Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 939 Heading to the Sword Tomb

"The headquarters of Jubaozhai dispatched masters as soon as the incident happened." The elder said after being silent for a while, "According to our investigation, it was Badaomen's Badao."


"Ba Dao is the suzerain of the Ba Dao Sect, and also the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor." The elder said in a deep voice, "Ba Dao has a grudge against the Guardian."

"Why does Ba Dao have a grudge against the Guardian?" Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Ba Dao is a sword in the restricted area." The elder said cryptically.

Zhao Yang suddenly understood.

Most of Ba Dao was ordered by the forbidden area to attack the guardian.

"Is Tyrant Sword Sect a power in the first district?"


"Badaozong." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

He remembered this sect.

Just know who it is.

"Where is the child who was with me?" Zhao Yang asked softly after a while.

"Dead, there is nothing left." The elder sighed softly.

Zhao Yang was silent.

He doesn't even know the boy's name?

"Excuse me." Zhao Yang thanked the elder.

"Aren't you going to the Tyrant Sword Sect?" The elder was taken aback.

"Now is not the time." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Now he is not the opponent of Ba Dao, this revenge can only be avenged by Greed Wolf or Po Jun.

What he has to do now is to be patient.

After leaving Jubaozhai, Zhao Yang went to Jianzhong.

He is very interested in the mysterious sword mound.

Sword Tomb.

This is the prestigious forbidden area in the second district.

But every year, many monks come here to try their luck.

Because if you are lucky, you might be able to get a Quasi-Holy Realm, or even a holy-level war sword.

When Zhao Yang arrived here, he found that there were a lot of people here.

"Why are there so many people today?" Zhao Yang asked a girl beside him.

"Today, the saint Xu Qianqian from the Sifang Holy Land, Tang Yun from the Tang Sect, Wu Mi, the young patriarch of the Wu Clan, Peng Fei, the young patriarch of the Peng Clan, and Anaconda, the young patriarch of the Boa Clan, have all arrived," the girl explained to Zhao Yang.

"Could it be that there is some grand event?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"The sword slave has appeared." The girl said softly, "Every time the sword slave appears, there will be a famous sword born, which is why these people all come here." Speaking of this, the girl's eyes showed a look of longing, "I don't know if I have a chance to get a quasi-sacred battle sword?" Then she laughed at herself, "Forget it, where do I have such a chance?"

This girl's looks are not so beautiful, but she also has a feeling of being from a small family.

"If you don't try, how will you know that you don't have such a chance?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Forget it, otherwise I won't get anything and will be ridiculed by my sisters again." The girl showed a shy look on her face when she said this.

"I don't understand why such a pretty girl like you has no confidence?" Zhao Yang stared at the girl.

"Where do I look good?" The girl obviously didn't believe it.

"You have to believe in yourself." Zhao Yang encouraged, "I see that everyone is going to the sword mound to see if there is a famous sword to choose me?"

The girl hesitated, "Can I do it?"

She is very uncertain.

"You can." Zhao Yang said softly.

The girl hesitated again and again before mustering up the courage to walk towards Jianzhong.

In fact, the girl's cultivation base is not low, and she has the high-level realm of Jinxian.

But for some reason she was extremely lacking in self-confidence.

But soon Zhao Yang knew.

Because not far from the range where the girl was about to set foot on the sword mound, there was a strange voice.

"Isn't this the fourth sister?"

"It's really fourth sister. I said fourth sister, what are you doing here?"

"Fourth sister, don't you know your own situation? Do you think that a famous sword will choose you?"

The mouths of the three women who were three points similar to the girl were full of sarcasm.

Beside them was a handsome young man.

Zhao Yang had to admit that these three women were indeed prettier than this timid girl, but Zhao Yang still felt that this timid girl looked more comfortable.

The three women seemed too mean.

"This is the fourth lady of your Zhou family?" A man looked at the timid girl and shook his head involuntarily, "If you want to have no appearance, no figure, is it really embarrassing to your Zhou family?"

"Who says no? Sometimes when I go out, I don't even want to admit that she is my sister." The eldest sister Zhou Qiaomei said approvingly.

"Shameful thing, what do you think you are here for?" Second sister Zhou Qiaolan said angrily.

"Don't come with us, I feel unlucky." The third sister Zhou Qiaozhu glanced at the girl and said.

"You are also her sisters after all, it's fine if you don't stand up and defend your sister when outsiders say something wrong with your sister, but you actually follow other people's words and slander." Zhao Yang couldn't stand it anymore, "You guys are really Weird."

"Who are you calling weird?" Dajie Zhou Qiaomei's temper was rather domineering.

"Open your mouth." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhu Ya stepped forward and slapped Zhou Qiaomei.

Half of Zhou Qiaomei's face was suddenly swollen, and the corner of her mouth was torn.

When the man standing beside Zhou Qiaomei was about to make a move, Zhu Ya kicked his ankle, breaking his leg bone abruptly.

Now the second sister Zhou Qiaolan, Zhou Qiaozhu of the Three Realms and the other two men were stunned.

Zhu Ya is too strong, right?

You must know that both the elder sister Zhou Qiaomei and that man are the existences at the peak of the Golden Wonderland, okay?

But now she was easily slapped by Zhu Ya.

Could it be that the other party is a quasi-sage?

How dare they stab after realizing this?

"Did you see? Your patience won't exchange for their gifts, it will only make them worse." Zhao Yang looked at the girl beside him and said, "The best way to deal with bad guys is to beat them. They hurt."

"But...but I'm not their opponent." The girl Zhou Qiaoyu lowered her head and said pitifully.

"They are only two small realms higher than you." Zhao Yang put his big hand on Zhou Qiaoyu's shoulder when he said this, "Now I will help you break through." After the words fell, the holy energy poured in like a tide. Inside Zhou Qiaoyu's body.

Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation instantly soared.

The ninth floor of Golden Wonderland.

The tenth floor of Golden Wonderland.

Golden Wonderland No.11 floor.

It was only when Zhao Yang helped Zhou Qiaoyu to upgrade to the No. 13th floor of the Golden Wonderland that he stopped.

Zhao Yang noticed that Zhou Qiaoyu's potential was the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland. In other words, whether she could become a quasi-sage in this life was in doubt.

But now with the help of Zhao Yang, Zhou Qiaoyu's cultivation has reached the No. 13th floor of the Near Immortal Realm, which means that Zhou Qiaoyu will become a quasi-sage high-level existence if nothing happens in the future.

"Golden Wonderland No. 13th floor." At this moment Zhou Qiaoyu was stunned.

"Don't say it, don't say it." Zhao Yang blinked at Zhou Qiaoyu.

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