"How is senior brother recovering now?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"The cultivation has barely recovered by [-]%, but the world is still severely damaged, and I need to repair it for a long time." Po Jun said softly, "When you encounter strong energy in the future, remember to think of me, brother."


"I'm asleep, don't bother me if I have nothing to do."


"Let's go back to the sixth district." Zhao Yang summoned the Hundred Refining Furnace.

District Six!

After Xu Hui'er and his party came to Chunyangzong, they realized that the scale of Chunyangzong was bigger than they imagined.

"Even the holy land is not as big as your Chunyang sect?" Xu Huier's beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"This is also your Pure Yang Sect." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Xu Huier's cheeks turned red immediately.

After Zhao Yang and others arrived, Zhu Ya, Leng Qingqiu, Guo Xiaoyue, Dong Ruojun and others rushed out to greet them.

After Zhao Yang introduced each other's identities to everyone, he brought Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Lan crucian carp and other girls to the Chunyang sect.

Three days later, Zhao Yang readjusted the position of the senior sect.

"Xu Hui'er is the deputy suzerain of the Chunyang sect, Yuan Jin'er is the great elder of the Chunyang sect, and Lan crucian carp is the master of the sect's Law Enforcement Hall." After Zhao Yang's order was issued, the disciples of the Chunyang sect did not have much resistance.

Because Zhao Yang has absolute authority in Chunyangzong.

It can be said that the status of Chunyangzong today is due to Zhao Yang.

And Xu Hui'er and Yuan Jin'er did not disappoint the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect. After they came to power, they optimized the previous regulations, and the optimized regulations made the Zongmen more powerful.

Of course, Zhu Ya and Leng Qingqiu were also assigned other positions, but compared to their previous positions, they were not as good.

In the following time, Zhao Yang pointed to Zhu Yadan and Yuan Jin'er from time to time.

Zhao Yang's achievements in these two avenues are very high, so the two daughters also study hard, and they know very well that it will be a long time before they meet again.

Ten years later, Zhao Yang's achievements had risen from the fifth floor of the Golden Wonderland to the sixth floor, and at this time, the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect surpassed the quasi-sage forces under the indiscriminate bombardment of resources.

"The high-level monks of the Chunyangzong Jinxian reached 120, the middle-level monks of the Jinxian reached 340, the monks of the early stage of the Golden Immortal reached 120, and the monks of the Yuxian peak reached 820. There are 640 high-level Jade Immortals, 430 and [-] Jade Immortals in the middle stage, and [-] Jade Immortals in the early stages..." Xu Huier said The faces of the senior sect leaders who came to the scene were full of surprise.

No one thought that the strength of Chunyangzong would develop to such a level in more than ten years.

"How much is our strength different from the Holy Land?" Zhao Yang asked softly at this time.

"Our strength is two to three times that of the Holy Land." Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Ten years, within ten years our strength will be comparable to that of the King Kong clan." Zhao Yang glanced around the audience and said, "Of course if our apparent strength is comparable to that of the King Kong clan, then we will have a horizontal This is the opportunity to push the King Kong clan."

The disciples of the Pure Yang Sect practice all the secret techniques of the various sects.

How could the King Kong clan be comparable?

For the next ten years, Zhao Yang spent more and more resources than before and frantically smashed them.

Seeing those resources, even Xu Huier was terrified.

"If you invest like this, the ten-year investment figure will reach an astronomical figure." Xu Huier found Zhao Yang.

"Didn't I tell you that I robbed two holy places and four quasi-holy places in the sixth district?"


"The resources I'm using now are the resources I robbed in the seventh district, the eighth district, and the ninth district?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Even at my current prodigal speed, it will take decades to consume them all." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Many other elixirs were refined by me and Shengui, and there are really not many of them in terms of cost."

Only then did Xu Huier realize how many resources Zhao Yang had?

She was worried that Zhao Yang's large-scale investment in the early stage would not keep up with the resources in the later stage, so it would be a joke.

"Besides, after we defeat the King Kong clan, we can get all the resources of a holy land again." If Zhao Yang's words were known to the outside world, how would he feel?

"If we defeat the King Kong family, will the holy lands of other groups not do it?"

"I just want them to do it." Zhao Yang said, holding Xu Huier's waist, "If they don't do it, how can we have a chance to find fault with them?"

"But I heard that there are many beasts in the sixth district?"

"I won't move all the forces in the Holy Realm, I will only move a few forces that explode stabs." Zhao Yang replied, "Besides, our Pure Yang Sect has also grown up, even if the beasts are raging, we can block them." .”

"Besides your investment on such a large scale, the older generation has reached its limit before, and now many middle-aged and elderly people are almost reaching their own limit." Xu Huier said worriedly.

"Are you worried that there will be no successors to the Pure Yang Sect?" Zhao Yang laughed loudly.

"Shouldn't you be worried?"

"Do you think anyone is qualified to set foot in quasi-sage or holy realm?" Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and said with a chuckle, "90.00% of people with nine or more in this world are not qualified."

"But I think you've also taken a counterproductive approach to the younger generation."

"No matter how rich and powerful I am, my resources are limited." Zhao Yang said leisurely, "For the younger generation, it is enough to reach the high level of Golden Immortal, the peak of Golden Immortal. Needless to say, the younger generation I value only ten little guys, that is, the top ten true disciples of our Chunyang Sect."

"You mean you only put your heart into cultivating these ten little guys?"

"I have been restricting the cultivation of these top ten true disciples. Haven't you noticed that their progress is far behind the younger generation?" Zhao Yang nodded and said, "For the Pure Yang Sect, it is only necessary to train them to become Quasi-sage is enough."

"But I think ten quasi-sages are too few?" Xu Huier said in a deep voice.

"The task of cultivating the second ratification saint is entrusted to you." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Then I have to investigate carefully." Xu Huier said after thinking about it.

"Our Pure Yang Sect's selection criteria are character and virtue."


"Actually, there will be more than these ten quasi-sages in the Pure Yang Sect. You have not considered many of them."


"It is certain that you will set foot in the Holy Realm in the future. Yuan Jin'er will be able to become a strong person in the Holy Realm after the Jinxian's high-level transformation. Blue crucian carp, you and Jin'er's spirit beast, and you and Jin'er's maid. "

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