golden Wonderland No.11 floor.

Golden Wonderland No.12 floor.

When climbing to the No.13 floor of Golden Wonderland, the audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation had been raised to such a level?

"Golden Wonderland No.13 floor?"

"Doesn't this mean that Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation can be raised to the quasi-sage level in the future?"

"As long as the resources can keep up, it's a certainty."

The elders present were all stunned.

Zhou Guochao stared at Zhou Qiaoyu for a while before saying, "Qiaoyu, why do you want to hide your cultivation?"

"Don't hide my cultivation, I'm afraid I'm dead at this time." Zhou Qiaoyu sneered.

She didn't say that her cultivation was promoted by Zhao Yang.

Because no one will believe it.

In a short period of time, Zhou Qiaoyu could help Zhou Qiaoyu improve to four small realms. Zhou Qiaoyu felt that even a saint could not do it.

Zhou Qiaoyu's guess was correct.

Ordinary saints really can't do it.

But who is Zhao Yang?

At this time, his background is stronger than that of the quasi-emperor realm. Is this why she can help Zhou Qiaoyu improve?

Zhou Qiaoyu said that Emperor Zhun helped her get promoted?

Maybe the Zhou family thinks that Zhou Qiaoyu has something wrong with her head?

"Who in the Zhou family will harm you?" Zhou Guochao said with a straight face.

"You will understand after you go to my mother's small courtyard." After saying this, Zhou Qiaoyu left first.

Zhou Guochao pondered for a moment and followed.

The elders of the Zhou family also followed.

Now, the faces of the three sisters of the Zhou family showed apprehension.

"You said dad won't be angry later, right?" Zhou Qiaozhu said with some fear.

"Even if you are angry, you dare not do anything to us?" Zhou Qiaomei said firmly, "Don't forget that there are so many elders in the family who support us."

"That bitch, do you think you can turn the world upside down with the No. 13th floor of the Golden Wonderland?" Zhou Qiaolan said while holding her swollen cheeks and gritted her teeth.

Tang Guifang's courtyard.

When Zhou Guochao came here and saw the messy scene in the yard and the blood on the maidservant and the whip marks on Tang Guifang's face, the expression on his face became gloomy.

To be honest, he also felt that Zhou Qiaomei and others had gone too far.

No matter what, Tang Guifang is her own woman.

"Who did it?" Zhou Guochao asked knowingly.

Tang Guifang just wept.

"Who did it, doesn't daddy know?" Zhou Qiaoyu said with anger accumulated in his chest, "Is it interesting to ask who did it hypocritically at this time?"

"Presumptuous, Zhou Qiaoyu, who gave you the courage to speak to the patriarch like that?" the Great Elder pointed at Zhou Qiaoyu.

"Stop being hypocritical here, if it was your sister who hit you today, would you still say such a thing?" Zhou Qiaoyu snorted coldly.

"I still understand the rules of the family, and I would never say that about the patriarch anyway." The elder said solemnly.

"Okay, since you are following the rules, how should I deal with Zhou Qiaomei, Zhou Qiaolan, and Zhou Qiaomei beating my mother?" Zhou Qiaoyu asked coldly.

"Let them come to apologize to Tang Guifang." The elder thought for a while before saying.

"Yes, yes, it's because they are the first offenders, so let them apologize to Tang Guifang." The second elder echoed.

"Punish them with confinement for another year, no, three months." The third elder added.

Zhou Qiaoyu's face was full of mockery, she looked at her father Zhou Guochao and said, "Father, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Zhou Guochao thought for a while and looked at the guards beside him, "Let those three evil animals come over."

After a while, Zhou Qiaomei, Zhou Qiaolan, and Zhou Qiaozhu came here one after another.

"Kneel down." Zhou Guochao snapped.

After Zhou Qiaomei and the three daughters looked at each other, they knelt down unanimously.

"Apologize to your Aunt Tang." Zhou Guochao said in a deep voice.

"Tang Guifang..." Zhou Qiaomei had just said this, Zhou Guochao glared at her and said, "What are you calling?"

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