Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 659 Xu Huier's Worries

"In addition to this, there is a Kongtong leaf, and this Kongtong leaf is also prepared for Yiren."

"Remember, don't tell anyone about this matter except you, Jiner and Yiren, not even the elders of the sect, or Zhou Yunlong who brought you the medicine."

"In addition, some of the bottles and jars inside are top-quality pills that I have refined. You can keep some of these pills and give the rest to Zongmen."

"Also, practice hard."

After listening to it, Xu Huier was very moved.

She didn't expect that Zhao Yangyuan wanted to give herself such a precious resource 300 million kilometers away.

"Senior, can you wait a moment, I want to leave a message for my junior brother." Xu Huier looked at Zhou Yunlong and said.

"I'm not in a hurry." Zhou Yunlong said with a smile.

What did he hear from Xu Huier's words?

Junior Brother?

Xu Hui'er is far inferior to Zhao Yang in terms of cultivation and background, so why does she dare to call Zhao Yang a junior?

Therefore, the relationship between the two is definitely not simple.

After half an hour, Xu Huier handed Zhou Yunlong a Qiankun bag, "Senior, here is what I gave to my junior brother."

"Don't worry, I will definitely hand over these things to Zhao Yang safely."

After Zhou Yunlong left, Xu Huier bid farewell to Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei smiled wryly.

In fact, he could guess that Zhao Yang probably gave Xu Huier rare resources again.

But what can he do?

He really wanted to fight for Bai Yan.

The problem is that Zhao Yang doesn't like Bai Yan at all.

As for snatching Xu Huier's resources?

He can do it.

But what if Zhao Yang returns to Dongxuanzong in the future?Can Dong Xuanzong block Zhao Yang's anger?

the answer is negative.

Therefore, no matter how unbalanced Bai Yunfei was in his heart, he couldn't show this imbalance on his face.

"Jiner." Xu Huier called Yuan Jiner out when he came to Yue Xiufeng.

Yuan Jin'er stretched, "Is he sleeping?"

"Why do you sleep?" Xu Huier said with a smile, "Where is Yiren?"

"Is Yi Ren practicing in her master's room?" Yuan Jin'er muttered, "Why do you think this pair of master and apprentice are so keen on practicing? Zhao Yang is fine, Yi Ren has been practicing desperately since she came to Yue Xiufeng. How long has it been, she is already a fairy."

"I'll call Yiren." Xu Huier came to Zhao Yang's room after speaking.

When Xu Hui'er knocked on the room, there was a pleasant voice from the door.

"Little aunt, what's the matter?"

"I have news about your master."

The next moment the door was pushed open, and Yi Ren's face was filled with anxiety, "What did Master say?"

"Come with me to Jin'er's room." Xu Huier pulled Yi Ren's little hands.

After arriving at Yuan Jin'er's room, Xu Huier took out the first box and handed it to Yi Ren, "This is the resource for the first stage of Jade Wonderland that your master prepared for you."

Yi Ren opened the box curiously.

When she saw the delicate and beautiful leaves, there was an incredible look in her eyes.

"Kongtong leaf?"

Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner looked at each other, and they both saw something in each other's eyes.

Kongtong leaves?

The two of them had never seen this kind of resource before, but Yi Ren could tell it at a glance.

It's not that simple.

"This is the resource for the second stage of Jade Wonderland that your master prepared for you." Xu Huier said and handed Yi Ren another brocade box.

A lotus seed lay quietly in the brocade box.

"Earth core lotus seed? Where did Master get it?" Yi Ren's face was full of shock.

Do you know that even if it is her lineage that wants to get these things, it depends on chance?

"By the way, your master has also refined a lot of top-quality pills. Let's see what you need?" Xu Huier took out some bottles and jars.

There is a label on each bottle, what kind of elixir is marked on it, and what effect does it have?

"They are all top-quality pills." Yi Ren was shocked.

Immediately, Yi Ren chose some medicinal pills that were useful to her.

"Did Master tell me anything?" Yi Ren asked with hope in his eyes.

Xu Huier wanted to say no.

But she still smiled and said, "Your master told you to practice hard."

"I will." Yi Ren showed a mouthful of silver teeth, which was really pretty.

After Yi Ren left, Yuan Jin'er asked, "Did Junior Brother leave me any words?"


"Junior brother is really eccentric." Yuan Jin'er stomped her feet.

Yuan Jin'er knew very well that Xu Huier was largely responsible for being on the Zhao Yang list.

"This is prepared for you by the younger brother." Xu Huier smiled and handed Yuan Jiner a brocade box.

"This one looks the same as Yi Ren's." Yuan Jin'er glanced at it and replied.

"This is the seventh-ranked lotus seed in the center of the earth." Xu Huier said softly.

"Ranked seventh?"

"According to my understanding, only the blood of saints is eligible to use such high-ranking resources." Xu Huier said in a deep voice, "Therefore, this matter must not be leaked."

"I know."

"In addition, I noticed that the suzerain seems to be dissatisfied with Zhao Yang." Xu Huier whispered, "I don't know if the suzerain will take risks?"

Xu Huier is kind and true, but it doesn't mean she is stupid.

She saw the dissatisfaction flashing in Bai Yunfei's eyes in her heart.

"The suzerain should not do such a stupid thing." Yuan Jiner said after a while of silence, "After all, if the junior brother comes back in the future, how will the suzerain explain to him?"

"In short, the two of us should try our best to keep a low profile." Xu Huier said solemnly.

"I know."

"Are these bottles and jars given to the sect by the junior brother?"

"Junior brother said that the two of us will keep what we need, and the rest will be given to the sect."

"In this way, the two of us will use the earth core lotus seeds to improve our cultivation first, and then give the rest of the elixir to the suzerain after our cultivation is completely stable." Yuan Jin'er said after pondering for a while.

"Alright." Xu Huier nodded.

Xu Hui'er and Yuan Jin'er were in the limelight in Dongxuanzong.

But in this way, how do you let Bai Yan deal with himself?

One must know that Bai Yan is the young pavilion master.

The cultivation of the young pavilion master is not as good as the two true disciples of the sect?

This is simply a slap in the face.

At this time, Yuan Jin'er and Xu Huier could only keep a low profile, after all most of the elders of the sect were on Bai Yan's side.

To put it bluntly, the two of them don't have enough background and strength to compete against these guys.

Three months later, Xu Hui'er and Yuan Jin'er left the customs one after another, and their cultivation bases were also promoted to the fifth floor of Jade Wonderland.

"If the two of us can reach the high level of Jade Wonderland, I don't think the sect will dare to touch us." Yuan Jin'er said leisurely.

Yuan Jin'er is eager to improve her cultivation.

"Cultivation requires one step at a time. We must not rush to improve our cultivation level." Xu Huier looked at Yuan Jiner warningly.

Xu Huier was worried that Yuan Jiner would ruin his future.

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