"Why didn't they target the Emperor Realm?" Bai Xiaobai asked with a blink of an eye.

"Little girl, do you think you can grasp the Quasi-Emperor Realm?" Wu Dao Chashu said lightly.

Bai Xiaobai thought about it.

If there are martial arts tea leaves in quasi-emperor level, maybe those quasi-emperors won't snatch them?

"Can we start now?" Zhao Yang looked at the Wudao tea tree and asked.

"Anytime." Wu poured tea lightly.

Zhao Yang and the others immediately rushed towards the Wudao tea tree.

The Wudao tea tree is about three thousand feet high, and its diameter reaches hundreds of feet.

Therefore, Zhao Yang and the others are almost like ants on the Enlightenment tea tree, not to mention.

Lei Wuyuan's goal is very clear.

A quasi-holy-level heart eater.

He didn't have the heart to deal with the heart-eating insects within a thousand feet.

But Lei Wuyuan had only reached a hundred feet when he was stopped by a heart-eating insect.

"Get lost." Lei Wuyuan punched the heart-eater in front of him.

But what Lei Wuyuan didn't expect was that his punch didn't land on the heart-eating worm. The heart-eating worm avoided Lei Wuyuan's blow at a tricky angle, and then its two long The tentacles swung towards Lei Wuyuan's body.

Lei Wuyuan avoided one, but not the other one.

His body was pulled uncontrollably by the heart-eater and sent towards its mouth.

"Taixu Shenguang." Lei Wuyuan shouted loudly.

Taixu Shenguang shook away the tentacles of the heart-eating insect, but then the heart-eating insect rushed towards him.

Lei Wuyuan fought.

After ten moves, Lei Wuyuan killed the heart-eater in front of him.

His face became ugly.

He originally thought that Heart Eater was weak, but now he realized that he was thinking too much.

Heart-eating worms below a thousand feet are so powerful, so how terrifying are heart-eating worms above a thousand feet?

Thinking of this, Lei Wuyuan gave up challenging the heart-eating worms of a higher level. He even wondered if he had the ability to kill heart-eating worms within ten thousand feet.

Because according to the rules, only by killing ten heart-eating worms can he be eligible to get a piece of Enlightenment Tea from Golden Immortal Realm.

"I'm so unbearable." Lei Wuyuan said with a wry smile.

At this moment, Lei Wuyuan saw Zhu Ya staying in the same position as himself not far away.

His mood immediately improved.

When Bai Xiaobai rushed to [-] zhang, he was stopped by a heart eater.

When Lin Caihan rushed to [-] feet, she was stopped by a heart-eating insect. The difference was that Lin Caihan slapped the heart-eating insect in front of her to death.

Lin Caihan's potential at this time has reached the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. Even the evil Lin Caihan in the restricted area has the confidence to fight. How can it be possible for a heart eater at this distance to stop Lin Caihan?

After killing the heart-eating worm, Lin Caihan took the initiative to attack a heart-eating worm not far away.

"The technique of the eyes." When Zhao Yang stood at the sixteenth hundred feet, his eyes turned into two flames.

As far as his eyes could see, one after another heart-eating worms were ignited and burned blazingly.

"This...?" Lei Wuyuan was shocked and didn't know what to say after seeing this scene.

Bai Xiaobai's heart set off a stormy sea.

He had to use half of his strength to deal with one heart-eating worm. Zhao Yang burned dozens of heart-eating worms to death in the blink of an eye.

Is the gap between the two sides that big?

This is the Fire Eye in the Eye Technique.

After burning more than 30 heart-eating worms to death, Zhao Yang looked into the distance again.

Within a few breaths, three Heart Eaters were burnt to death by Zhao Yang's Fire Eyes.

At this time, the Heart Eater in the middle section ran away in fright after seeing Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang didn't stay in the middle section, but rushed towards the high section.

He has already killed 120 three heart-eating worms, in other words, he can get ten Enlightenment Teas, which is enough for Zhao Yang.

He doesn't need too much quasi-sage-level enlightenment tea, what he needs is holy-level enlightenment tea.

When Zhao Yang rushed to [-] zhang, several heart eaters rushed towards Zhao Yang.

At this moment, Zhao Yang's eyes suddenly turned into two snowflakes, and the heart-eating worms that rushed over were frozen for the first time, and then shattered with a bang.

The ice eyes in the eye technique.

Wherever the eyes look, everything is frozen.

Zhao Yang now has the strength of an emperor's son, so he can kill these heart eaters without any effort.

And after Zhao Yang killed dozens of them, a figure rushed here.

It is Tianli of the Tianyan tribe.

Seeing Lei Wuyuan who was fighting with the heart eater, Tianli hurriedly asked, "Brother Lei, can you tell me what happened?"

After Tianli told the story briefly, Tianli hurriedly flew to the same position as Tianli to kill the Heart Eater.

It's just that Tianli's face changed as soon as he made a move.

He thought that if Lei Wuyuan could seriously injure the opponent, he should not have any difficulty.

How did he know that Lei Wuyuan's potential had been raised to a higher level?

He used many means to kill a heart-eating worm with great difficulty, "Brother Lei, are you sure you can kill ten heart-eating worms to get a piece of enlightenment tea?"

"Senior Enlightenment Tea Tree said, is it true?" Lei Wuyuan jumped off the Enlightenment Tea Tree after killing a heart-eating insect in front of him, "You can come back after rest."

Tianli saw a heart eater rushing towards him, and quickly jumped off.

Not long after, a majestic bull head came over.

When he saw the Enlightenment tea tree, his eyes showed a dazzling luster.

"Enlightenment tea tree is mine now." Having said that, his eyes were filled with a cold light, "If you don't want to die, let me down."

Zhu Ya, Bai Xiaobai, Lin Caihan, and Zhao Yang all looked at Niutou.

The divine light in their eyes instantly suppressed towards the bull's head.

Zhu Ya and Bai Xiaobai's bullheads are still not on his mind, but Lin Caihan's makes him extremely cautious. He realizes that Lin Caihan is an existence of the same level.

But when Zhao Yang's eyes fell on him, he felt like a dead soul.

"If you want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Do you know who I am?" Even if Niutou knew that he was not Zhao Yang's opponent, he couldn't admit that he was an evildoer in the restricted area.

"What else do you want besides revealing your identity in the restricted zone?" Zhao Yang said with a sneer, "Believe it or not, I can kill you with just raising my hand?"

When Niutou was about to say something, Bai Wuchang came from afar, "Niutou, speak carefully."

Niutou looked puzzled and thought about Bai Wuchang.

"He is Zhao Yang."

"Zhao Yang?" Niutou was stunned, and then he remembered who Zhao Yang was, "I don't understand why Jishouling is afraid of him? No matter how powerful his fighting power is, there is no strong man behind him?"

"Who told you that there is no strong man sitting behind him?" Bai Wuchang looked at Niutou like a fool, "The emperor Chunyangzi fell, but his confidante is still alive."

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