Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 844 Mysterious Yellow Body

Hearing this, Zhao Yang looked at the monks around him full of serious murderous intent.

Xuanhuang Qi is related to Zhao Yang's achievements in Golden Wonderland.

Could he give up?

"Are you going to leave by yourself or let me do it?" No one expected that Zhao Yang would say such arrogant words?

"Boy, do you think you can talk to us so presumptuously because you have a saint by your side?" The one who spoke was a saint of the mastiff clan.

Zhao Yang knew that those who dared to speak at this time must not be mediocre existences among the saints.

"This is the great sage of the mastiff clan." Tai Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Don't you tell me that I thought he was the quasi-emperor?" Zhao Yang pointed at the great sage of the mastiff clan and said, "Kill him."

Zhao Yang didn't bother to reminisce about the past with these guys, as long as they prevented him from getting Xuanhuang Qi, he would kill them.


The sharp spear shot out through the air, like a swimming dragon.

A shot pierces through the viscera, annihilating the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The mastiff sage fell on the spot without even making a scream.

At this time, all the monks in the audience looked at Zhao Yang, and their expressions suddenly changed. No one thought that there was a Quasi-Emperor Realm standing behind Zhao Yang.

No wonder this guy doesn't take them seriously?

"Human Race can take half of the Xuanhuang Qi, how about we share the rest equally?" A saint of the Bird Clan said in a deep voice.

"Kill." Without any extra words, Zhao Yang just uttered one word.

The sharp gun shot again and killed the saint of the sparrow clan.

Now the audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would kill someone if he didn't agree with each other.

This kills a high and mighty saint.

If you say kill, you will kill.

The rest of the saints, you look at me, I look at you, and finally they left one by one.

Soon there were only Zhao Yang and the senior officials of Taixuanzong left in the field.

"Xuanhuang Qi..." Zhao Yang said as soon as Tai Xuan said this, "Xuanhuang Qi is half for one person."

Taixuan refused, "If I didn't have you, it would be good if I could share one-twentieth. In this case, I just want one-tenth."

It is true that Taixuan is a great saint, and he is very powerful among saints.

However, all races joined forces to restrict the development of the human race, so Taixuan, who was born with Xuanhuang Qi, was destined to not get much.

"One-fifth." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Alright." Taixuan nodded after holding back for a while.

"In addition, the resources of the Sparrow Clan will be given to Taixuanzong." Zhao Yang continued.

"Isn't that inappropriate?"

"Today I took action to break the balance of forces in the fifth district. If Taixuanzong does not take advantage of this opportunity to develop, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be targeted by other forces in the future." Zhao Yang said softly.

"In this case, then I will not be polite." Taixuan said in a deep voice.

Immediately Taixuan opened the door of space and returned to Taixuanzong, and then went to the Sparrow Clan with thousands of monks.

Zhao Yang ordered Bailianlu to take three hundred gods to go, and of course an elder of Taixuanzong led the way.

There is a mountain stream in the distance, and the mysterious yellow energy is gushing out from the mountain stream, but the mysterious yellow energy is blocked by a barrier.

This layer of enchantment is exactly the enchantment laid down by many saints.

Zhao Yang ordered the sharp gun to break the barrier and then set a new barrier.

"Brother, take away four-fifths of the Xuanhuang Qi." Zhao Yang said to Po Jun.

Po Jun opened the World Orb, constantly absorbing the mysterious and yellow energy of this place.

After absorbing about four-fifths of the mysterious and yellow energy, the army breaking stopped.

"The rest of the Xuanhuang Qi will be handed over to you." Zhao Yang said to the quasi-sages of Taixuanzong.

Those quasi-sages took out the jade bottles one after another to absorb the remaining mysterious and yellow energy.

They all expressed their gratitude to Zhao Yang after absorbing the mysterious and yellow energy here.

With so much Xuanhuang Qi, Taixuanzong's strength can climb a stage.

"Where the Qi of Xuanhuang can be born, there must be the root of Xuanhuang." Po Jun said suddenly at this time.

"The root of Xuanhuang?"

"With the help of the Xuanhuang root, you may be able to possess the legendary Xuanhuang body."

"The mysterious yellow body?"

"The body of Xuanhuang, this is an extremely terrifying physique, known as invincible." Po Jun said a little excitedly, "Zhao Yang, this is definitely a great opportunity."

After realizing this, Zhao Yang jumped deep into the deep stream where the mysterious and yellow body was born.

The weapon spirit of the sharp gun is an old man.

The old man stood outside the deep stream, looking around indifferently.

"Why did Mr. Zhao jump into the deep stream?"

"Could it be that there are heavy treasures in the deep stream?"

"This kind of thing is not what we should pay attention to, let's go back to Taixuanzong."

"Should we protect Mr. Zhao?"

"Leave a few masters here to guard."

After some consideration among the six quasi-sages present, two quasi-sages left, and the remaining four quasi-sages stood in four directions and guarded the surroundings.

At this moment, Bai Xiaobai rushed here after the treasure hunting mouse.

When Bai Xiaobai saw a quasi-sage blocking him, he said coldly, "Get out of the way."

"Young master Zhao is practicing here." The quasi-sage of Taixuanzong said coldly.

"Young Master Zhao? Are you talking about Zhao Yang?" Bai Xiaobai asked with a thought.


Bai Xiaobai said angrily, "This guy got there first again."

She looked in the direction of Shenjian from afar, and she saw the weapon spirit of the sharp gun at a glance.

She was lost in thought.

Seeing Bai Xiaobai stop, the treasure hunting mouse made a hasty sound towards Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai suddenly realized that there might be a huge opportunity ahead.

"Get out of the way." Bai Xiaobai hesitated and decided to force his way.

The quasi-sage of Taixuanzong was about to say something, Qi Ling of the sharp gun looked at Bai Xiaobai and said, "Don't make mistakes."

"Today I'm going to make a mistake." Bai Xiaobai said with a glint in his eyes.

When she finished speaking, Yan Long's figure appeared beside Bai Xiaobai.

"Get out." And at the moment when Yan Long was about to act, a cold voice pierced the sky, and then Po Jun's figure appeared above Shenjian.

Po Jun's eyes contained the brilliance of the sun and the moon, making Yan Long's face pale.

" are Master Po Jun?" Yan Long said in horror.

Yanlong had seen Po Jun back then, and he knew that Po Jun's strength was far beyond what he could compete with.

"Within three breaths, don't roll, kill." Po Jun said indifferently.

Yan Long grabbed Bai Xiaobai, tore apart the space and fled.

Yanlong fled tens of thousands of kilometers away before stopping.

"Is that guy named Po Jun scary?" Bai Xiaobai asked puzzled.

"Back then, Po Jun fought hard against the top ten quasi-emperors in the restricted area. If it weren't for the Supreme of the restricted area, none of the top ten quasi-emperors would be able to stop him." When Yan Long said this, his eyes were full of horror, "By the way, then The ten quasi-emperors are all quasi-emperors at the pinnacle."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaobai was startled, "Where did Po Jun come from?"

"The lineage of the guardian."

"Human Guardian?"


"How is it compared to Xianting?"

"The guardian lineage is relatively low-key, but its peak combat power is stronger than that of Immortal Court." Yan Long said slowly, "Zhao Yang once had the power of pure yang, and I felt a little familiar with it before, but now Only then did I realize that this is the hallmark of the line of Guardians."

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