Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 889 Gift of Immortal Grass

"What do you mean?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement.

"Immortal Grass." Zhao Yang awakened the Immortal Grass, "You can follow my wife from now on."

Immortal Grass said reluctantly, "Why me?"

"Do you think that opportunity will fall on you when the time comes?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "My wife is also a genius, if you train her well, she may not be worse than me in the future."

Immortal Grass thought for a while before walking out of Zhao Yang's body.

Lin Caihan felt the power of the undead grass, her face changed involuntarily, "King of Medicine?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Didn't Medicine King choose the future emperor?"

"I still have the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus in my body." Zhao Yang said here that the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus manifested in Zhao Yang's body.

The aura of the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus is stronger than that of the Undead Grass.

"With the undead grass in your body, you may be able to survive the thunder disaster." Zhao Yang said seriously, "In this way, your foundation will be firmly established in the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm."

"I'm not sure." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

There is still a relatively large difference between the Great Perfection Heavenly Tribulation and the Great Perfection Heavenly Tribulation.

"You go out of the time domain, I'll prepare some more." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

After Lin Caihan left, Zhao Yang refined another [-] formation scrolls in the time domain. In addition, Zhao Yang refined nine super-grade pills for recovery and super-grade healing pills.

One day later, Zhao Yang put away the time domain.

"These formation scrolls are all at the peak level of the Golden Immortal. You also know that my peak of the Golden Immortal has traveled farther than you. I believe that with these scrolls and pills, you shouldn't have many problems." Zhao Yang said softly. Said.


Lin Caihan could hardly hold back at this time.

Therefore, after Lin Caihan told Taixu Sheng that she was going to cross the catastrophe, everyone in Taixu Holy Land was stunned.

It's only been a few days?

Why are you about to cross the catastrophe?

And when they felt the powerful breath blooming from Lin Caihan, they realized that Lin Caihan was not joking.

"Leave one saint in Taixu Holy Land, and the rest of the saints will follow me." Lin Yuantu ordered immediately.

Du Jie is no joke.

If it is disturbed, there will be trouble.

Even though Lin Caihan is married to Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan is still from Taixu Holy Land.

Lin Yuantu took Lin Caihan to the place where the disciples of the Taixu Holy Land passed the catastrophe.

"Caihan, you can concentrate on surviving the tribulation here, as for the rest, leave it to us." Lin Yuantu said softly.

Lin Caihan nodded, and she looked at Zhao Yang again.


Lin Caihan hummed and rushed towards the sky.

"Eight of you build two lines of defense, and don't allow anyone to disturb Caihan Dujie." Lin Yuantu issued an order to the Eight Great Saints.

"Just let them build a line of defense." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"What?" When Lin Yuantu was stunned, he saw the Yin Yang Wood appearing in the east, and the coercion of Emperor Zhun spread in all directions.

Immediately after Yinyangmu's appearance, the sharp gun appeared.

The coercion of the sharp spear made Lin Yuantu feel terrified.

"The fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm." Lin Yuantu said in surprise, "There is such an existence by your side?"

At this time, Bailian Furnace and Thunder Orb also appeared, and these two were blooming with the coercion of the Great Sacred Realm.

"This guy's holy treasures have set foot in the Great Sacred Realm?" The saint of Taixu Holy Land was dumbfounded.

Thunder Pearl and Bailian Furnace headed south.

Zhao Yang then summoned the battleship of the Great Sacred Realm, "Anyone who dares to approach, first warn, and those who do not listen to the warning, will be killed without mercy."

"Of order." The warship's weapon spirit replied respectfully.

After seeing this scene, the saints of Taixu Holy Land suddenly realized that they were just a display.


Zhao Yang's lineup is much stronger than that of Taixu Holy Land.

"We can't be idle either, we have to build a line of defense." Lin Zeyuan glanced at the many saints and said in a deep voice.

After the seven saints agreed, they joined forces to build a new line of defense.


When Lin Caihan's cultivation broke the limit, she attracted a catastrophe.

The power of thunder pierced the sky and slashed towards Lin Caihan fiercely.

Lin Caihan resisted.

She is well aware of the benefits of fighting hard at this time.

This will be of great benefit in the future.




After Lin Caihan endured 36 thunderstorms, her breath didn't change much.

"Caihan seems to have become stronger."

"I think so."

Just when the saints were in doubt, Lin Zezhou looked at Zhao Yang and said, "What did you do to Cai Han?"

"Are not you just saw it?"

"I mean, how did you manage to make Caihan pass the catastrophe in just a few days?"

"It's a secret."

"Will this destabilize Caihan's foundation?"

"will not."

"Why are you so sure?"

"You'll find out soon enough."




When Lin Caihan endured eighty times, Lin Caihan couldn't bear it and couldn't stop her.


One hundred.

One hundred and one.

Lin Zezhou heaved a sigh of relief after one hundred and eight lightning strikes, "It's finally over."

"It's over? This is just the beginning." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Are you joking?" Lin Zezhou was shocked to find that the Jieyun not only did not dissipate, but continued to gather.

"Impossible. Caihan's potential is at the third level of the quasi-emperor realm, even if you help Caihan rise to the sixth level of the quasi-emperor level, she shouldn't have survived the Great Perfection Tribulation." Lin Zezhou said in a deep voice.

"What?" Lin Yuantu waited for Lin Zezhou to ask, "Caihan's potential has been raised to the sixth level of quasi-emperor realm?"

"Yes." Lin Zezhou nodded.

"How did you do it?" Lin Yuantu asked with burning eyes.

What he was thinking was that since Zhao Yang could help Lin Caihan rise to the sixth level of quasi-emperor realm, could he also help the Holy Son rise to a higher level?

"I don't know." Lin Zezhou avoided Lin Yuantu's gaze.

Lin Yuantu suddenly realized that it was inconvenient for Lin Zezhou to say.

"Third son, do you know that this is related to the achievement of our holy son." Lin Yuantu sent a voice transmission to Lin Zezhou.

"That, I promised not to disclose it." Lin Zezhou said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, I won't tell others." Lin Yuantu said with a smile.

Lin Zezhou pouted, "Do you think I might believe your nonsense?"

The corners of Lin Yuantu's mouth twitched, "Do you want to say it? Do you believe it or not? I peeled off your skin?"

"I knew you would do this?" Lin Zezhou said helplessly.

"Not yet?" Lin Yuantu stared.

Lin Zezhou had no choice but to tell the story of Xuanhuang Qi.

"Mysterious and yellow aura? Didn't expect Zhao Yang to have a mysterious and yellow aura in his hands?" Lin Yuantu's eyes were very bright at this moment.

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