Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 816 Domineering Breaking Army

"Now the world is recovering rapidly, and no one knows what will happen in the future?" Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Recently, the creatures in the restricted area are also ready to move. Giving you these resources will also allow you to improve the strength of your sect."

Hearing this, the two fell silent.

"You two palaces sent a disciple respectively, and I will spend a year teaching them so that they will be qualified to become quasi-sages in the future." Zhao Yang continued.

After seeing Jasmine and Bai He not far away, Tianshu and Wan Lai immediately realized that these two were the two disciples sent by Palace Master Weiyang.

Send it to someone who just set foot in the Golden Wonderland?

Is Wei Young really scheming?

If you send someone of the same level as Zhao Yang, it can be said that the foundation is almost finalized, and the future improvement is limited.

But if you send an early Golden Immortal, it will be more malleable in the future, which will be more beneficial to the sect.

Realizing this, the two also decided to go back to find younger disciples.

The next day Tianshu sent a female disciple named Ziyuan; Wan Lai sent a female disciple named Tianyu.

It can be said that Zhao Yang put all his heart and effort into these disciples. Not only did he teach them profound supernatural powers, but he also specially refined some superb elixir for them.

A year passed quickly.

On this day, Zhao Yang called Zi Yuan and the others to his side, "I have helped you lay the foundation for this year, and I have paved the way for you in the future." A Qiankun bag, "There are resources and secret techniques I prepared for you in the Qiankun bag, but you need to reach a certain level before you can open it."

Zhao Yang confessed for a long time.

"I should leave." Zhao Yang got up and said.

A look of reluctance appeared on the faces of the four girls.

During this year of getting along, they developed a strong affection for this teacher.

Zhao Yang wanted to leave suddenly, and their hearts were full of reluctance.

"Maybe we will meet again in the future. I hope you will be in charge of the sect by then." Zhao Yang summoned the Hundred Refining Furnace, "We should go."

The Hundred Refining Furnace waved out a door of space.

Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Mingyue, Blue Crucian Carp, and the maids of Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner entered the space gate one after another.

After arriving at the Two Realms Membrane, Zhao Yang led them across without delay, and met no less than ten waves of chasing and intercepting them on the way. Of course, it was impossible for the Two Realms Beasts to stop Zhao Yang and the others.

After passing through the membrane of two realms, Zhao Yang thought about it and decided to go to Haoran Zhengqi Sect.

Zhao Yang's arrival surprised Chu Haoran.

"Why did you come back all of a sudden?"

"Teacher, I just came back from the Eastern Region." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhao Yang's tone, Chu Haoran's heart sank, "What happened?"

"Li Tianyi took Li Yuanba to Weiyang Palace, and there is my senior sister Huier in Weiyang Palace." Zhao Yang said loudly.

Chu Haoran's expression changed drastically.

"I don't know about it."

"Li Tianyi's plan is to kill all the Weiyang Palace, by the way, there are also Tianshu Palace and Wanlai Palace, so that the corpses and traces can be destroyed." Zhao Yang said with a serious face.

"This bastard."

As soon as Zhao Yang's mind moved, the spirits of Li Tianyi and Li Yuanba were detained.

Looking at the extremely weak souls of Li Tianyi and Li Yuanba, Chu Haoran thought of something.

"Sovereign, please, kill me! I know that I deserve to die, and I know that my crimes are countless." Li Tianyi wailed.

"Sect Master, I know I'm guilty, please kill me." Li Yuanba also begged with a sad face.

Chu Haoran showed regret on his face, "Li Tianyi is ignorant, so are you ignorant? How could you do such a thing that both humans and gods are angry with?"

"I...I dote on this child too much, but I don't want to dote on him but hurt him." Li Yuanba said bitterly.

Chu Haoran looked at Zhao Yang, "Why don't you give them both a good time?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang's voice fell into the hundred refining furnace, and he shot and killed the souls of these two people.

"Zhao Yang, I really don't know about this matter. If I knew, I would definitely stop it." Chu Haoran said with a soft sigh.

"Teacher, I don't mean to blame you. I just want to let you know. Besides, regarding my origin in the Eastern Region, please keep it secret. I don't want Weiyang Palace to have another accident because of me." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Don't worry, I don't know much about this matter, I will let them keep it a secret in the future." Chu Haoran said solemnly.

"In this case, I will take my leave." Zhao Yang was about to leave after speaking.

Chu Haoran looked at Zhao Yang's leaving back, and he realized that there was a gap between them because of Li Tianyi.

He didn't blame Zhao Yang for killing Li Tianyi, because even if Zhao Yang didn't kill him, after this incident, Chu Haoran would still do it.

Zhao Yang stopped when he came to the sea area.

"Aren't we crossing the sea?" Yuan Jin'er asked curiously.

"I'm waiting for my brother to wake up." Zhao Yang looked at the time and said softly.

"You still have a brother?"


"By the way, when did you say Yiren left?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something?

"The last time you sent someone to deliver the resources, Yiren left soon after." Xu Huier replied.

Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

If this is the case, nothing will happen to Yi Ren.

But if Yi Ren is still in Weiyang Palace, where is it Li Tianyi's turn to be arrogant?Yi Ren has the incomplete holy treasure Fuxiqin by his side?

After a while, the voice of Po Jun sounded in Zhao Yang's ears, "We can do it."

When his voice fell, Zhao Yang and others appeared in the World Bead, and Zhao Yang noticed that this world was no longer lifeless and lifeless.

The world began to become colorful.

There are clouds in the sky, flowers and plants on the ground, and a long river in the distance.

"Little brother, where is this?" Xu Huier asked in astonishment looking around.

The world is so big that you can't see the end at a glance.

"This is the world of my senior brother Po Jun." Zhao Yanggang was shocked to find that this world was raining blood.

Everyone stretched out the protective power.

"What happened?" Yuan Jin'er asked in astonishment.

"Why is there a vision?" Mingyue asked puzzled.

Zhao Yang was silent.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang and others to be moved out of the world.

They found themselves on the shore of the sea.

and many more.

They seem to be on the other side of the sea.

"Brother, what happened just now?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"When I passed this sea area just now, I saw a lot of blood gathered in the blood pool, so I sucked up the blood pool again." Po Jun said indifferently, "Considering that if the blood pool is not broken, there will be people suffering, I took the initiative to smelt all the soldiers stationed and the masters refining upstream into my world."

"The three-headed dog didn't bother you."

"I found it. I knocked out a dog's head, and now it has fled into the abyss." Po Jun's words could be said to be inconsequential, "If it wasn't for my lack of strength, how could that dog have a chance to escape?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang only wanted to say two words.


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