Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 890 Dzogchen Heavenly Tribulation

"Third brother, I'll leave the matter of Xuanhuang Qi to you." After pondering for a while, Lin Yuantu looked at Lin Zezhou.

"Why me?" Lin Zezhou looked at Lin Yuantu speechlessly.

"Could it be that you asked me to beg Zhao Yang?" Lin Yuantu said angrily.

Lin Zezhou smiled wryly.

I knew I was not talking too much.

This is just great.

His image on Zhao Yang's side was completely ruined.

"Also, you can ask Caihan how to overcome the Great Perfection Tribulation?" Lin Yuantu continued.

"Do you think it's a good thing to cross the Great Perfection Tribulation? You're not worried that Caihan won't be able to make it through?" Lin Zezhou muttered.

Immediately Lin Zezhou was stunned, and Lin Yuantu was also stunned.


Everyone knows that crossing the Dzogchen Heavenly Tribulation is good for the future, but the premise is that you can go through it?

If you can't get through, everything will stop.

120 tracks.

130 tracks.

140 tracks.

And when Lin Caihan reached the [-]th catastrophe, she couldn't stop it.

At this moment, the corners of her mouth were already overflowing with traces of blood.

"It's broken, Caihan can't get over it." Lin Zeyuan said worriedly.

Lin Zezhou glanced at Zhao Yang, "Why don't you seem worried?"

"What do I need to worry about?" Zhao Yang said calmly, "Do you think I'm going to make fun of Cai Han's life? Don't worry, as long as Cai Han's journey is not three thousand days, there will be no problem."

"Three thousand catastrophes? I don't know if there will be one of those catastrophes for many years?"

"What if I told you that someone crossed a while ago?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Who crossed?" Lin Zezhou said subconsciously.

Immediately, Lin Zezhou thought of something, "Don't tell me, it was you who survived the Three Thousand Heavens Tribulation?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang neither confirmed nor denied it.

"Absolutely impossible." Lin Zezhou then shook his head and said, "If you survive the Three Thousand Heavens Tribulation, it is absolutely impossible for the restricted area to let you go."

Zhao Yang really wanted to say that the restricted area really had to be done.

It's just that they failed in the end.

210 tracks.

220 tracks.

At this time, Lin Caihan couldn't hold on any longer and sprayed a mouthful of blood.

"Caihan." Lin Yuantu shouted hastily.

Lin Caihan struggled to stand up.

"Could it be that I can't hold on?" She took out the jade bottle and poured a Super Grade Pill into her mouth.

It has to be said that the energy contained in the Chaopin Dan is terrifying.

The cultivation in Lin Caihan's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Thunder came again.

Lin Caihan held the battle sword and fought against the Heavenly Tribulation again, but this time Lin Caihan only blocked fifteen thunderstorms, and was severely injured by the sky thunder again.

Feeling the wounds in her body, Lin Caihan ate a healing pill.

She found that her injury was being repaired quickly.

"It's a super pill." Lin Caihan is confident that the super pill will never have such a curative effect.

After recovering most of it, Lin Caihan rushed up again.

But this time Lin Caihan blocked ten thunders and was hit hard again.

Lin Caihan took a healing pill this time, and she found that the recovery time was prolonged this time.

"It seems that Chaopin Dan is not a panacea." Lin Caihan murmured.

Lin Zeyuan looked at Lin Caihan suspiciously and said, "Lin Caihan, what kind of medicine did you take? Why is the effect so good?"

"Yeah, I'm also skeptical, does the Peerless Pill have such a quick effect?" Lin Zezhou looked at Zhao Yang and said, "What kind of pill did Caihan take? And why is she avoiding us?"

When Lin Caihan took the pill, he poured it directly into his mouth.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

As the thunder came again, Lin Caihan fought again.

However, Lin Caihan only blocked three thunderbolts this time and was struck down without strength.

"Even if there is that miraculous pill now, Caihan can't do it anymore." Lin Yuantu suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Which one of you has the formation scroll of the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm on your body."

"Yes, yes, the formation scroll." Lin Zeyuan said hurriedly, "Also, it must be the peak of Jinxian."

Just as the saint present was looking for it in his Qiankun bag, Zhao Yang said, "No need, I've already prepared it for Caihan."

"How many scrolls can you prepare?" Lin Zezhou had already sorted out five scrolls at this time.

"One of mine is more than a hundred of yours, and I have prepared dozens of them for Cai Han." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Our formation scrolls are also at the peak of the Golden Immortals. How come yours are equivalent to more than a hundred of ours?" Lin Zezhou felt that Zhao Yang was talking big.

"My formation method is not inferior to my martial arts. In addition, my formation method inheritance is very strong, at least your Taixu Holy Land is far behind." Zhao Yang saw Lin Caihan throwing a formation Dao scroll, the formation of Dao scroll was pulled out.

A golden protective cover firmly guarded Lin Caihan.


Thunder came.

The golden protective cover remained motionless.

240 nine roads.

250 tracks.

250 a piece.

After Lin Caihan realized that the formation in the formation scroll could block the thunder, she sat cross-legged and silently healed her wounds.

260 tracks.

270 tracks.

280 tracks.

It was only after this array of scrolls had been subjected to more than 30 thunderbolts that it was shaken.

After seeing this scene, Lin Zezhou finally believed what Zhao Yang said.

"Your formation method has indeed far surpassed our Taixu Holy Land." Lin Zezhou said with complicated eyes, "I didn't expect that while your martial arts is so powerful, your formation method has reached such a level?"

"Zhao Yang, have you ever thought about giving up the way of formation and focusing on practicing martial arts instead?" Lin Yuantu pondered for a while and said, "In this way, your martial arts achievements will be even higher in the future."

"For me, martial arts is just a small way, and it is also a means to assist me in my martial arts practice." Zhao Yang said softly, "I have walked all the way, and I have not met a real opponent until now, but I believe that as I go to the second area, In the first district, one day I will meet an evenly matched opponent, and at that time, array will become a means of killing."

Along the way.

Listening to Zhao Yang's words, Lin Yuantu was shocked deep in his heart.

According to what Lin Caihan said, Zhao Yang came up from the lower realms, and he has come to where he is today step by step. God knows how many dangers he has encountered, and who knows how many murders he has encountered?

"That day you said that the old man stationed in the Xianting treasury lied to you to go to the restricted area. I want to know if you have gone?"


"Go?" Everyone was moved.

"Are you in danger?" Lin Zezhou swallowed dryly.

"Near death." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

If the ancestors hadn't come across the long river of time that day, I would have died [-]% in the hands of that person.

Seeing Zhao Yang's appearance, Lin Zezhou had mixed feelings in his heart.

Zhao Yang said it very easily.

Nine lives.

God knows what happened at that time?

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