Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 784 News of Overlord Shield

Zhao Yang and other alchemists successively took out a drop of venom from the first bottle for research.

At this time, Qingying sent a voice transmission to the old man with white beard, "Do you really have the heart to give him the hundred refining furnace?"

"The Hundred Refining Furnace is useless to me." The white-bearded old man said with a smile, "If that kid can finish it, what's the point of giving it to him?"

Zhao Yang didn't dare to pretend to beep at this time.

Since the white-bearded old man dared to place such a big bet, it showed that it was difficult to complete.

Zhao Yang needs to research the most antidote in the shortest time.

His brain was working fast.

He is analyzing, he is researching, and he is sorting out.

Time passed slowly.

When the first day passed, Zhao Yang researched five antidotes;

By the end of the second day, Zhao Yang had researched nine antidotes.

Halfway through the third day, Zhao Yang had researched the tenth antidote, but he looked at the time and it was still the No. 11 poison.

According to the difficulty, Zhao Yang has no time to research the No. 11 antidote.

But Zhao Yang didn't want to give up.

He wants to try.

He analyzed the No. 11 poisons, and when the analysis was completed, his eyes showed ecstasy.


Many ingredients of the No. 11 poison are the same as the highly toxic ingredients in the gas chamber before.

After realizing this, Zhao Yang quickly performed an autopsy.

When there were still 3 minutes before the end, Zhao Yang finally researched the antidote.

At this time, his brain felt dizzy.

He knew it was due to overuse of the brain.

"Okay, the time is up, the assessment is over." The white-bearded old man said at this time.

Everyone stopped one after another.

However, everyone's faces were not very good-looking, and they were obviously not satisfied with their respective results.

The white-bearded old man inspected it before saying, "Canglin of the Cang clan has researched five kinds of antidote, Yuanyi of the Yuan clan has researched five kinds of antidote, Shimian of the Shi clan has researched five kinds of antidote, and Guo Xiaoyue has researched six kinds of antidote. An antidote." Having said this, the white-bearded old man paused.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yang one after another.

"Human Zhao Yang has researched eleven kinds of antidote." When the white-bearded old man said this, even he thought it was unbelievable. It is absolutely impossible to research eleven kinds of antidote."

"Yes, No.11 antidote is twice as difficult as the tenth antidote, but luckily I am familiar with many ingredients of this venom." Zhao Yang explained softly, "I can only attribute this to my luck."

"Luck?" The white-bearded old man said with emotion, "Luck is also a kind of strength."

Speaking of this, the old man with white beard waved his hand, and pills appeared one after another in front of everyone.

"This is your reward."

After Yuan Yi and the others put away the pills, they looked at the three top-grade pills at the holy level in front of Zhao Yang, not to mention envious in their hearts.

What they got was quasi-sage-level elixir, which was not even a star behind Zhao Yang.

More importantly, there was a small stove in front of Zhao Yang, which was emitting a dazzling holy light at this moment.

"Holy Treasure."

"Hundred refining furnace."

"There's no way to stop him."

If the saints of all races joined forces before, they might have killed Zhao Yang, but now that Zhao Yang has obtained the Hundred Refining Furnace, they no longer have the slightest possibility.

Two saints.

You want to kill two saints in an instant, how many saints do you have to use?

"Thank you, senior." Zhao Yang immediately signed a contract with Bailian Furnace.

Zhao Yang is not stupid.

He believed that when he went out, how many pairs of eyes were staring at him?

And after signing the contract with Bailian Furnace, those saints will be wary.

"I'll give you three days to rest, and the fourth test will take place in three days." The white-bearded old man disappeared after saying this.

Zhao Yang summoned a tent, and then hid in the tent to rest.

As for safety.

He wasn't worried at all.

But at this time, the incomparably shocked voice of Bailian Furnace came from Zhao Yang's body.

"What's the matter? There are two holy treasures in your body? No, one is incomplete? There is also a quasi-sacred treasure. Wait, what is this? Oh my god, could this be the legendary quasi-emperor?" A super medicine king, right? No, how could the medicine king follow you? Your potential isn’t that great either? Isn’t the medicine king following an existence qualified to become an emperor?”

"I said, can you be more peaceful?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"I just find it unbelievable." Bailianlu replied, "Why does the Medicine King follow you?"

"To shut up."

"What if I told you that I know where the Overlord's Shield is?" Bailian Furnace said flatly.

Zhao Yang regained his energy immediately, "Is this really true?"

"Can I cheat you with this kind of thing?" Bailian Furnace pretended to be mysterious and said.

"Say it quickly."

"Don't you think I'm long-winded?"

"That was before."

"For the sake of your sincerity, I will tell you." Bailian Furnace said flatly, "The Overlord's Shield is in Xuanxuanzong."

"Xuan Xuanzong?"

"Xuanxuanzong is the holy land of the monster race in the seventh district, but it is said that Xuanxuanzong has an extraordinary background, and there may be an existence of quasi-emperor level behind it." Bailianlu explained.

"A quasi-emperor exists?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang's expression suddenly became serious.

If there is no Emperor Zhun, just go to the door and grab it.

"Xuanxuanzong's suzerain is a white ape. He pays attention to teaching without discrimination. Many human races practice in Xuanxuanzong. I think you can try it then?" Bailianlu said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it later." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Finally got the news about Bawangshield.

And if he got the Overlord Shield again, he would have three holy treasures.

Three days later, the white-bearded old man woke up Zhao Yang and the others, "Okay, now the fourth test begins."

Everyone's spirits were immediately revived.

"The fourth test is to identify the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials." The white-bearded old man said, "I will give you some fragments of the medicinal materials later, and you will conduct research and analysis on these medicinal materials."

"Senior, isn't this kind of assessment a bit easy?" Yuan Yi asked in surprise.

"The medicinal materials I gave you are specially cultivated by me. In theory, it is impossible for you to see them." The white-bearded old man said with a smile, "Now let's talk about the rewards. I will give you three hours, and within three hours, you can distinguish three kinds. Only those with medicinal properties can pass the test, and only those who can identify more than five kinds can get rewards."

"Those who identify five types can get one second-grade Duotian pill; those who identify six types can get two first-grade Duotian pills; those who identify seven types can get three top-grade Duotian pills." Dang Bai Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat when the old man Xu mentioned the three words Duotian Pill.

Seizing the Heaven Pill.

The Seizing Heaven Pill that can allow quasi-sages to step into the holy realm?

Guo Xiaoyue also became excited.

She has also heard of Duotian Pill, and she is eager to get it.

It's true that she doesn't need it, but she can give it to Zongmen.

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