Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 672 Spirit Beast Mountain Range

Palace Mistress Weiyang's study.

Zhao Yang sat down calmly.

Palace Master Weiyang looked Zhao Yang up and down and said, "Is your master Dongxuan?"

"Dongxuan is dead." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Dongxuan is dead?" Palace Mistress Weiyang was shocked.

Before they guessed that the quasi-sage behind Zhao Yang was Dongxuan?

The reason why Zhao Yang answered like this is that he didn't want to tell Wei Young the answer.

"I just got the news that the Wu Clan announced the closure of the mountain." Wei Young said softly.

Zhao Yang's eyes dimmed.

Does he know what that means?

"The quasi-sage of the witch clan did not fall, but he was severely injured. Without hundreds of years of cultivation, he would not be able to recover at all." Wei Young continued.

The Wu Clan has always been the confidant of the Human Clan.

Now the quasi-sage of the Wu Clan has been severely injured, and the Wu Clan has even announced the closure of the mountain. This is good news for the Human Race.

"Is there any ethnic group targeted by the human race now?"

"After the destruction of the evil spirit clan, all the clans have calmed down temporarily." Wei Young said with a smile, "The human race can breathe a sigh of relief again."

At this time, a girl with a peerless face walked in.

Her every frown and smile are natural.

It's hard to find flaws in her.

"Palace Master, Palace Master Wan Lai and Palace Master Tianque are here to visit." The girl said respectfully.

"I see." Wei Young pointed at Zhao Yang and said, "Mingyue, this is Zhao Yang."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for turning the tide this time." Mingyue said and bowed to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yangxu gave a hand and said, "We are all human, so we should watch out for each other and help each other."

Mingyue looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said, "Young Master Zhao, did you get the Sky Star Grass?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Mr. Zhao, if you don't get the Star Grass, Mingyue is willing to give you the one she got." Mingyue said in an extremely serious tone.

Wei Young changes color.

You must know that this is the Star Grass.

Only Mingyue has obtained the three top forces of the human race.

But now Mingyue wants to give the Star Grass to Zhao Yang?

"Mingyue knows how to be grateful, not a bad child." At this time, the master of Tianque Palace led a young man into the room.

The young man saw that the depths of Mingyue's eyes were full of scorching color.

The bright moon is really beautiful.

"Wanhao, you have to hold on tight, otherwise Mingyue will be abducted." Palace Master Wan Lai walked in immediately, followed by a young man, but that young man was a bit shy.

He looked at the bright moon only secretly.

"It's not that easy to marry my Mingyue." Wei Young said with a smile, "My Mingyue will inherit my lineage."

In fact, Palace Master Wan Lai and Palace Master Tianque were also playing a joke.

Mingyue's status makes it impossible to marry Marriott or Tianshu.

Unless you meet an extremely stunning man.

"Why do you have time to come to my place?" Wei Young greeted.

"Isn't the Spirit Beast Mountain Range going to open soon? What we want is for them to compete with each other." Tianque Palace Master said softly, "One can enhance each other's strength, and the other can also increase each other's feelings."

The relationship that Palace Master Tianque mentioned is naturally not the relationship between a man and a woman.

"Yes, when the time comes, they will be able to help each other when they go." Palace Master Wan Lai nodded and said, "You also know that many disciples will fall every time the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is opened. I am worried that some forces will join forces to kill our people.”

"This has to be guarded against." Wei Young thought for a while before saying.

"What happened to the opening of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"The Spirit Beast Mountain Range is opened every 1000 years. As long as you feel that your strength is good, then you can go to the Spirit Beast Mountain Range." Fairy Mingyue explained softly, "But the periphery of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is full of monsters, we need to go through The encirclement of monsters can reach the Spirit Beast Mountain Range."


"That's right." Fairy Mingyue nodded and said, "Warcraft are naturally ferocious and powerful."

"What about the Spirit Beast Mountain Range?"

"The Spirit Beast Mountain Range will give you corresponding spirit beasts based on the points of the monsters you kill."

"Are there spirit beasts with quasi-holy potential in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range?"

"Haha, do you still want to get a spirit beast with quasi-sage potential?" Tian Shu seemed to have heard the best joke in the world.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang looked at Tian Shu in confusion.

"If you want to obtain the quasi-holy potential spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, you need to kill ten monsters from the tenth floor of the Jade Wonderland."

"Is it difficult?" Zhao Yang's words stunned everyone.

"The combat power of monsters is already strong, not to mention surpassing our four small realms." Wan Hao looked at Zhao Yang and said, "By the way, the cultivation level must not exceed the sixth floor of Jade Wonderland."

"Our cultivation base is roughly equivalent to that of the eighth-level monsters in the Jade Wonderland, but it is very difficult for us to kill an eighth-level monster." Fairy Mingyue said seriously, "Because the monsters in that area can get a steady stream of supplements. .”

"You mean that those who encounter the ninth floor will run away?"

"If you want to deal with the ninth floor, you must join forces with quasi-sacred blood, but even if you join forces to kill each other, you will probably be powerless."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang understood why Tianshu said that it was almost impossible to achieve.

According to their logic, if you encounter the tenth floor of Jade Wonderland, think about running away.

Of course, if more than a dozen geniuses with quasi-sacred blood join forces, it is not impossible to severely injure or even kill them.

The question is, where do you go to gather a dozen geniuses with quasi-sacred blood?

Besides, you want to kill ten heads?

But is this a problem for Zhao Yang?

You have crossed less small realms, does it mean that I have crossed less?

"In the next few days, you guys will have a good conversation together?" Wei Young said with a smile.

After the few people left the study, Marriott asked a little shyly, "Where should we go to communicate?"

"Go to my mountain." Fairy Mingyue said softly.

"Okay." Tian Shu said hurriedly.

"I won't go." Zhao Yang thought about it and refused.

It's not that Zhao Yang doesn't want to communicate with them, but that he doesn't think it's interesting to communicate with them.

Zhao Yang left as soon as he said, without giving Fairy Mingyue a chance to stay.

"Why is this guy crazy?" Tian Shu snorted coldly.

"He didn't take us seriously." Wan Hao was also a little upset.


Everyone is a quasi-saint disciple, who is more noble than whom?

"Master Zhao may have something to do." Fairy Mingyue said softly.

What can she say?

I can only help Zhao Yang to cover up.

Zhao Yang returned to the courtyard prepared for him by Weiyang Palace.

Zhu Ya immediately greeted her.


"How is it here?"

"The practice environment here is very good, and I like the atmosphere here." Zhu Ya expressed her inner thoughts.

"Where's Xiang Hanyu?"

"Practice in his room."

Zhao Yang took a look and didn't bother.

He didn't care about Xiang Hanyu's thoughts.

"My lord, you got a lot of resources this time, do you want to send them to Miss Hui'er?"

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