Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 660 Encirclement and Suppression of Zongmen

"That's all I'm talking about." Yuan Jin'er said with a smile, "By the way, when will you give Zongmen the pill?"

"Wait until I have stabilized my cultivation, so it will be a month later." Xu Huier said after thinking about it.

"Then we will go together."

"What do you make the suzerain think?" Xu Huier shook his head and said.

"makes sense."

"You must refine your formation, understand?" Xu Huier looked at Yuan Jiner and said, "This may save our lives in the future."

"I understand." Yuan Jin'er never relaxed.

Yuan Jin'er has been studying the formation method intensively these years, and the area around Yue Xiufeng is covered with dense formations.

A month later, Xu Hui'er went to the suzerain Bai Yunfei after she had stabilized her realm.

After arriving at the peak of Bai Yunfei, Xu Huier saluted respectfully, "Huier has seen the suzerain."

Bai Yunfei greeted Xu Huier to take his seat.

"Sect Master, my junior asked me to give these resources to the sect." Xu Huier said and handed a universe bag to Bai Yunfei.

After Bai Yunfei took it, he glanced at it, and his Lianshan showed surprise.

These pills are from the early and middle stages of Jade Wonderland, and with these resources, the sect's disciples can go further.

"Thank Zhao Yang for me." Bai Yunfei said softly.

"I will." Xu Huier changed her voice when she said this, "Sect Master, if there is nothing else, I will step down first."

Not long after Xu Huier left, Bai Yunfei summoned several elders of the sect and the young pavilion master.

"This is the resource that Zhao Yang gave to the sect, how do you distribute it?" Bai Yunfei said as he summoned the pill from the Qiankun bag.

"Given by Zhao Yang?" The second elder was stunned, "He came to the sect?"

"No, Xu Huier gave it to me." After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, the second elder said with a serious face, "Xu Huier is guarding the sect."

"That's right, these resources were given to Xu Huier by Zhou Yunlong four months ago, but Xu Huier waited four months before giving them to you, the suzerain. What does she mean?" the third elder echoed.

"What do you mean?" the elder scolded, "You must know that Zhao Yang doesn't have any feelings for the sect. The reason why he still supports the sect is Xu Huier. You are here to hurt Xu Huier maliciously, don't you worry about Zhao Yang? Will you ignore the sect in the future?"

"Zhao Yang is also a disciple of Dongxuanzong, so it's only natural for him to help the sect." The third elder said coldly, "In addition, Xu Huier is also a disciple of the sect, but now she deliberately delays it for four months, because she is worried that the sect will snatch her. Is it her chance?"

"I saw Xu Hui'er when I came here just now. Her cultivation base has been raised to the fifth level of Jade Wonderland. Doesn't the suzerain think that she is guarding against the sect?" The second elder said with gloomy eyes.

"Enough." The Great Elder was furious, "Why is Xu Hui'er like this? Don't you all know it well?"

"Great Elder, what do you mean?" The Second Elder asked, looking at the Great Elder with fixed eyes.

"What do I mean? Without your guidance, how could your disciples isolate Xu Hui'er and Yuan Jin'er?" the Great Elder said with a sullen face.

"Great Elder, don't change the subject. Xu Huier's defense against the sect is a fact after all." The third elder said calmly.

But when the elder was arguing, Bai Yan remained silent like an outsider.

But how could Bai Yunfei fail to see that the instigator of all this is most likely Bai Yan?

Dongxuanzong Mountain Gate!

A figure quietly appeared here.

This figure is none other than Zhao Yang's shame.

Originally, Zhao Yang's shame should have arrived several years later. Coincidentally, he met a business group on the way. After he paid a certain fee, it took less than half a year to arrive.

Ashamed is actually not a puppet, he has some ideas of Zhao Yang.

After thinking about it for a while, Shengui Naying sneaked into the sect.

Ashamed, I want to know how the sect has developed over the years?

When he passed by a valley, he heard several disciples talking about Xu Huier.

"Xu Hui'er is going to be unlucky this time." A man in white shirt said with a smile.

"Senior brother Liu, how do you know?" There were more than a dozen young men and women beside the white-clothed man.

"I just got the news that Xu Huier delayed the resources that should have been given to the sect for four months, and now the elders of the sect are planning to blame Xu Huier." Liu Baizong's eyes flickered coldly when he said this.

Liu Baizong is also a true disciple.

He has always liked Yuan Jin'er all these years, but Yuan Jin'er likes Zhao Yang instead.

Do you think he can't be angry?

If you can't get it, then destroy it.

When Xu Huier fell, Yuan Jiner also had to fall.

He desperately wanted to see Yuan Jin'er's downfall.


"That's right, very happy."

"These two women have relied on Zhao Yang's resources to run rampant in the sect, and now they have finally received their retribution."

Zhao Yang wanted to kill them when he heard this, but then he thought of something, and walked towards the distance.

Not far away, Zhao Yang saw several disciples talking about Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner.

"Senior sister Xu Huier is going to be unlucky this time."

"That's right, Senior Sister Xu Huier has been keeping a low profile all these years, but I didn't expect to be suppressed like this."

"Senior Sister Xu Huier and Senior Sister Yuan Jiner's cultivation is higher than that of the young pavilion master. This is the original sin."

"You mean that there is the instruction of the young pavilion master behind this?"

"Don't you think so?"

Ashamed to stop and go, he found that the disciples of the entire sect were talking about Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner.

Yue Xiufeng!

Xiaoxia hurriedly ran to the courtyard.

"Miss, it's not good." Xiaoxia's face was full of uneasiness.

"What's wrong?" Xu Huier pushed the door and came out.

"The sect is now talking about your obedience and disobedience." Xiaoxia said in a panic.

Xu Huier's expression changed, "Go and call Yuan Jiner here."

After Yuan Jiner arrived, Xu Huier told the story again.

"The top leaders of the sect are building momentum." Yuan Jin'er said with a serious face, "What should we do now?"

"How many formations have you drawn?" Xu Huier looked at Yuan Jiner and said.

"The time is short, so I only drew four pictures." Yuan Jin'er said with a wry smile.

Yuan Jin'er drew more than 20 formations in the early days of Yuxian. The problem is that formations of that level don't have much effect.

"Are you bringing them all with you?" Xu Hui'er said in a deep voice.

"Bring them all." Yuan Jin'er said and handed Xu Huier two formation maps.

"We'll just wait here. If the sect really wants to harm us, we'll go out." Xu Hui'er said in a deep voice.

Xu Hui'er really didn't want to go down this road, but now it seems that there is probably no other way.

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