Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 673 Points Rules

"Senior Sister Hui'er's progress will definitely not exceed mine." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying, "We'll talk about it after the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is opened."

"Spirit Beast Mountain Range?"

After Zhao Yang told Zhu Ya about the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, Zhu Ya asked excitedly, "My lord, can I participate then?"


"Will I drag you down?" Zhu Ya immediately thought of something else.

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Besides, don't I feel ashamed, why can't ten gods be ashamed to protect you?"

Hearing this, Zhu Ya felt relieved.

"Let's improve your cultivation while there is still time." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Remember not to upgrade to the seventh floor."

For the rest of the time, Zhao Yang practiced quietly here.

Without the nourishment of the Dao charm of the ancient corpse, Zhao Yang has the nourishment of the glazed aura of the glazed mirror and the light of Wanjia's lights from the eternal green lamp, so his cultivation progress has not fallen.

Three months passed like this.

That day Zhao Yang suddenly felt a tremor when he was enjoying the shade in the courtyard.

His eyes looked towards the northwest.

"What happened?" Xiang Hanyu walked out of the room with some anxiety.

Zhao Yang did not respond.

Fairy Mingyue came here after a dozen or so breaths.

"Master Zhao, the Spirit Beast Mountain Range has opened, we should go there." Fairy Mingyue said with a smile.

Zhao Yang glanced at Fairy Mingyue, "Fairy Mingyue's aura is much more mellow than it was three months ago. It seems that Fairy Mingyue has gained a lot from enlightenment in these three months."

"It's a pity that I couldn't discuss the Dao with you, Mr. Zhao." Fairy Mingyue smiled.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang did not continue this topic.

When he came to the square, Zhao Yang saw more than 20 disciples who were ready to go.

Apart from those from Weiyang Palace, these disciples also belonged to Tianque Palace and Wanlai Palace.

The three giants of the human race have also arrived.

"I'm sure you've all heard about how dangerous the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is." Palace Master Tianque glanced at everyone and said, "What I want to tell you is that the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is ten times more terrifying than you imagined."

The words of Palace Master Tianque shocked everyone.

Are the Spirit Beast Mountains so scary?

"You must unite after arriving at the Spirit Beast Mountain Range." Palace Master Wan Lai said with narrowed eyes, "If you let me know who did something that endangered the ethnic group, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

Wan Lai Palace knew that there would inevitably be filth between monks, but this matter was related to the life and death of the ethnic group, no matter how big the conflict was before, it had to be put aside for the time being.

"I hope everyone can come back." Palace Mistress Weiyang's eyes were full of hope.

Just when everyone was about to leave through the gate of space, Tianshu said suddenly, "I have something to say."

"Say." The Tianque Palace Master said.

Tianshu pointed to Zhao Yang and said, "I believe that Zhao Yang has the strength to be a quasi-sage disciple, but his maids and servants are not qualified to go?" After a pause, Tianshu continued, "I'm not saying this against Zhao Yang, but the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is extremely dangerous, we don't have much confidence in protecting ourselves, and we really don't have the confidence to take care of the two oil bottles."

"Tug oil bottle?" Xiang Hanyu clenched his fist, "Believe it or not, I can severely injure you within ten strokes?"

"It's up to you?" Tianshu sneered.

"Then you just take my punch." Xiang Hanyu shouted loudly, and punched Tianshu.

This punch made the space rumble;

With this punch, the strength of the fist swept in all directions;

This punch was born like a horned dragon roaring.

Tianshu's expression suddenly changed, he took a step back and then punched him.

When the two pairs of fists collided in mid-air, Tianshu felt a tingling pain, and the tyrannical counter-shock force made him take a step back, two steps, three steps.

"You..." Tianshu looked at Xiang Hanyu with an ugly face.

Xiang Hanyu was still waiting to make a move when Zhao Yang reprimanded him, "Okay, let's stop."

Xiang Hanyu bowed and said yes, and then obediently stood behind Zhao Yang.

At this time, the eyes of the audience looking at Zhao Yang changed.

what's the situation?

Xiang Hanyu defeated Tianshu in a head-to-head confrontation, but Xiang Hanyu called Zhao Yang his master, so how powerful Zhao Yang must be?

"Okay, let's take this as a small episode before the big battle. After arriving at the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, I hope everyone will watch over and help each other." Wei Young said with a smile.

Immediately, everyone walked into the space door one by one.

And when Zhao Yang was about to disappear, Wei Young's sound transmission sounded in his ears.

"Please also ask Mr. Zhao to take care of Mingyue."

Zhao Yang didn't respond, just nodded inaudibly.

Spirit Beast Mountains.

When Zhao Yang and his group looked at the shadowy figures in the front area, their expressions became serious.

The aura permeating those figures was very gloomy and terrifying.

"Do we have to go through this jungle to reach the Spirit Beast Mountain Range?" A girl asked with a pale face.

"It seems that we have to prepare for a hard fight." Tianshu said with a serious face.

"Zhao Yang, let's take the lead later." Mingyue came to Zhao Yang's side at this time and said softly.

Zhao Yang handed Mingyue three scrolls.

"This is a scroll that I refined in my spare time. You should keep it close to your body." Zhao Yang said.

"Thank you." Mingyue suddenly thought of something when she said this, "By the way, you must remember not to use high-level scrolls or magic weapons."


"High-level scrolls and magic weapons will be identified by the masters of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, and they will be punished at that time." Fairy Mingyue said seriously, "Of course there is nothing wrong with the scrolls you forge, even if the scrolls you forge can Across the small realm, your mana fluctuations will be detected by the higher-ups of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range."

Zhao Yang snorted.

He handed each of Xiang Hanyu and Zhu Ya a universe bag.

"Take a look at the things in the Qiankun bag. If we separate at that time, these things will not have much problem protecting you." Zhao Yang said softly.

For example, in Zhu Ya's universe bag, there are three scrolls refined by Zhao Yang on the sixth floor of Jade Wonderland and ten scrolls refined on the fifth floor of Jade Wonderland.

If these are not enough to protect themselves, there is still a statue of Zhao Yang in the universe bag.

It didn't take long for the arrogance of various races to arrive here one after another, and their faces changed when they saw the majestic monster.

But at this time, no one moved.

I don't know how long it has passed, and an old voice rang out in the audience.

"Next, as long as the monks who set foot in the front area will automatically get a token to monitor your record."

"The token will record the level of the monster you killed."

"You will get one point for killing a monster on the sixth floor of Jade Wonderland; you will get ten points for killing a monster on the seventh floor of Jade Wonderland; you will get one hundred points for killing a monster on the eighth floor of Jade Wonderland ;You who kill a Jade Immortal on the ninth floor will get 1 points; kill a Jade Immortal on the tenth floor, you will get [-] points."

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