Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 940 I am no longer weak

Zhou Qiaoyu realized that Zhao Yang was an outsider.

Otherwise, it is impossible to raise oneself to five small realms in an instant.

Not to mention breaking your own limits.

"Thank you, son." Zhou Qiaoyu expressed her sincere thanks to Zhao Yang.

"Zhou Qiaoyu, you bitch, he beat the elder sister, and you thanked him, do you believe that I told my father about it?" Zhou Qiaolan pointed at Zhou Qiaoyu, her eyes full of resentment.


What no one expected was that Zhou Qiaoyu slapped Zhou Qiaolan.

"I won't let you bully me anymore." Zhou Qiaoyu looked at Zhou Qiaolan calmly and said.

Not anymore.

If you say you didn't have the strength before, you can just swallow your anger.

Now that he has the strength, he is still the same as before, but he is not up to date.

Zhou Qiaolan stared at Zhou Qiaoyu blankly, she suddenly felt that Zhou Qiaoyu was very strange.

Is this still Zhou Qiaoyu who let them bully her?

"You dare to hit your second sister, don't you want to rebel?" Zhou Qiaolan stepped forward at this time to teach Zhou Qiaoyu a lesson.

As a result, Zhou Qiaoyu slapped her backhand, "Teach me? Are you sure you have the qualifications."

Both Zhou Qiaolan and Zhou Qiaomei's cultivation bases are on the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland, and there is a difference of three small realms between them and Zhou Qiaoyu.

The three small realms determined that they could not be Zhou Qiaoyu's opponents.

"Zhou Qiaoyu's strength is so strong?" a man asked.

"Zhou Qiaoyu may go further in the Quasi-Holy Realm in the future." The second man said in a deep voice.

These two are followers of Zhou Qiaolan and Zhou Qiaozhu respectively.

At this time they saw some signs.

From the fighting power of the Golden Immortal Realm, we can see how far it will be in the Quasi-Holy Realm in the future.

Of course, this is not a decision, but it is also a basis for reference.

"Qiaoyu, don't worry, if the Zhou family sisters frame you, I will stand up." Zhu Damao, Zhou Qiaolan's follower, said solemnly.

Zhou Qiaozhu's follower, Hygienic Jin, was in a hurry, and Zhu Damao even got ahead of him.

So angry.

"Qiaoyu, don't worry, we will bring you justice." Sanitation Jin Yizheng said sternly.

Seeing this, Zhou Qiaolan and Zhou Qiaozhu were stunned.

what's the situation?

His followers went after Zhou Qiaoyu?

And keep their faces.

Isn't this slapping them in the face?

"Zhu Damao, believe it or not, I will ignore you from now on." Zhou Qiaolan said angrily.

"Do you think anyone cares about you? Just your sarcastic look? Don't you know that I look disgusting?" Zhu Damao said with a sneer.

Zhou Qiaolan was so angry that she almost fainted.

After Zhou Qiaozhu saw this scene, he didn't dare to stimulate Sanitation Gold anymore.

She was afraid that Sanitary King would say something that would humiliate her?

But what she didn't expect was that Sanitary Jin took the initiative to criticize, "And you, Zhou Qiaozhu, Zhou Qiaoyu is your sister, you don't want to defend, but slander all day long, why is your heart so ugly?"

Zhou Qiaozhu pointed at Sanitary Gold, trembling angrily.

"you you……."

Seeing this funny scene, Zhou Qiaoyu was even more grateful to Zhao Yang in her heart.

"Let's go." Zhou Qiaomei gave Zhou Qiaoyu a resentful look.

After the three sisters of the Zhou family left, Zhou Qiaoyu walked towards the sword mound.

She didn't know if she would encounter a famous sword after her cultivation base improved?

But she's sure to give it a try?

The Sword Tomb is divided into three areas.

The peripheral area is the quasi-holy area, and there are thousands of famous swords in this area.

After Zhou Qiaoyu stepped into this area, several war swords trembled slightly.

"It's moving, it's moving."

"Who is this girl? She even triggered a quasi-sage-level battle sword?"

The eyes of Zhu Damao, Sanwei Jin, and Xiong Mangling suddenly lit up.

Such a girl should be what they are after.

Zhou Qiaoyu was very excited.

But she kept going.

As he walked, a war sword swished away from the ground and flew in front of Zhou Qiaoyu.

"Ziyu." Looking at Zhan Jian's name, Zhou Qiaoyu showed a smile on his face.

She bouncing up to Zhao Yang with the sword in her hand, "Master, help me find out what level this sword is in?"

"At the early stage of quasi-sage." Zhao Yang said after taking a look.

"In the early stage of the quasi-sage?" Zhou Qiaoyu showed a little disappointment on his face, but then a smile appeared on his face, "The early-stage quasi-sage is still a quasi-sage, I am very satisfied."

"Your battle sword is a high-level quasi-sage purple jade." Zhao Yang said via voice transmission to Zhou Qiaoyu, "The reason why I say it is a low-level quasi-sage is because I am worried that someone will snatch your battle sword."


Only then did Zhou Qiaoyu realize it.

"Follow me." Zhao Yang took Zhou Qiaoyu's little hand, tore apart the space and appeared in the battleship.

Zhou Qiaoyu's face turned red immediately.

This was the first time someone of the opposite sex held her hand.

This feeling is a little shy, a little anticipating, and a little heart-wrenching.

But Zhao Yang let go of her hand immediately, "You sign a contract with Zhan Jian."

"Sign up now?"

"If you don't sign the contract now, I'm worried that you won't be able to sign the contract then." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The purple jade is mine, and I won't give it to anyone." Zhou Qiaoyu said seriously.

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

There are many things that you can't just think about if you don't want to.

In fact, with Zhou Qiaoyu's potential, she is not qualified to get the response of Ziyu Zhanjian, but after receiving Zhao Yang's help, her cultivation level soared by five small realms, and she also received some blessings from Zhao Yang invisibly.

After Zhou Qiaoyu formally signed the contract with the Ziyu War Sword, Zhao Yang said, "I set a restriction on the Ziyu War Sword, and ordinary masters can't see through its fluctuations."

The restriction set by Zhao Yang is only for quasi-emperor-level existences.

When Zhou Qiaoyu was about to say something, a messenger jade talisman came through the air.

After crushing the Jade Talisman of Communication, a ray of information entered her mind.

"Young master, I have to go home."

"What happened?"

"It's not my three sisters who sued me."

"Do you want me to follow?"

Zhou Qiaoyu pondered for a while, then shook her head and said, "No need, I can solve it myself." Just when Zhou Qiaoyu was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something, "How can I find you in the future?"

"Here is a Jade Talisman of Communication." Zhao Yang handed Zhou Qiaoyu a Jade Talisman of Communication.

Only then did Zhou Qiaoyu leave.

Zhao Yang immediately put away the battleship and landed on the ground.

At this time, Zhao Yang saw a young girl walking towards Jianzhong under the attention of everyone.

The girl is graceful and graceful, with the posture of allure.

When she stepped into the periphery of the sword mound, hundreds of war swords vibrated, and each of those war swords seemed to want to leave the ground and come to her.

The girl's eyes are clear.

She is a girl of the heavens, how can she like these quasi-sacred battle swords?

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