Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 630 Pulling the Tiger Flag

Both Yuan Jin'er and Xu Huier were shocked when they heard this number.

"In that case, wouldn't the top [-] be more expensive?" Xu Huier was stunned.

"It's no longer a question of whether it's expensive or not?" Bai Yan shook her head, "We have no qualifications to compete at all, and only mid-level sects can buy the top [-]."

"What if it's the top ten?" Yuan Jin'er regretted after asking this sentence.

"Top ten?" Bai Yan said with a sneer, "The resources in the top ten are hard to come by, even quasi-sage disciples may not be able to get the resources in the top ten." Er'er's bad attitude is also because Bai Yan found out that he is not the opponent of these two.

This dealt a huge blow to Bai Yan's self-esteem.

You must know that she is the Young Pavilion Master of Dongxuanzong.

"I don't know what kind of resources the Young Pavilion Master is using?" Yuan Jin'er asked with a smile.

"Yueluhua, the third of 160." Bai Yan replied with some complacency.

Bai Yunfei glared at Bai Yan.

You also use this kind of thing to publicize?

Aren't you causing a gap between Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner?

It is true that the two of them can also guess that Baiyan is taking better resources, but confirmation and guessing are two different things, okay?

At this moment, a figure came from a distance.

Seeing that figure, Xu Huier's eyes revealed an inconceivable expression.

"Junior brother." Xu Hui'er called out.

Yuan Jin'er was stunned.

He also froze when he saw that figure.

It was really Zhao Yang.

That figure came to Xu Huier's side, "Senior Sister Huier."

"Why are you back?" Xu Hui'er asked in confusion.

"I came here this time to deliver medicinal materials to Senior Sister Huier by the deity's order." Shen Gui said and handed Xu Huier a brocade box.

"Medical ingredients?" Xu Huier was startled.

"I hope Senior Sister Hui'er can follow in his footsteps in the future." Shen Gui said softly.

Xu Huier opened the brocade box, and there was a leaf in the brocade box.

"What is this?" Xu Hui'er asked in confusion.

"This is Kongtong leaf ranked ninth." Shen Gui explained.

The ashamed words shocked Bai Yunfei and the others.

The ninth-ranked Kongtong leaf?

"How did Zhao Yang get the Kongtong leaves?" Bai Yan swallowed dryly.

"The deity got the third-ranked Kongtong flower, and the Kongtong leaves were picked from the Kongtong flower." As Shen Gui said, his eyes fell on Xu Huier, "The deity asked me to monitor Senior Sister Huier to take it. "

Xu Hui'er hesitated for a while and took the Kongtong leaf.

The next moment Xu Huier's body burst out with a terrifying purple glow, which wrapped her whole body like a cocoon.

Xu Huier is changing and becoming stronger.

But her cultivation didn't increase much.

"This is definitely one of the top ten resources." Bai Yunfei said in shock.

Only the top ten resources have such power?

"What about mine?" Yuan Jin'er looked at God anxiously at this moment and asked in shame.

Zhao Yang shouldn't favor one person over another!

"Here you are." Shengui also handed Yuan Jin'er a brocade box.

Yuan Jin'er opened the brocade box and found that it was also a Kongtong flower.

"Why didn't you give it to me just now?" Yuan Jin'er looked at God with dissatisfaction and said in shame.

"The deity said that the priority is to satisfy Senior Sister Hui'er." Shen Gui said honestly.

"This bastard." Yuan Jin'er stomped her feet, but still took it happily.

"Yuan Jin'er, can you give me the Kongtong leaf?" Bai Yan looked at the Kongtong leaf in Yuan Jin'er's hand with burning eyes.

Yuan Jin'er swallowed the Kongtong leaf in one gulp, and then her face showed a blank look, "You...what did you say?"

Bai Yan gave Yuan Jin'er a hard look, "Just pretend."

Yuan Jin'er wanted to say something, but the purple glow wrapped her whole body.

How precious are Kongtong flowers?

How could Yuan Jin'er give Bai Yan?

According to Yuan Jin'er's guess, this Kongtong flower can at least improve the potential of her and Xu Huier by two or three small realms.

In addition, the Kongtong flower can also greatly improve the combat effectiveness.

I didn't see that Xu Hui'er was getting stronger, but her cultivation didn't improve much?

"Well, have you prepared anything for Bai Yan?" Bai Yunfei looked at God shyly and asked.

"The number of Kongtong flowers and leaves is limited, I'm really sorry." Shengui showed an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, I'm just asking, asking." Bai Yunfei said hastily.

It is true that Bai Yunfei also wants his daughter to get the Kongtong flower, but the problem is that Zhao Yang didn't prepare it for Bai Yan at all.

Do you want to blame Zhao Yang yourself?

You know Zhao Yang gave it to Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner?

Isn't it the blessing of Dongxuanzong that these two will grow up in the future?

"Father, Zhao Yang is too biased." Bai Yan muttered.

"Who told you to give him a bad image from the beginning." Bai Yunfei glanced at Bai Yan and said.

Zhao Yang agreed to help Bai Yan before because of Bai Yunfei's face, but he can't help Bai Yan all the time, can he?

Let's talk about Zhao Yang!

Zhao Yang has been transforming after taking the Kongtong flower.

And this transformation is seven days and seven nights.

When he opened his eyes, he found that his cultivation base had been promoted to the second level of Jade Wonderland.

But Zhao Yang's strength has increased by more than five times.

He felt like he could kill him with a single punch.

"My lord, how are you?" Zhu Ya ran over and asked.

"The power of the Kongtong flower is almost exhausted by me." Zhao Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Then son, don't you still need to find rare resources after you reach the middle level of Jade Wonderland?" Zhu Ya asked the question that was concerned in her heart.

"From the second floor to the fourth floor of Jade Wonderland, it's not something that can be reached in a short period of time." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Take your time."

Zhao Yang never thought of achieving it overnight.

Otherwise, how will you become a quasi-sage in the future?

"Is Xiang Hanyu back?"

"I came back three days ago. After seeing you in seclusion, he went to the imperial city to inquire about news." Zhu Ya replied.

"Then we'll wait for him here." Zhao Yang said softly.

Half a day later, Xiang Hanyu came here.

"How's the investigation going?"

"According to my investigation, the reason why the royal family of the Great Ancient Dynasty dared to be so arrogant is because there is a golden crow standing behind them."

"Golden Crow?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "Is it the Golden Crow I beat up that day?"

"That Golden Crow's bloodline is pure, but this Golden Crow's bloodline is impure, but it is the existence of the pinnacle of Jade Immortal." Xiang Hanyu introduced respectfully.

"anything else?"

"The golden crow with impure blood is somewhat related to the golden crow you beat up before."

"What is the origin of that little Golden Crow?"

"That little Golden Crow ranks seventh among the younger generation in the Eastern Region, and behind him stands a powerful quasi-sage."

"So this is pulling the tiger flag?" Zhao Yang finally understood.

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