Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 843 The Qi of Xuanhuang

Bai Xiaobai thought for a while and a clone appeared beside him.

"Go and have a look, remember, no matter what, you must come out within half a quarter of an hour." Bai Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

After the avatar responded, he walked towards the valley of time.

When the avatar disappeared, Bai Xiaobai waited quietly here, and her avatar did not come back after half a quarter of an hour.

"Something went wrong." Bai Xiaobai realized.

After pondering for a while, Bai Xiaobai took out three war puppets.

These three war puppets are all existences at the peak of Jinxian.

"You turn back in 10 minutes, you turn back in 5 minutes, and you turn back in 3 minutes." Bai Xiaobai gave orders to the three warriors respectively.

3 minutes passed.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

None of the three warriors came back.

"There is a great danger inside." Yan Long said in a deep voice.

After Bai Xiaobai's eyes flickered for a while, she took out a quasi-holy magic weapon, "After you enter the valley and see what's inside, turn back immediately."

Qi Ling didn't want to go.

It faintly felt that if it went this time, it would probably end up here.

But Bai Xiaobai had to listen to his orders.

It walked into the valley cautiously, and then he saw a scorpion without emotion, and then its body melted, and even its soul did not escape.

After Bai Xiaobai waited here for half an hour, her face became gloomy.

"let's go."

The quasi-sage didn't make any waves, and Bai Xiaobai didn't dare to take any risks.

Judging from Zhao Yang's appearance, Zhao Yang has not been able to take advantage of it. Is her background not as good as Zhao Yang?

She thought it best not to take the risk.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang took Zhu Ya away from the Qilian Mountains, Zhu Ya asked curiously, "My lord, what's inside?"

"Let's go to the treasury of Xianting." Zhao Yang said coldly.

Now how come Zhao Yang doesn't know that he was cheated by the warrior guarding the Immortal Court?

The other party knew [-]% that this was a restricted area, but he still lied to himself to come here.

The hundred refining furnace directly opened the door of space.

When Zhao Yang arrived there, he found that the treasury was empty.

"Sooner or later, I have to find you." Zhao Yang growled in a low voice.

Zhao Yang didn't expect that the seemingly kind old man would actually bully him.

If the ancestors hadn't come against time this time, Zhao Yang would have fallen there.

"This time I got four time worms in the time channel, and the thousand years you lost have come back, the result is not bad." Thunder Pearl said softly.

The most embarrassing thing at this time is the Thunder Orb, because it belonged to the old man before.

"The result is good?" Po Jun said curiously, "Zhao Zu came against the long river of time, do you know how much karma has been carried?"

Thunder Pearl opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"This kind of cause and effect may change some things that happened before." Po Jun said in an extremely dignified tone.

"Is the ancestor okay?" Zhao Yang asked anxiously.

"Something is certain, but I don't know how big it is?" Po Jun sighed softly, "Forget it, don't think about such things."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and put the matter aside for the time being.

He is only in the Golden Immortal Realm now, and the supreme being is too far away from him, even if he wants to control it, he can't control it.

"Where are you going next?" Zhu Ya asked.

"Let's take the battleship to the fourth district." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying, "It's time to meet Yiren."

The Taiqing Holy Land is in the fourth district.

When Yi Ren left in a hurry, what must have happened?

Zhao Yang, as Yi Ren's master, must help Yi Ren to support the situation.

The territory of the fifth area is very large. Even if the battleship is the peak of Jinxian, it will take several years to cross it.

But Zhao Yang is not in such a hurry now, so he just let the battleship sway slowly.

"By the way, Zhu Ya, I'll give you the Evergreen Lamp in the future." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"This..." Zhu Ya was stunned, but then nodded and said, "Okay."

The reason why Zhao Yang didn't want the Evergreen Lantern was because he didn't need the Evergreen Lantern to help him much anymore.

After Zhao Yang terminated the contract with Evergreen Lantern, Zhu Ya formally signed the contract with Evergreen Lantern.

In the room, Zhao Yang took out the time worm that supplemented the power of time in the time channel, "Let me see how much you replenished?" As he spoke, the time worm bloomed into a field under Zhao Yang's control.

Zhao Yang practiced quietly in the field.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang has been practicing in the time domain for more than half a month, and his cultivation base has also been raised from the eighth floor of the Golden Wonderland to the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland.

After reaching this point, Zhao Yang continued to practice.

After reaching the peak of the ninth floor, Zhao Yang took out the holy liquid to practice.

The majestic energy of the holy liquid poured into Zhao Yang's body immediately, and his cultivation base also rose rapidly.

The tenth floor of Golden Wonderland.

Golden Wonderland No.11 floor.

Golden Wonderland No.12 floor.

With the help of the holy liquid, Zhao Yang's cultivation was continuously improved.

Golden Wonderland No.15 floor.

The sixteenth floor of Jinxian.

Golden Wonderland No.17 floor.

When Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the No. 18 floor of the Golden Wonderland, he found that it was useless to use the holy liquid.

"Holy liquid is not invincible. If you want to continue to improve, you need to find pure power of heaven and earth." Bailian Furnace said in a deep voice.

"Pure power of heaven and earth?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Zhao Yang knew that it would depend on chance if he wanted to find this kind.

"Young master." At this moment Zhu Ya knocked on the door and shouted.

Zhao Yang put away the time worm with a wave of his hand, he pushed open the wooden door and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found various races fighting in front of me."

"All races fighting?" Zhao Yang came to the bow of the boat as he spoke.

From a distance, Zhao Yang saw many ethnic groups fighting.

"Hey, why is Taixuanzong here?" Zhao Yang saw many disciples of Taixuanzong.

Zhao Yang drove the battleship towards the front quickly.


"Whose battleship?"

"Human battleship."

"Knock him down."

After seeing this scene, the strong men of some ethnic groups shot towards Zhao Yang's warship.

Zhao Yang snorted coldly and said, "Kill all those who attack." Zhao Yang didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the Fifth District, but who would have thought that all the tribes in the Fifth District would attack him.

The Hundred Refining Furnace made the first move.

The majestic power of the saint strangled the seven or eight strong men who shot.

"Holy One."

"When did another saint emerge from the human race?"

"It's a bit tricky."

Just when the various races were in doubt, Zhao Yang drove the battleship to Taixuan.

Seeing Zhao Yang's arrival, Taixuan showed surprise on his face, "Zhao Yang, there is a dark and yellow aura here."

"Xuanhuang Qi?" Bailian Fu said excitedly, "Xuanhuang Qi is the pure power of heaven and earth. With Xuanhuang Qi, you will be able to achieve consummation in the Golden Immortal Realm."

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