Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 901 Let's Talk

"You mean Emperor Biluo?"

"Yeah, Biluo didn't participate in that battle back then. Something really happened to Chunyangzi's lineage, do you think Biluo might ignore it?" Bai Wuchang said with a cold snort, "I said, can you use your brains? What kind of a group of guys are they, they have defeated the top ten monsters, but they endured not to trouble this one, do you think they are in awe of their opponents?"

Niutou didn't know what to say for a while.

To be honest, Bai Wuchang is very dissatisfied with the current ranking. In his heart, the bull's head and horse face are first-class animals, but the ranking is above him.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Wuchang and Niutou climbed onto the Enlightenment tea tree one after another and fought against the heart eater, but neither Bai Wuchang nor Niutou reminded the rest of Yan Luo.

Since Zhao Yang obtained a leaf transformed by the Emperor Yao, his combat power has increased dozens of times compared to before.

Therefore, facing these heart-eating insects, Zhao Yang can easily kill them.

And when Zhao Yang killed more than 300 heart-eating worms, the voice of enlightenment tea tree rang in his ears.

"Are you interested in making a deal?"

"What deal?"

"You should be the emperor of the human race. I ask you to kill the heart-eating insects in my body, but these heart-eating insects are in the realm of saints."

"Saint Realm?" Zhao Yang said in a daze, "Can't you let the Saint help you kill the heart-eating worms in the Saint Realm?"

"In the agreement I signed back then, there was a clause not to seek help from existences above the quasi-sage level." Wudao Tea Tree said helplessly, "As compensation, for every saint-level heart-eating worm you kill, I will give you a quasi-emperor-level one." The Enlightenment Tea."

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it.

The next moment, Zhao Yang's figure disappeared in place.

"Where did Zhao Yang go?" Lin Caihan was surprised.

"It seems to have disappeared." Bai Xiaobai said in shock.

"My lord." Zhu Ya called out under the Wudao tea tree with a pale face.

"I'm fine, don't worry." At this moment, Zhao Yang's voice transmission sounded in their ears.

Only then did the girls feel relieved.

The space inside the tree was bigger than he had imagined. Standing inside, Zhao Yang felt that the space had expanded thousands of times.


At this moment, a heart-eating worm in the Saint Realm rushed towards him.

Even though Zhao Yang used the body protection fairy light immediately, Zhao Yang was still retreated hundreds of meters by the earthquake.

"The Saint Realm is so terrifying." Zhao Yang patted the dust off his body.

If it was before, Zhao Yang would have been seriously injured [-]% of the time, but now his own combat power has increased dozens of times, so even if this heart-eating insect is at the level of a saint, it is not so easy to injure Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang punched the heart-eating worm.

The power of pure yang bloomed like the sun, and the heart-eating worm screamed and was vaporized by the pure yang fist.

"Is this the strength of the emperor?" Zhao Yang murmured.

It is said that the quasi-sage is not the opponent of the saint, and now Zhao Yang realizes that it is only under normal circumstances.

Zhao Yang is the young emperor now, if he still can't step over the ranks, what kind of young emperor is he?


After Zhao Yang killed a saint-level heart-eating insect, he angered the nearby saint-level heart-eating insects.

They rushed towards Zhao Yang one after another.

A ferocious look appeared on Zhao Yang's face, and he swung his fists to kill these guys.




Zhao Yang killed six Heart Eaters within 3 minutes, but at this time he was too tired.

He is not a true saint after all.

The reason why he was able to kill these saint-level heart-eating insects was to put it bluntly that he could reduce ten sessions with one force.

The energy in his body is higher than these saints, but not as good in terms of purity, so he has to mobilize a lot of energy every time he makes a move.

And when he was panting for breath, six heart-eating worms appeared in the distance, and Zhao Yang smelled danger from these six heart-eating worms.

Saint intermediate.

Zhao Yang realized that these six heart-eating worms were middle-level saints.

After realizing this, Zhao Yang's body burst out with mysterious and yellow energy.

Xuanhuang body.

Zhao Yang used the Xuanhuang Body at this time.

The blessing of the mysterious and yellow body further increased Zhao Yang's combat effectiveness.

He summoned the Chunyang Sword to kill the six heart-eating worms. Of course, Zhao Yang didn't use the Chunyang Sword to break the seal, otherwise it would be a violation.

Pure Yang Sword Art.

This sword art cannot be said to be amazing, but it can be improved steadily.

No matter what stage Zhao Yang advances to, he will be able to fight across the ranks.

A sword.

Two swords.

Three swords.

Zhao Yang unleashed twelve swords in succession.

Four of the six middle-level heart-eating worms fell, and the remaining two were also severely injured.

At this time, the Heart Eater who was present looked at Zhao Yang with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

"Senior, what about the mid-level heart-eating worms of saints?"

"I'll give you three times the middle-level heart-eating worm of the saint, how about it?"

"Where are the high-level saints?"

"You, a high-level saint, can also compete?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Zhao Yang asked with a slight smile.

"I'll give you three times the high-level saint." Hearing this, Zhao Yang instantly ignited his own blood.

The blood of the emperor made Zhao Yang's cultivation soar instantly.

When his cultivation level soared three times, Zhao Yang charged towards the nearby Heart Eater.

Feeling the aura blooming from Zhao Yang's body, those heart-eaters fled in all directions.




After killing twelve heart-eating worms, Zhao Yang finally encountered a high-level saint heart-eating worm.

The two sides collided like sparks hitting the earth.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that he was actually at a disadvantage.

He staggered back, blood churning in his body.

"I used the body of Xuanhuang to stimulate the blood of the emperor, but I am not its opponent?" Zhao Yang was very dissatisfied.

The Heart Eater standing opposite him made a provocative gesture of wiping his neck at Zhao Yang.

"Damn, I have to chop you up today." After saying that, Zhao Yang used the Blood Qi Art.

With the help of the Blood Qi Jue, his fighting power soared once again.

Zhao Yang slammed into the Heart Eater like a demon god.

The Heart Eater was knocked hundreds of meters away, its face was full of disbelief, it didn't understand why Zhao Yang was so powerful all of a sudden?


The Chunyang sword in Zhao Yang's hand cut through the sky and stabbed towards its heart.

The Heart Eater instinctively wanted to dodge.

But at the very moment, he was shocked to find that part of the energy in his body had been imprisoned.

It was pierced by the Chunyang sword in just such a delay.

At the same time, Zhao Yang turned into a round of scorching sun and slammed towards the heart-eater.

With a bang, the Heart Eater was hit hard.

Zhao Yang held the Chunyang sword in his hand and stirred it fiercely in its body, and the heart-eater became silent after struggling violently.

"My boy, you actually killed a high-level saint." Enlightenment Tea Tree said in shock.

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