Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 783 The Holy Elixir

"A strong man in the holy realm can condense a drop of holy liquid after spending three years without sleep without rest on the basis of not damaging the original source." Guo Xiaoyue explained, "Generally speaking, only the strong man in the holy realm who has no hope will Condensate the holy liquid."

"It is precisely because of this that the resource of holy liquid is so precious." Yuan Yi said with emotion, "Our clan does not even have ten drops of holy liquid."

"Is Holy Treasure okay?"

"Holy Treasure can't."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly felt bad.

Dare to love the eternal green lamp, can't you?

"Senior, shouldn't the reward for the second level be holy liquid?" What did Guo Xiaoyue suddenly realize?

"That's right, the second test is the holy liquid." Yuan Yi looked at Guo Xiaoyue and said, "But only those who score above 70 in the test are eligible to take the holy liquid."

"Scores between 71 and 80, 71 points can get one drop of holy liquid, 72 points can get two drops of holy liquid, and so on."



"If the score is 100 points, then you can get 200 drops of holy liquid."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Who doesn't want holy liquid?

And this time, as long as the test scores are high, they are eligible to get the holy liquid, right?

"Now the assessment begins." Speaking of the numbers on the test paper appearing here, everyone's eyes fell on the test paper.

After Zhao Yang glanced at it, he took a pen and started to write.

Don't think about plagiarism here, let alone whispering.

Doing small tricks under Emperor Zhun's nose, you can only say that you think you have lived too long.

About half an hour later, Zhao Yang finished. He checked it and put down the pen in his hand.

He didn't bother others, but waited quietly.

But Zhao Yang's behavior has brought some pressure to others, because some of them have only done half of it, and some have not even done half of it?

When the bell rang, everyone stopped in unison.

"Let me take a look at your test papers." The white-bearded old man said calmly.

Not long after, he said calmly, "Now I only announce the scores above 60 points, and those below 60 points will be automatically eliminated."

"Hu Shengxun of the human race has 62 points, Zhang Desheng of the human race has 64 points, Li Dabiao of the human race has 66 points, and Guo Xiaoyue of the human race has 78 points."

"Cangzu Cangmi 61 points, Cangzu Canglin 72 points."

"Yuanzu Yuan Road has 62 points, and Yuanzu Yuanyi has 71 points."

"Stone Family Shihe has 60 points, and Shi Family Asbestos has 72 points."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhao Yang in unison.

The one who completed the assessment within half an hour was actually eliminated?

Looking at everyone's playful smiles, Zhao Yang's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Besides, Zhao Yang of the human race has 100 points." When the old man with white beard fell to the words, all the monks in the audience were shocked.

Full score?

"This guy." Guo Xiaoyue looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said.

Theory has always been Guo Xiaoyue's strong point, but now she is crushed by Zhao Yang.

"If you score less than 60, I'll send you out." The white-bearded old man sent everyone out of the alchemy realm with a wave of his hand.

"Zhang Yuan, why did you come out?" Guo Xiaotian hurriedly asked.

Zhang Yuan said with a mournful face, "We were eliminated."

"Eliminated?" Guo Xiaotian asked after a moment of pondering, "What was assessed?"

Zhang Yuan explained the content of the assessment, and when he said that Zhao Yang scored [-] points in the test, all the monks present were shocked.

One must know that Guo Xiaoyue, who is as strong as Guo Xiaoyue, only scored 78 points in the test, how could Zhao Yang get a full score in the test?

"If you say that, wouldn't Zhao Yang have obtained 200 drops of holy liquid?" A master of the Yuan clan said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes were full of envy.

200 drops of holy liquid.

It is true that there are some hidden places in the major holy places, but there are not so many hidden places.

It's not that they didn't think about snatching in their hearts, but when they thought that Zhao Yang had the sword of the seventh general, Fulu, they had no choice but to suppress this thought.

You must know that Zhao Yang has such sacred treasures as the Evergreen Lantern, unless they can kill the Evergreen Lantern in an instant, otherwise as long as the Evergreen Lantern can protect Zhao Yang even for an instant, they will have to finish the game.

In such a situation, who would you say would dare?

Looking at Zhao Yang's bottle of holy liquid, Yuan Yi and the others felt envious in their hearts.

"Next is the third level of assessment." After the white-bearded old man's voice fell, everyone appeared in a new room, and there were different numbers of sealed venom bottles in this room.

"I believe you can smell what is in these bottles with your sense of smell?" The white-bearded old man said with a smile, "Yes, these are venoms, I will give you three days, you analyze these venoms, and make corresponding Antidote."

"Senior, what are the assessment criteria?" Shimian asked.

"Three kinds of antidotes can be considered to meet the standard, and those who can make five kinds of antidotes can get rewards." The white-bearded old man looked at Shimian and said, "Now let's talk about rewards. Those who made five kinds of antidotes can get one For quasi-sage-level second-grade advanced pills, those who make six kinds of antidotes can get two quasi-sage-level first-grade advanced pills, and those who make seven kinds of antidotes can get three quasi-sage-level top-grade advanced pills. "

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

A quasi-sage-level advanced pill?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"Where are the eight antidotes made?" Cang Lan's little heart started beating when he asked this sentence.

He is eager to know how rich the rewards of the eight antidotes are?

"Those who make eight kinds of antidotes can get one advanced pill of the second grade of the holy realm, those who make nine kinds of antidotes can get two advanced pills of the first grade of the holy realm, and those who make ten kinds of antidotes can get Get three top-grade advanced pills of the Holy Realm."

Hearing this, the Evergreen Lantern became excited, "Zhao Yang, you must research ten kinds of antidote." The Evergreen Lantern has been stuck in its current state for a long time, and it is eager to improve its strength.

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang said confidently, "I'm here."

Then Zhao Yang looked at the old man with white beard and said, "What if I researched eleven kinds?"

"If you can research eleven kinds, I will give you a hundred refining furnaces of alchemy and holy treasures." The white-bearded old man said without thinking.

Holy treasure?

Hundred refining furnace?

Hearing this, Yuan Yi and the others showed burning colors in their eyes.

Who doesn't want Holy Treasure?

"Okay, this is what you said, senior." Zhao Yang said hurriedly.

Looking at Zhao Yang's expression, everyone felt as if Zhao Yang regarded the Bailian Furnace as his.

"I have to remind you that the difficulty of venom increases gradually from left to right." The white-bearded old man said again, "If there are no problems, then let's start now."

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