Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 921 Preparations Before the Tribulation

Doesn't it worry about liquidating it in the future?

Zhao Yang, who was confused, put the matter aside for the time being.

As long as these guys don't attack now, then Zhao Yang can grow slowly.

After getting the Emperor Flame Flower, Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

After Zhao Yang gave Lin Caihan all the resources in Qi Dao, he gave Lin Caihan a time bug.

"There are [-] years in this time worm, you look at the arrangement."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to retreat for a few years to study the Dao of Formation." Zhao Yang said softly, "At that time, my Dao of Formation can be improved to a higher level."

If the array is improved, the strength of the array scroll can be further improved.

God knows how many array scrolls it will take for Lin Caihan to cross the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations?

Therefore, it is necessary for Zhao Yang to study it.

After five years of retreat in the time domain, Zhao Yang began to refine the formation scrolls of the quasi-sage peak.

At this moment, he is confident that the power of the formation scroll refined at this time is at least one to two times higher than before.

You know, this is a terrifying improvement.

After Zhao Yang refined 24 formation scrolls in one go, he stopped.

It's not that Zhao Yang doesn't want to refine, but that he has no resources to refine.

After he finished the retreat, Zhu Ya told Zhao Yang that Xu Huier was visiting.

Zhao Yang met Xu Huier in his study.

"Why is Senior Sister Huier here?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile after taking his seat.

"Caihan was planning to cross the catastrophe, why didn't she suddenly cross it?" Xu Huier asked straight to the point.

"She wants to attack the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations." Zhao Yang said softly.

"So you are refining the formation scrolls and magic weapons at the peak of the formation, right?"


"This is for you." Xu Huier handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

"What is this?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Materials for refining formation scrolls and quasi-sage peak magic weapons." Xu Hui'er said seriously, "Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations are too terrifying, we must be well prepared."

"This..." Zhao Yang hesitated.

After all, Lin Caihan was going through the tribulation, and it didn't matter if he took the high-end resources of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

But Zhao Yang always felt sorry for taking time out of the high-end resources of the Pure Yang Sect.

"The Pure Yang Sect is yours, and you don't want anything to happen to Caihan, do you?" Xu Huier said softly.

Zhao Yang took it after thinking about it, "I'll thank Senior Sister Huier on Caihan's behalf."

"I don't like you meeting me." Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang with a touch of sadness on her face.

Xu Huier found that since Lin Caihan came, Zhao Yang had been estranged from her.

This made Xu Huier very uncomfortable.

Zhao Yang stepped forward and hugged Xu Huier in his arms, "I will pay attention in the future."

Xu Hui'er's head was stuck in Zhao Yang's arms, and she embraced Zhao Yang with her hands, savoring this rare tenderness.

It feels so good.

Xu Huier left after staying here for a long time.

Zhao Yang opened the time domain and took the resources given by Xu Huier to refine the formation scroll.

This time Zhao Yang refined 36 scrolls in one go and stopped.

Because the materials that can refine the pinnacle of quasi-sages are used up.

At this moment, Lin Caihan and Yi Ren walked out of the time domain.

"How are you preparing?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"We have refined a total of 76 defensive magic weapons." Lin Caihan replied.

"I have refined sixty formation scrolls here." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "I don't know if it is enough?"

"I have also cultivated three thousand incarnations during this period, and I should be able to help you then." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "I think these magic weapons and these formation scrolls may be enough."

"Huier sent a batch of high-level resources, do you want to refine these resources as well?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and asked.

"I think the magic weapon we refined has a certain effect in the mid-term, but it should not have much effect in the later stage." Lin Caihan said here and looked at Zhao Yangdao, "There are a batch of high-level array materials in the chamber of commerce's treasury. Bring it to you."

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang took the remaining formation materials and refined another [-] formation scrolls.

Zhao Yang gave all these scrolls to Lin Caihan.

After Lin Caihan calmed down, they went to the place where they crossed the tribulation before.

Lin Caihan suddenly became nervous, "I don't know why I'm worried that I won't be able to get through?"

Zhao Yang stroked Lin Caihan's hair, "Don't worry, if you don't have enough formation scrolls, I will use the resources of the Nalan family and the Phoenix family. I can use the time domain to refine them in a very short time. "

Normally, Zhao Yang couldn't do it even if he had the Time Domain.

But don't forget Zhao Yang's three thousand incarnation technique, he can condense ten incarnations that are two small realms lower than himself.

And although the ten incarnations are high-level quasi-sages, they can still help Zhao Yang refine the scrolls of the quasi-sage peak.

This is why Zhao Yang said that he could refine the scroll in a short period of time?

And if the high-end resources of the Nalan family and the Phoenix family still can't satisfy Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang is going to let the great saints who come to watch the battle come up with the resources of the quasi-emperor peak.

don't give?

I grab!

Zhao Yang still doesn't believe it, is it not enough to grab thirteen holy places?

Zhao Yang took everything into account.

Hearing this, Lin Caihan's worried heart was relieved.

She flew to the depths of the sky, and then began to cross the tribulation.

Lin Caihan's Thunder Tribulation attracted the attention of many experts. When they arrived, they found that it was Lin Caihan who crossed the Tribulation.

But they were not much interested.

In their opinion, no matter how strong Lin Caihan is, how strong can she be?

It was only when Lin Caihan crossed the Great Perfection Tribulation that they realized that Lin Caihan would be able to reach the quasi-emperor level in the future.

"I used to think Lin Caihan was not very strong, but now I realize that I think too much."

"Lin Caihan will most likely be an unimaginable existence in the high-level Zhundi in the future."

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is destined to rise in the future."

Six hundred.

Seven hundred ways.

Eight hundred ways.

When Lin Caihan fought to this point, she felt that the immortal power in her body was almost exhausted.

She took a super-grade elixir that quickly restores her cultivation.

Lin Caihan continued to fight when she was almost back to her peak.

930 hundred roads.

After reaching this point, Lin Caihan's body was exhausted again.

The secret technique of the source!

Lin Caihan's Secret Art of Origin is far less rapid than Zhao Yang's. He can recover to the peak state within ten breaths, but after thirty breaths, the next thunder can still descend.

960 tracks.

970 tracks.

980 tracks.

At this time, the immortal power in Lin Caihan's body was exhausted.

She used the secret technique of the source again.

It took a long time this time, sixty breaths.

Fortunately, the thunder came after No.60 two breaths.

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