Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 920 I Want The Medicine King

Taotie immediately contacted the Medicine King in his body.

As a result, the medicine king in his body refused to make a move.

"The Heavenly Tribulation at this time is already terrifying, even if I make a move, I can't stop the five thunderbolts." Yao Wang replied.

"I've reached the point of life and death."

"If I give you my original source, I won't be able to climb to the top in the future." Yao Wang said indifferently, "If you force me any more, I'll blow myself up at worst."

Yao Wang's words made Taotie's heart sink.

"The King of Medicine refuses." Taotie looked at his guardian with an ugly expression.

Taotie's Daoist watched for a while and then his eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao, please act righteously."

"It's not bad if I don't fall into trouble at this time." Zhao Yang glanced at Taotie's Taoist protector and said indifferently.

let me help?

What are you kidding?

Mr. Zhao, we will buy the magic weapon of the quasi-sage peak level in your hand at a high price. " Taotie's guardian said solemnly.

"I can help Taotie overcome the remaining five thunderstorms. I have one condition." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying.

"Tell me." Taotie's guardian hurriedly asked.

"King of Medicine." Zhao Yang looked at the other party and said, "I want a King of Medicine."

"King of medicine?" the guardian who heard the Taotie said helplessly, "How precious are such resources as King of Medicine? We don't have any spares in Vicious Beast Ridge."

"This kind of nonsense is nothing more than deceiving others, do you think I can believe it?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"But have you ever thought that if we still have the King of Medicine, it wouldn't be good to just give it to Taotie?"

"You also said that the medicine king is very precious." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Each of the remaining five sky thunders needs a drop of the medicine king's original liquid. I don't believe that you are willing to use five medicine kings in the restricted area. "

Hearing this, Taotie's guardian fell silent.

"Can I give you a medicine king, provided that the magic weapon on your body can block the remaining five thunders?" At this moment, a cold voice pierced the sky, and a figure connecting heaven and earth appeared indistinctly. far away.

His aura was so majestic that all the creatures in the sixth district bowed their heads.

Zhao Yang was startled and at the same time said seriously, "It's natural." Having said that, Zhao Yang waved his hand and three formation scrolls appeared above Taotie's head.

Taotie's expression changed involuntarily, "Are you sure that three formation scrolls can block the last five thunders?"

"I'll try the power first." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hearing this, Taotie's heart turned cold.

It really wants to say, can you stop being so foolish?


While speaking, a thunderbolt struck down fiercely towards it.

The formations in the three scrolls were combined with each other to form a more powerful guardian formation.

Numerous cracks appeared on the guardian formation, but luckily it was not broken.

The audience was in an uproar.

Zhao Yang's three formations actually blocked a thunderstorm.

"how is this possible?"

"It's also incredible."

"The formation of the quasi-sage peak is blocking it? Why do I think it's too dreamy?"

A look of disbelief appeared on Taotie's face.

In its heart, these three scrolls are impossible to block this thunder.

And the facts slapped it hard.

"Zhao Yang's array is very strong."

"His formation should have gone very far, otherwise it would be impossible to refine such a powerful formation scroll?"

After seeing this, Lin Caihan thought for a while and looked at Zhao Yangdao, "Can I also survive the three thousand thunder disasters?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"It turns out that your formation scroll is very effective, so can I use the formation scroll to help me survive the three thousand thunder calamities?" Lin Caihan said with a glint in his eyes, "Besides, you also know that I am proficient in the way of weapons, and I can refine Create a magic weapon that approves the peak of the Holy Spirit."

"Let's make a plan." Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it.

If Lin Caihan can survive the three thousand lightning calamities, Lin Caihan's potential will be raised to the ninth level of quasi-emperor realm.

Do not!

It also surpassed the general quasi-emperor realm Jiuchongtian.

And at this point, Lin Caihan should not be afraid of anyone except the so-called emperor's son.

"I'm not far from the pinnacle of the quasi-sage realm now, and when you give me ten years, Master, I will be able to step into the pinnacle of the quasi-sage realm." Yi Ren said at this time, "At that time, I can also help practice Create some magic weapons for quasi-sage peaks."

Yi Ren's Qi Dao can still stand shoulder to shoulder with Lin Caihan at this time, this is because Yi Ren spent a lot of time and energy before.

But after she reached the Holy Realm, she couldn't compare to Lin Caihan, because Lin Caihan's understanding of Qi Dao surpassed her.

This is determined by both potential and qualifications.

"I think this is a way." Zhao Yang said softly, "In the future, the senior leaders of the sect can go to a higher level of catastrophe, so as to enhance their potential."

"But in this way, we need a lot of high-grade materials." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"Isn't your chamber of commerce responsible for this?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

While speaking, the 97th thunder came.

Even though the three major formations were pushed to the extreme this time, they were still broken in the end.

The remaining thunder force bombarded Taotie, and Taotie let out a scream. It looked at Zhao Yang viciously, "I tell you that if I die, you will get nothing."

Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "I'm just testing the power of the array scroll I made, why are you so excited?" Zhao Yang threw out three more scrolls while talking.

But this time, the three scrolls only blocked one thunderbolt before breaking.

"There are two more." Zhao Yang couldn't help frowning, "Why do I feel like I'm losing money?"

"Losing money? You only used quasi-holy realm materials, okay? What we gave was quasi-emperor realm medicine kings. There is no way for the two sides to compare." Qiongqi couldn't help but said.

Zhao Yang pouted.

Zhao Yang used five scrolls during the 99th thunderstorm.

During the last thunderstorm, Zhao Yang used seven formation scrolls, but there was a small flaw in the last thunderstorm.

That is, the last seven scrolls did not completely block the thunder, and the remaining power of the thunder pierced Taotie.

Fortunately, Taotie did not die.

"Your formation method can be called No.1 among the younger generation." At this time, the figure deep in the distant sky said lightly.

Immediately, a flower filled with traces of flame appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"Emperor Flame Flower."

After feeling it for a while, Zhao Yang looked at the person from Jishou Ridge and said, "Welcome to continue to cooperate in the future."

"We can't say we will cooperate in the future." The person from Jishou Ridge said lightly, "Little guy, I'm looking forward to where you can go in the future?"

Zhao Yang felt awe-inspiring.

What is the meaning of the Supreme of the Beast Ridge?

Could it be that he expects himself to become a great emperor in the future?

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